Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0305 Laobi wants to become a vegetable?

The minds of Ping An, Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, Lan Shou, Mao Yi and others were almost blank.

Ping An and the others felt that Bi Qianhu had disappeared, so that was all.

Although Bi Qianhu and King Wu had very good tempers, they were old after all, and they were just an ordinary household in Huoqiying.

Xu Huaijin's identity is not trivial.

Xu Huaijin is the granddaughter of Xu Da, the hero of the founding of the country, the jewel in the palm of the Xu family, and the famous female middle school Zhuge.

Xu Huaijin's death will definitely arouse the wrath of the Xu family!
The military division of the [-] Ming army is dead!This is too demoralizing.

Most importantly, out of 6 people, there is only one woman!
Sixty thousand Ming men can't even protect a weak woman!
If you can't even protect a weak woman, how can you talk about defending your home and country? !

Speaking out, who has the face?

Wouldn't it be ridiculed by the surrounding countries if you say it?

Zhu Yunxi cursed loudly at this moment: "Xu Huaijin, what's so great?"

"Xu Huaijin, pretend to be aloof all day long! You don't want to be tied up with others, it doesn't matter if you die, let us men do it!"

"Xu Huaijin, you're losing face, we're all shameless!"

"Xu Huaijin, do you think you're good-looking, and you stand in front of me all day long? Shit, when the lights are turned off and the clothes are taken off, you're all the same!"

"Xu Huaijin, do you think you are better than my Mei Er and Lan Er? You are better than me!"

"Xu Huaijin, you are a woman, you must like to fight and kill, you are really sick!"

Zhu Yunxi found that Mao Yi's face was covered with sand, two streams were flushed out by tears, and he yelled at Mao Yi directly: "And you, Mao Yi, do you think that you are the deputy commander of Jinyiwei?"

"You are not now, you are in charge of the firearms battalion!"

"There are 500 people in the Firearms Battalion, one person is missing, and it happens to be Lao Bi!"

"Mao Yi, you should die!"

"Old Bi, you really want to die!"

Mao Yi bowed his head, not daring to say a word.

Zhu Yunxi vented for a while, relieved his depression, and waved: "Gather the troops and move on."

Pingan said: "Check the supplies, and take back everything that falls, and don't miss it."

Take it back? ?
Take it back! ! !

Zhu Yunxi's mind suddenly became clear, as if a light had flashed.

System space can be recovered!
The system space can recover items that have been exchanged.

For example, an excavator, such a huge object can be recovered in space, and then placed in Guazhou City!

The ropes tied around Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu's waists were exchanged from the system space by themselves!

This rope is also fully retractable for storage.

The rope is the clue!
Through the rope, we must be able to find out where Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu are!

Anyway, try it out.

Zhu Yunxi opened the system space and recovered the other two ropes!
Cords appear in system space, not just cords!

Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu who were tied with ropes appeared in the system space at the same time!


While retrieving the rope, Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu who were bound were also taken back to the space.

Oh my god, even people can fit in the system space!
It is simply a super infinite space!
Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu were suspended in the space, with their eyes tightly closed.

Fortunately, they are still breathing.

Zhu Yunxi wanted to take out the rope again, but he didn't know where to put it.

The terrain in this area is very flat, and taking out the rope means that Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu, who were bound by the rope, were taken out of the space at the same time.

What do you think when you find out that Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu suddenly appeared at the same time?
You have to find a place where no one is around and take them out.

After walking for a long time, the terrain of the desert has not changed much!
Looking at the system space again, Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu are still floating, nothing has changed, even the sand on their bodies is the same as when they came in.

No sand fell off Bi Qianhu's head!

In other words, after entering the system space, everything can remain as it was when entering the space!

I understand, let alone food in the system space, vegetables and the like can be stored.

This system space is equivalent to a smart refrigerator, which can keep fresh!

By the way, is it possible to put other people into the space?
Zhu Yunxi glanced at Mao Yi, and wanted to take it back in his mind, but failed.

This space, like many star hotels, refuses to take out food and drinks.

Zhu Yunxi understood that the reason why Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu were able to receive the space was mainly due to the binding of ropes.

Without the rope, it would be impossible to put Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu into the space.

After walking for a while, Zhu Yunxi found that Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu remained unchanged in space.

The system space seems to be independent of this world, and time seems to be static inside.

It's a fixed block of time.

Finally, Zhu Yunxi saw a ruined wall through the telescope.

When he was about to get there, Zhu Yunxi said, "I'm going to do something there."

Everyone was a little surprised that Zhu Yunxi's work was nothing more than solving internal emergencies.

Now, Master Xu is gone, all the people present are men, just turn your back on it, why hide behind the wall?

After Zhu Yunxi left, Chang Sheng said: "Yunxi feels uncomfortable, let's wait for him for a while."

Everyone stopped.

It's no wonder that King Wu scolded Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu just now. On the surface, he scolded, but in fact he was sad.

The man did not flick his tears easily, and King Wu couldn't control his emotions and wanted to cry, and wanted to find a place where everyone could not see him for a while.

Zhu Yunxi rushed into the abandoned wall, trying to take Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu out of the system space, but failed!
After a moment of stupefaction, I understood that you can't take people directly, you have to take the rope!

Taking out two ropes, Xu Huaijin and Bi Qianhu lay on their left and right sides respectively.

When I felt the pulse, the beating was normal and there was no problem.

Just haven't woken up yet.

Waking up is a matter of time.

Zhu Yunxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for a while, one left and one right, the two still didn't wake up!
In fact, at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang woke up.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt a little sore and dizzy. He didn't know how long it took before he found himself lying on the ground.

Looking up, the sky is full of stars.

Looking sideways, it turned out to be the handsome face of the third grandson.

The third grandson didn't look at himself, but was in a daze.

We are not dreaming, are we?

Secretly pinched the root of the thigh, it hurts, it really hurts!
We really came alive!
The first time I woke up, I saw the third grandson!
All this, what is going on?

How did it come out of the sand?

The third grandson must have found us, otherwise why would the third grandson sit next to us?

Just as he was about to get up and call Sansun, Sansun's heartfelt voice came from his mind: "Old Bi will have fallen asleep from now on, right?"

"I haven't woken up for such a long time, do I want to become a vegetable in the future?"

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