His own father, Prince Zhu Biao, is dead?
This seems to be earlier than in history!

The Zhu Biao in Zhu Yunxi's memory seems to have been busy with government affairs.

Mainly to wipe Zhu Yuanzhang's ass.

Zhu Yuanzhang was strict with his courtiers, but Zhu Biao was very generous and always comforted him.

Because Zhu Yunxi's mother died early, and because of him, Zhu Biao was a little bit wary of Zhu Yunxi from his heart.

Normally, Zhu Yunxi rarely saw Zhu Biao smiling.

His smiling face was given to Zhu Yunwen, Zhu Yunxuan, Zhu Yunhuoxi, and Zhu Xiaoliu who were born in the Lu family.

In the East Palace, his father, stepmother, and half-brother are as close as a family, and Zhu Yunxi is like an outsider.

Hearing the news of Zhu Biao's death, Zhu Yunxi couldn't say how sad he was, but just stood there, his mind was in chaos.

Mu Yao shook Zhu Yunxi: "King Wu, the crown prince is dead, you have to go back!"

Yangzhi County immediately arranged for horses, and one person and two horses rode in rotation.

Luo Tianhu's family knelt at the door together, watching the nobleman go away.


Yingtianfu is full of plains, and there are bursts of crying.

Prince Zhu Biao died unexpectedly in Hangzhou.

His Majesty the Emperor was in extreme pain and announced that he would cease to serve for fifteen days.

Up and down the capital, from the officials to the common people, there is inexplicable sadness.

Even, fear.

You know, His Majesty the Emperor often loses his temper because of small things that don't go his way.

It's okay to lose your temper, the key is that he often kills.

Because of Zhu Biao's persuasion and obstruction, many officials survived.

Zhu Biao's kindness and kindness have been unanimously recognized by civil officials and military personnel.

Including the princes of all walks of life.

Weeping for Zhu Biao's death, officials and people are from the heart.

The emperor announced the dismissal of the court for fifteen days, in order to give the vassals enough time to come back.

Sapphire leads an army of 15, and has just cleared the desert, so there will be no major battles in the Northland for the time being.

The nine kings of Sai who guarded the frontier also rushed back one after another.

On the tenth day, the vassal kings entrusted by Zhu Yuanzhang were basically all in place.

Only Zhu Yunxi, king of Wu, did not arrive.

King Wu is missing!

Missing inexplicably!
Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised, and the two eunuchs he sent to the third emperor's grandson disappeared.

I asked Lan and Chang's family, they were also looking all over the world, but they didn't know what was going on.

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart sank. His son had just died. How could the grandson of the Three Emperors disappear suddenly by such a coincidence?
Will something happen too?
Think again about the three Jinyiwei masters who have no resistance in front of Zhu Yunxi.

My heart is relieved again.

But King Wu disappeared day by day, which caused the ministers, especially the civil servants, to talk a lot.

Later, words such as treason and unworthy son began to enter Zhu Yuanzhang's ears.

While Zhu Yuanzhang was sad, he couldn't help becoming angry.

Did this kid really go to Fan?Going to see the great rivers and mountains?
His father died. Didn't he hear about such a big event?

Look for him, definitely find him back, no, tie him back!
The Commander of Jin Yiwei immediately took action after receiving the order, and a large net stretched out from the capital and spread out quickly.

The actions of Jin Yiwei were all seen by the officials.

The sadness of Lu Shi and Zhu Yunqi had been released a long time ago.

At this time, when the mother and son looked at each other, there was obvious surprise in their eyes.

"Mother, will His Majesty find out about this matter?" Zhu Yunqi was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, my son. This matter has been done extremely secretly. The two eunuchs who delivered the decree have already been killed."

Lu said: "Or maybe what Jin Yiwei found were just a few dead bodies."

Zhu Yunwen was shocked, his mother actually had a backhand!
When Empress Lu got the news of Zhu Biao's sudden death in Hangzhou, she dispatched two eunuchs almost immediately.

Let them go to Zhu Yunxi's mansion to convey His Majesty's oral instructions.

I thought Zhu Yunxi would not leave easily.

Although Zhu Yunxi once expressed in the Fengtian Palace that he was willing to go to the fief immediately to become the vassal king.

But Empress Lu and Zhu Yunqi felt that this was not Zhu Yunxie's sincere words.

Unexpectedly, after the two eunuchs "delivered the decree", Zhu Yunxi took a few people and hurried out of the city.

After the two eunuchs were killed, Lu sent people into Zhu Yunxi's yard.

On the table, I found a letter from Zhu Yunxi to the Lan family and the Chang family, saying that he was going to Songjiang Mansion to become a vassal.

The letter was immediately burned.

When the news of Prince Zhu Biao's sudden death spread to the capital, all the vassal kings received orders to go to Beijing.

Only Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi is missing!
As soon as Zhu Biao is buried, I am afraid that he will become a reserve next time.

Zhu Yunqi is not in the capital, so at the level of the emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunqi has no threat at all.

When her husband died, Lu's grief was undeniable.

But amidst the grief, Lu remained awake.

From now on, his position in the palace may depend on his son Zhu Yunqi.

Only when her son becomes the crown prince can she have a good life.

The deceased is gone, the most important thing is to consider the present and the future, the future and fate of the son must be considered first.

Although Zhu Yunqi felt that his mother's methods were too harsh, it was for his own good after all.

When the news of the prince's death in Hangzhou came, Chang Sheng rushed to the courtyard immediately to tell Zhu Yunxi.

Come here to have a look, people go, the courtyard is empty!
After searching the house for a long time, I didn't find a single word left behind.

Chang Sheng brought his younger brother Chang Sen to Lan Yu's mansion immediately.

When Sapphire heard it, it was worth it!

This nephew is in poor health and too timid to run out!
Someone must have killed him!
And going out at this juncture, there must be a conspiracy!

Since Lan Yu handed over part of the property and dismissed Zhuang Nu, she has been low-key enough.

The nephew was missing!

Lan Yu was furious, it must be the trick of that woman from the Lu family!
Find someone!Mobilize all people, and look for!
Sapphire returned from the Northland, and all the troops were returned to the Five Army Commander's Mansion.

There were not many people under his command, so Sapphire called a meeting in private.

All the military officers related to the Lan family came, and they all sent out their own men to look around.

Unexpectedly, after searching for several days, I only know that five people left on horseback.

As for going by water or land, no one knows.

Whereabouts unknown!

Sapphire worked hard and posted notices all over the city.

Anyone who finds Zhu Yunxi's trace or brings Zhu Yunxi back will be rewarded with ten to one hundred taels of gold.

Mu Ying, who was recuperating in Yingtian, knew that her daughter Mu Yao was also missing.

After inquiring, it turns out that he left with Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie.

They also sent people to look around.

For a while, Jin Yiwei, the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and various people were all looking for King Wu Zhu Yunxi.

Even ordinary farmers, artisans, and merchants know about it.

Everyone is asking about King Wu's height, appearance, clothing and clothing.

If you run into it, you can get a bounty.

If you run into someone you don't know, wouldn't it be a big loss?
King Wu committed a big taboo this time. If his father died, he dared to play and disappear. His Majesty will definitely punish him severely.

Jin Yiwei was the first to find Zhu Yunxi.

The five of Zhu Yunxi rushed to the north and rushed to Yingtian without stopping.

When passing through a pass, he met Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei couldn't help but tie up Zhu Yunxi and the other five people.

When turning back, the commander of Jin Yiwei, Jiang Yu, brought some people over.

Seeing the five people tied up like zongzi, Jiang Yu said: "King Wu, I'm sorry. Your Majesty has an order to tie you back."

"Commander Jiang, I was ordered to go to the Jiangsong mansion to become a vassal. I got news from my father and rushed back overnight. Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Yu said: "As far as I know, Your Majesty has no intention of letting King Wu become the vassal king, let alone such a will."

Wu Yunxi nodded: "Oh, I understand."

Mu Yao and Zheng He were stunned.

Isn't it His Majesty's intention for King Wu to take everyone to Songjiang Mansion to become a vassal?
Could it be that the King of Wu is a hypocrite!

This crime is serious!

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