Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to hear why, but the third grandson's mind turned to other places.

In the next few days, the previous rhythm will be repeated.

March slowly at night and rest under umbrellas during the day.

Zhu Yunxi seemed to appreciate the desert scenery very much, and was not in a hurry at all, as if he had forgotten the dangerous situation of Wuna Shili ahead and Muzhaer behind.

The only thing that makes everyone feel at ease is that food supplies and fresh water are relatively sufficient.

In addition to what each man carried, the horse and camel caravans had large reserves.

20 days have passed, and everyone has not left the desert.

Yumen Pass.

Muzar and Batugen stand on the wall.

They have been here for 20 days.

They fled from Guazhou and left a large amount of food and grass in the city.

After the Ming army entered the desert, the tribes hiding from Guazhou to Yumen all appeared again.

Mu Zha'er looked at the five thousand elite cavalry under his command, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

This is the advantage of local combat, the right time, place and people are all in place.

As long as it is outside the desert, I don't have to worry about logistical supplies and personnel replenishment.

Those who are seriously injured can turn into herdsmen on the spot.

The herdsmen are their own continuous reserves of soldiers.

As a descendant of nomads, they can switch between herdsmen and warriors at any time.

Herdsmen stay with cattle, sheep and horses all day long. The long-term grazing career is like a specific military training, which makes everyone unite with horses and horses. Almost everyone is a master of riding and shooting.

Without war, they are simple and honest herdsmen.

Once the war broke out, these herdsmen stepped on their horses and became fierce and unusual warriors.

Moreover, in this land, being able to join the tribal army and fight for the tribe to open up and defend the pasture is a supreme honor.

Those who return to the ranch due to injury and disability also enjoy the respect of the tribe.

And those who have reached the age of fifteen, who only want to raise the whip and graze, and dare not ride horses to kill, will be ridiculed by others, and even their beloved girls will be cast aside.

While thinking, Batugen said: "General, the Ming army has entered the desert, why is there no movement?"

Mu Zha'er said: "The Ming army crossed the desert, of course not as fast as us. Wait a minute."

"General, it's better to catch up at this time. The Ming army will collapse at an accelerated rate when they are attacked from both front and back."

Batugen's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Mu Zha'er said: "Don't act rashly. We are in an absolutely favorable position, there is no need to take risks."

"The Han people have a saying: A trapped beast will still fight. We have participated in hunting since we were young, and we should know how wild animals struggle when they are in trouble. It is best for us to stay away."

Batugen realized something: "The general is right. Maybe the Ming army encountered quicksand, storms, etc. in the desert, and they might have been involved in Lop Nur. We don't need to do anything at this time, Changshengtian will bury them all. "

"There should be news." Muzha'er glanced at the sky.

In the western sky, a black spot appeared.

The black spot gradually grew bigger, it was a huge golden eagle.

The golden eagle flew over and stopped in front of Muzha'er.

Someone had come over earlier and fed the golden eagle with mutton.

Muzha'er took a piece of leather from the golden eagle's foot, unfolded it to have a look.

Hahaha, Muzha'er laughed loudly: "The Ming army is still in the desert."

It turned out that Wuna Shili had reached the north entrance of Heifengchuan, leaving a centurion at the south entrance to observe.

None of the Ming troops followed.

"If you haven't walked out of the desert for 20 days, what does that mean?" Muzar asked Batugen.

Walking in the desert, the less people there are, the more dangerous it is, and the speed of walking will naturally be slower.

The more people there are, the safer they are, and the faster they can travel.

The Ming army has 6 people, no matter how slow the speed is, it is impossible to leave the desert four days later than Wuna Shili!

This means that they got lost in the desert or entered the vision of the desert god of death.

As far as food and grass supplies are concerned, the Ming army can hardly last even ten days, let alone 20 days!
After I occupied Yumen Pass, I found out that the fur balls that can be seen everywhere were poached by the Ming army.

This thing doesn't even eat horses, cattle and sheep, how can it be used as military rations?
It can be seen from this that the Ming army was so short of food and grass that they took away all the fur balls, and they were already hungry.

Even if you kill a horse, it won't last for a few days.

Because more important than food is water!
Kill the horse, and if you don't eat a few meals, the horse will be roasted and dehydrated by the high temperature of the desert.

They didn't bring much water from the Shule River in Yumen, because they didn't have extra water bladders!
There is another situation, the Ming army has all died!

The Ming army encountered a desert storm, coupled with insufficient supplies, all died in the vast desert sea.

Judging from the horses and supplies brought by the Ming army, Muzhaer could only spend ten days in the desert!
What's more, it's already No. 20 days!

Without any accident, King Wu's Ming army should be completely wiped out.

If it were not in the desert, some of the 6 people would always escape.

In the desert, without water, there is only death.

Therefore, until now, no trace of the Ming army has been found on my side and the northeast exit of the Kumtag Desert.

"General, are we crossing the desert now?" Batugen asked.

Muzha'er said: "We are crossing the desert now? Isn't this a joke? The [-] Ming army is dead, who else in the world is our opponent?"

A frenzy flashed in Batugen's eyes: "General, what do you mean, we return east and capture Jiayuguan?"

Mu Zha'er said: "Exactly!"

"Sixty thousand Ming troops died in the desert! How would the Jiayuguan defenders react to this news? Haha."

Batugen can fully imagine that with the death of [-] Ming troops and the death of King Wu of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming troops may never dare to attack Jiayuguan again!

The defenders on Jiayuguan are probably completely demoralized!

What's more, all the [-] guard troops originally belonging to King Su were dispatched and wiped out.

There are absolutely not many Ming troops defending Jiayuguan!

In the city to the east of Jiayuguan, I am afraid that only the old, weak, sick and disabled and ordinary people are left.

Taking down these cities is effortless at all!
As long as Jiayuguan is conquered, the Hexi Corridor, which stretches for two thousand miles, will become a racetrack for my Mongolian warriors and a transportation channel for me to attack Ming Dynasty!

Soldiers are very fast!
It will take another 20 days for Da Khan to rush over from Heifengkou.

In these 20 days, the Ming army might have dispatched soldiers and horses from other places to support Jiayuguan.

At this time, it is the best time to capture Jiayuguan!
Muzha'er wrote a few words on the sheepskin, and attacked Jiayuguan first, so that the Great Khan could arrive later.

Tie the sheepskin to the golden eagle's feet and hold it up with his hand, the golden eagle let out a cooing sound and flapped its wings to the west.

Muzha'er said: "Batugen, tell all the tribes to bring warriors, bows and arrows, and follow me eastward to regain glory!"

It was dusk again, and the desert turned red again.

Zhu Yunxi turned behind the crescent-shaped sand dunes.

The main purpose of coming here is to solve the internal emergency, because Xu Huaijin is here, so I can only go to this place.

Suddenly, a large bird hovered overhead.

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