Chang Sheng, Ping An, Chang Sen, and Lan Shou smiled at Zhu Yunxi's "prevarication" just now.

You understand, I understand, tacit understanding.

"Because of Bi Baihu's outstanding performance, this king thought that he could be promoted by the front line!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "From a hundred households to a thousand households!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned, the third grandson, want to promote us as a thousand households?

In order for us to cover for him and cover up the light on his body, he did not hesitate to appoint an official and promote us!
Forget it, let's not argue with him, just promise him.

If we don't agree, the third grandson will doubt our identity as Bi Baihu.

"Ah, King Wu, really?" Zhu Yuanzhang began to cooperate with the performance: "We are already old, and we didn't expect that we will be buried soon, and we can still be promoted to an official position."

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to be unbelievable: "King Wu, do you know about our promotion to Qianhu?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "The general is away, and the king's order is not acceptable. Your majesty doesn't know our current situation, and you don't know much about you. It is impossible for your majesty not to give this power to promote a thousand households."

Zhu Yuanzhang bowed his hands to Zhu Yunxi and said, "King Wu, we thank you here!"

Zhu Yunxi was happy: "Old Bi, you will be a thousand households from now on, don't take care of the firearms camp for now, just give me advice."

"Mr. Xu has thousands of volumes of military books in his heart, and Bi Baihu has experience in hundreds of battles. He can be regarded as two military masters with one literary and one military."

"The combination of theory and practice can produce the greatest effect."

"Now, with Xu Huaijin and Bi Baihu, there will be no risk of exposure."

"The system is big, it's time to pass this time."

Mao Yi laughed so hard that his guts were knotted, King Wu, aren't you promoting Bi Baihu!

You are going to promote His Majesty the Emperor.

Promote the emperor, for the first time in the world!
Look at Your Majesty again, hey, the acting is really similar!
As expected of a grandfather-grandson relationship, there is really a tacit understanding!

Xu Huaijin had a good impression of Bi Baihu, especially when the three of them were hovering on the hot air balloon together.

When thick smoke billows and envelops the hot air balloon, it is extremely frightening at that time.

But Bi Baihu didn't panic. This person has the style of a general, but it's a pity that he is only a hundred households.

Zhu Yunxi was able to quickly promote Bi Baihu, and he also had the insight to know people.

Indeed, there is a veteran following here. He has rich battlefield experience and combat experience, which is an excellent supplement for himself and King Wu.

Even, this veteran gives people a feeling of Dinghaishenzhen.


Seeing the traces of the barbarian, Wu Bozong said: "Hurry up and catch up, it's too late, we can't catch up!"

Xu Huaijin also agreed with Wu Bozong's opinion that he must pursue immediately.

If you pursue now, maybe you can find traces of the barbarians.

Following the trail of the barbarians, you can get out of the desert faster.

After all, Wuna Shili is a local snake, and the Hu people he brought in include people from all nationalities and tribes.

Walking in such a vast desert, they have a wealth of experience.

Even if you can't catch up, you can find the route they walked, and you have to worry a lot.

Because this place is undoubtedly a death zone for many merchants.

"Ahead is the famous Kumtag Desert!"

"After passing the Kumtag Desert, there is an extremely difficult section of sand moraine and Gobi."

"Going forward, there is even more terrifying Lop Nur."

"The famous scientist Peng Jiamu disappeared during a scientific expedition in Lop Nur."

"The country dispatched planes, troops, and police dogs, spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and conducted a blanket search, but found nothing."

"With the backward equipment and conditions of this era, it is impossible to find the missing person."

"Therefore, we must insist on the unified action of large forces."

"There is nothing wrong with rushing to catch up with Unasari, but we must be fully prepared."

Zhu Yunxi said: "I heard from Bi Baihu, no, I heard from Bi Qianhu that you cannot go alone when crossing the desert, especially before a storm comes, you must use ropes to tie people and horses, horses and people, and horses and horses. "

"We crossed the desert, of course, to pursue Unasari, but we have to preserve our strength as a prerequisite."

"Right now our supplies are not ready."

"At least, we have to prepare enough food, grass and water, and bring enough ropes."

"In this area, there are many sandy plants, such as red willow, which can be peeled and twisted into ropes. See if there are any herdsmen nearby, and search for some dried meat."

"Get these ready before we can go."

Everyone prepare separately.

All the sergeants dispersed, cut down the red willow with knives, peeled off the skin, and began to twist the rope.

The scouts further expanded the search area, but found no herdsmen.

The news spread, everyone from the general to the sergeant was muttering, how can they cross the desert without dry food?

At dinner, Ping An, Chang Sheng and others talked about the situation of the troops.

Under the guidance of a few veterans, the soldiers treated the red willow bark, and it will have to be exposed to the sun tomorrow, and it must be soaked after exposure.

It takes about three days to make a rope. Judging from the distribution of red willows here, there are not many, and the ropes made are far from enough.

Zhu Yunxi said: "Start with me, rub the rope with clothes!"

"It doesn't matter how long the rope is, as long as it can connect people together."

Zhu Yunxi took off his clothes quickly, revealing only one inner lining.

Chang Sheng, Ping An, Chang Sen, Lan Shou, Gu Qina, Wu Bozong, and Mao Yi took off their clothes one after another.

Guzina is topless.

Zhu Yuanzhang began to undress.

Mao Yi was taken aback, His Majesty took off his clothes!
Isn't this exposure exposed?

I was about to step forward to stop it, but Zhu Yuanzhang had already taken it off.

After seeing it, I was relieved.

Because after Zhu Yuanzhang took off his coat, the material inside was not more expensive than everyone's, but very common Songjiang cloth.

Only then did Mao Yi believe that His Majesty is really frugal!

After Wu Bozong looked at it, his eyes widened. Bi Qianhu is so simple?

Songjiang robes are worn by ordinary people, but what Bi Qianhu wears has several patches!

The rope problem has been solved, and there is no problem with the water. Just bring more water and let the horses and camels bring it.

But what about food?
Zhu Yunxi said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

At night, there is a gentle breeze, and a cold moon hangs obliquely on the tall wall.

Zhu Yunxi walked up the steps and walked up to the highest point.

Zhu Yunxi sat down, took out a bottle of Maotai, and drank it while thinking about the food issue.

Through the system space, it is easy to put the grain stored in Yingtian warehouse by Tao Chengdao in any place here.

However, after inspecting it during the day, I found that it was empty on all sides. Although the ruins of the small Fangpan City were covered by a city wall, one side had collapsed.

The situation inside is clear at a glance.

Suddenly pile the grain and grass inside?It is too unreasonable.

According to my own assumptions, Wuna Shili will defend Yumen Pass, and after Wuna Shili is driven away, there will naturally be food.

Everyone believed that the food and grass were left behind by Wuna Shili, who hadn't had time to take it away because of his hasty escape.

However, Wuna Shili is not at Yumen Pass at all!

Wu Nashili gave up Yumen Pass!

This somewhat disrupted his own deployment.

If the sergeants are not given enough food, I am afraid that no one will dare to cross the desert.

At this time, Zhu Yunxi found that Lao Bi was coming.

Zhu Yuanzhang came to Zhu Yunxi's side: "What's wrong with King Wu? What's wrong with you? Come here alone for a drink?"

"Old Bi, I didn't come here to drink. This wine is expensive, so I have to drink it secretly. Like Ping'an's drinking capacity, it's like drinking water. It's too wasteful."

Zhu Yuanzhang smacked his lips, and Zhu Yunxi handed him the bottle: "Old Bi, take a full sip."

Zhu Yuanzhang was not polite, took it over, and took a few mouthfuls.

"Haha, I have deep feelings, and I'm bored! You've been bored for several times," Zhu Yunxi said, "Old Bi, actually, you don't have to take it off today."

"Wu Wang, you said, let's take it off from you. We are old and just mentioned Qianhu, so of course we have to respond."

"Actually, there are two people who don't need to take off. One is Xu Huaijin, she is a woman. And Lao Bi, you are old, your clothes are twisted into ropes, and you can't stand it at night!"

"In summer in the Western Regions, the temperature difference between day and night is too great, so I wear fur jackets in the morning and gauze in the afternoon, and eat watermelon around the stove."

"Don't freeze at night."

Zhu Yunxi exchanged two down jackets from the system space, and took them out like a magic trick: "Old Bi, this is called a down jacket, and I got it from my room in Wuna Shili, Guazhou. This thing is so good, squeeze it out." The air is compressed, and when it is opened, it expands when it encounters air, so try it on.”

Zhu Yuanzhang pretended to be surprised, waved his hands again and again and said, "Ah, King Wu, we can't afford such precious things."

"Old Bi, what are you talking about? You can wear it as soon as you are told, why do you wear it?"

Zhu Yunxi couldn't help but put the down jacket on for Zhu Yuanzhang.

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