Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0297 Wu Jianjun's heinous crime

"I'm here, I'm here."

Wu Bozong suddenly agreed.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, Wu Bozong said: "I am anxious, ah, haha, I have made you worry."

Zhu Yunxi ordered the whole army to rest for one night and set off immediately the next day.

Night would have been the best time to march in the desert.

Zhu Yunxi explained that everyone was not in a hurry to catch up with Wu Nashili, so they rested at night.

At night, you can have a carnival, such as a desert bonfire, where everyone dances, sings and so on.

The most important thing is to finally cross the desert once.

Used to walk at night.

It is a pity not to stop and slowly appreciate the desert night.

For so many days, from morning to night, the entire desert has been normal except for the extreme heat during the day.

None of us had experienced the dangers mentioned before entering the desert.

Even rolling down the dunes and being buried by quicksand never happened.

It has been 20 days, and the army of 6 people has not experienced a single case of attrition.

There are so many camels and horses, and none of them are lost.

The sergeants were discussing in private, and the reason for this was the blessing of King Wu.

No wonder, from Jiayuguan to the present, every time it seems to rely on the luck of King Wu to pass the pass.

Think about these 20 days, even Hu people think that 6 people have already been buried in the sea of ​​sand.

But we live well.

All because we have a lot of Cynomorium.

The king of Wu knew that there was Cynomorium in Yumen Pass.

It is because of this that everyone will not die of starvation or thirst.

It actually lasted 20 days in the desert!
Look at the Cynomorium that I bring, it is enough for everyone!

Such a good thing grows on the land of the barbarians, and the barbarians don't even know its great efficacy and value.

It seems that this Suoyang was specially prepared for King Wu, for the [-] Ming army!
King Wu's luck was overwhelming, so all kinds of dangers in the desert were far away!

Even Zhu Yuanzhang felt that the luck of the third grandson was simply invincible.

Luck is also a necessary condition for being an emperor.

Just like at the moment of life and death in the Poyang Lake War, Chen Youliang made the mistake of Cao Cao's Chibi War in the Three Kingdoms, linking the warships together with iron chains.

If there is no wind, Chen Youliang relies on a powerful navy, and the final victory belongs to Chen Youliang.

But luck is on our side!
A miracle happened, and the wind came.

The wind from the other direction Chen Youliang is also victorious, coincidentally it is the northeast wind!
It was this rare northeast wind that allowed us to use the fire attack to put Chen Youliang to death.

The third grandson's luck is so good, doesn't it mean that he is the chosen one?

Let's do things, just like what Liu Wenbo said: Those who follow the sky have their own merits, and those who go against the sky have their own evil.

When we choose the crown prince, firstly, we must obey others, and secondly, we must obey the sky!

When we return to Yingtian, we will directly announce that the third grandson is the heir apparent of the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, the Western Regions had already been occupied and controlled. The third grandson couldn't deny the achievement of expanding the frontier!

At that time, we established the third grandson as the crown prince of Ming Dynasty, and we cut off the thoughts of the fourth son and second grandson earlier.

Zhu Yunxi ordered the carnival at night, and everyone found some dead old trees and lit a bonfire.

More than 50 envoys from the Western Regions, businessmen and some Hu captives all danced.

Zhu Yunxi was so happy that he went around on the horse's back and took out high-quality liquor from the system space.

Ping An, Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, Lan Shou, Mao Yi and others all joined together.

Zhu Yunxi knew that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want to drink with everyone, mainly because of the difference in status, so he gave him a bottle of wine and told him to drink only half a bottle at night.

Zhu Yunxi greeted Gu Qina and Wu Bozong to come together.

The two came and sat on the sand, and after drinking a few glasses of wine with everyone, Wu Bozong said: "King Wu, my lords, this is the first time General Gu is on duty tonight, so I dare not drink too much."

Gu Qina was a little strange, Wu Bozong didn't know his drinking capacity, so what if he drank too much?
What's more, in the desert, where did the enemy come from?
But Wu Bozong was sent by the King of Yan to supervise the army, and he was also a military adviser. He probably had some deep meaning when he said that.

After drinking a few more cups, Wu Bozong pulled Gu Qina aside and said in a low voice, "General Gu, do you still remember what King Yan said?"

Guchina said, "Of course I remember."

"General Gu, are you still as loyal to King Yan as before?"

Wu Bozong's eyes were piercing.

Gu Qina said: "If it wasn't for King Yan, my wife and children would have died tragically. Now, I have a farm in Daming, and my son is fortunate to be a teacher with the descendants of the royal family. This kindness will never be forgotten."

"Wu Jianjun, don't worry, my loyalty to King Yan can be learned from the world, and the sun and the moon can show it!"

Wu Bozong handed Gu Qina a long object wrapped in cloth: "General Gu, this is a sacred treasure given to King Yan by heaven!"

"General Gu must be preserved by someone! It must not be lost."

Seeing Wu Bozong's seriousness, Gu Qina asked, "Wu Jianjun, can this thing kill people?"

Wu Bozong said: "This thing, from a long distance, can kill people invisible!"

Guqina said: "When will we hand over this thing to King Yan?"

Wu Bozong looked around and said: "General Gu, tonight is our best chance to leave this place! It is also our best chance to repay King Yan!"

"Leave this place? Return?" Guqina was surprised: "How do we deal with our food and grass?"

Wu Bozong said: "General Gu, don't talk, don't be surprised, just listen to me."

"General Gu, no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to gain their trust! Ping An has always been suspicious of us."

"It's our utmost benevolence to do this."

"It's time for us to return!"

"It's possible that Daming is in chaos now!"

Guqina was even more confused. Daming is already in chaos?

"General Gu, I might as well tell you that His Majesty is dead. I have sent someone from Guazhou to send a message to General Zhu."

Ah, Guqina opened his mouth, isn't His Majesty staying in Jiayuguan?How did Supervisor Wu know that His Majesty is dead?

If His Majesty dies, King Qing, who is closest to His Majesty, should be the first to know.

"That night, I asked you to send two thousand-man teams to find General Zhu."

"At this time, General Zhu should have passed the news to King Yan."

"General Gu, your task today is to contact the former headquarters of the Guifu Army, and return the same way while everyone is asleep!"

Guzina was even more surprised.

For him, it was easy for him to contact the old department of the affiliated army.

After all, they have been together for several years, and a gesture can achieve the goal.

Most importantly, go back the same way!
Return to Yumen Pass from here!There are still ten days!
What about food and water?
"General Gu, the most important thing is that we have to take away the camel and horse with Cynomorium and water bag!"

"On the way, in all the abandoned cities we passed, Zhu Yunxi had supplies there!"

"With these, we can get out of the desert."

Gu Qina said: "We take these away, what will King Wu do?"

Wu Bozong said angrily: "General Gu, King Wu is lucky enough to be taken care of by God, so what are you worrying about?"

Wu Bozong thought in his heart, I took Cynomorium, water sac and horses, killing two birds with one stone!
I just want Bi Qianhu and Zhu Yunxi to die of thirst in the desert!

At that time, the hot air balloons of King Wu, Bi Baihu and Xu Huaijin were shrouded in smoke from Huren City. After the smoke cleared, all three disappeared!
So two teams of thousands of people were sent out to report: King Wu and His Majesty are dead!

Later, the three of them came back to life!

I wanted to recover the two thousand-man teams who reported the letter, but I couldn't do it.

If the news of His Majesty and King Wu's death is passed on to King Yan, and King Yan will take some action, that's fine!
What I have committed is a heinous crime!

After much deliberation, there is only one way to survive: Let the fake news you spread become true news!

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