Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0284 prey and hunter can be converted

Go all the way west.

The Hexi Corridor to Yumen Pass basically ends.

Why bamboo flute complain willow, spring is not degree Pass.

Yumen Pass is the dividing line between vitality and desolation.

At this time, where the army is walking, grasslands, meadows, river marshes, Gobi, sandy land, and deserts are alternately mixed.

There are also some small water parks along the way, the water inside is crystal clear, and there are fish swimming.

Zhu Yunxi suddenly thought of the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River.

The clouds in the sky are clean, like balls of cotton, and there are goshawks and giant falcons across the sky from time to time.

Every time he went to a lake, Zhu Yunxi had to stop the army.

Replenish water bladders, drink horses, and eat dry food with lake water.

Zhu Yunxi took Zhu Yuanzhang and Xu Huaijin around the lake.

Intoxicated by the beauty of the scenery of the Western Regions and the vastness of the Western Regions, Zhu Yunxi couldn't help blurting out: "The eagle hits the sky, the fish flies in the shallow bottom, and all kinds of frosty sky compete for freedom. Feel melancholy, ask the vast land, who is in charge of the ups and downs."

When Xu Huaijin heard this, he couldn't help admiring: "Good words, good words!"

Zhu Yunxi became humble: "Where, where!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately became interested.

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, please continue, I think the ones below you will be better!"

"Of course! Can it be okay?" Zhu Yunxi said, "You interrupted me just now, and my thoughts were broken. If you want to do it again, you have to prepare your emotions."

Xu Huaijin said: "Such a good word needs to be complete. You should prepare it now."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Now? Let's change another day."

Xu Huaijin looked regretful: "So, what a pity."

Although Zhu Yuanzhang did not have a solid foundation in literature, he often studied during the march.

He also wrote many poems, which were praised by civil servants and generals.

But he understands that many generals can't tell the good from the bad.

Those civil servants flattered us on the surface, but they didn't take it seriously in their hearts, thinking that we had no literary talents.

Many literati presented their poems, but these poems are gorgeous but not content, sentimental but not patterned!

But these two sentences of the third grandson are magnificent, magnificent and heroic!
It really has a big pattern and a big spirit!

"Words are the voice of the heart, poetry is the ambition."

"It's definitely different from ordinary literati."

"Just like Lao Zhu, although his literary skills are not solid, it does not hinder the lofty realm of his poetry!"

"Old Zhu once wrote a poem that was disdained by literati."

"This poem is called: The rooster crows once and the cock crows once, and the rooster crows twice and the second cries.

"The first two lines sound like idiot poetry, but the next two lines are suddenly reversed."

"The first two sentences are like the language of a beggar, and the last two sentences are the language of an emperor!"

"Sing the rooster and the world is white, and the music from all directions is Khotan."

"It is similar to Lao Zhu's "Golden Rooster Reporting Dawn"."

"How far is the dream, how far is the step."

"The size of the heart is the size of the world."

"The same heart, some can hold mountains and rivers, and some can only hold your own sorrows and joys."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

The third grandson, the third grandson actually appreciates our poems!

What those stinky literati don't like, our third grandson likes it!

Look, why can we hear the voice of the third grandson?Why can't we hear other people?
The third grandson is the closest to our blood!
In this world, I am afraid that only the third grandson knows us best!
Of course, only we know the third grandson best!

Many people say that our third grandson is ignorant and can't even memorize poems!
But we know that the third grandson's literary attainments, such as Xie Jin, the number one talent in the Ming Dynasty, and the famous Confucian Fang Xiaoru, are far behind the third grandson.

The most rare thing is that the third grandson actually remembers our poems!
When you return to Beijing, ask your second grandson Yunqi to see if he can memorize our poems!

Isn't Khotan in the Western Regions?To the west of Yumen Pass!

does this mean
There are still many things to do if you want to become what the third grandson wants and what future generations will comment on.


Wu Bozong wanted to follow up, but was stopped by Mao Yi: "Master Wu, Wu Wang and Xu Junshi are discussing the next step ahead, so don't bother?"

Wu Bozong smiled on the surface, but secretly angry in his heart.

Mao Yi, don't look at you as the deputy commander of Jin Qianwei, sooner or later you will be killed just like your uncle Mao Xiang!
Changing dynasties, hmph, one emperor and one courtier!

The troops rested and moved on.

Three days later, the scouts came to report that there was a river ahead: the Matai River.

This is a tributary of the Shule River.

Along the way, many beacon towers left over from the Han and Tang Dynasties were found.

Most of them have become collapsed earth platforms.

No beacon smoke has been found.

Everyone is also worried, without the beacon smoke, don't the Hu people bother to know the whereabouts of our army?
So, the Hu people went up the mountain in two ways, could it be to exercise the physical strength of the troops?
This is too ridiculous!
Zhu Yunxi waited until the troops were assembled, and then gave an order, and all at the same time, speed up to cross the river.

The river is not wide, and there are large and small stones in the river.

In some places, you can even cross the river by stepping on stones without taking off your shoes.

After all of them crossed the river, Zhu Yunxi returned to the river and picked up a few stones.

"Mr. Xu, don't you bring a few stones as a souvenir? There may be jade here, the best seed material."

Zhu Yunxi said: "The Jade Gate is not far ahead. I guess there are jade stones everywhere in this river."

Xu Huaijin found that Zhu Yunxi was not worried at all, and hurriedly urged, because there were still several rivers ahead.

Several rivers were crossed in the same way without any abnormality.

A continuous wall appeared in front of him.

There are no barbarians standing on the wall, and there are no traces of any cavalry under the wall!
All kinds of defensive facilities that everyone imagined are simply not there!

The tall wall is connected to the Great Wall of the Han Dynasty, and there is a gap in the middle, which is also a deep Haizi (lake).

Everyone looked at each other, it was completely different from everyone's imagination!
Zhu Yunxi asked everyone to rest and wait for orders, and took Xu Huaijin, Wu Bozong, the generals of Ping'an and all the firearms battalion to the Yumen Pass wall.

Stand on the wall and look around.

Except for the rushing of the Shule River and the whistling of the wind, there is nothing!

Not even a tent, a tent, a horse or a sheep!

Time seems to freeze here.

History seems to be sealed here.

It seemed that no one came to disturb him anymore.

Wu Nashili brought more than 5 people, but there is no trace left here? !

I haven't seen any wolf smoke all the way, and I haven't found any river suddenly flooded!
Where did Wu Nashili go?
Everyone suddenly felt a sense of panic.

It's like chasing prey, and suddenly the prey is gone!

Prey, hunter, and sometimes a switch!

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