Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0029 lost gold, lost face

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that it was extremely correct to send Mu Yao to Zhu Yunxie to inquire about the secrets this time.

At least manage the bad private life of the third grandson!
What did this kid say just now?His health is very good?
When will you give it a try?
Now, what Zhu Yuanzhang is most anxious to know is where is the gold.

San Sun revealed in his heart just now that we have the second largest gold reserves in the world!
So where exactly is the gold mine?
Also, where is the country of Nafia he mentioned?
What topic should I talk about to draw out his heart about the gold mine?

You can't say it directly, it's easy to arouse his suspicion.

Yes, Zhu Yunqi is here, ask Zhu Yunqi first.

Let's turn a corner at Zhu Yunqi first!

Zhu Yuanzhang turned a few steps and said, "Yun Wen, I'm here to test your homework, just recite poems, see how much you can recite, you must bring the word "gold."

Zhu Yunxuan was immediately excited, and the grandfather ignored Zhu Yunxie, but asked himself a question!

Grandpa Huang finally remembered himself!
Recite poetry, this is my strong point!

Zhu Yunxi sleeps in class every day, not to mention bringing gold, just recite casually, he may not be able to recite much.

Zhu Yunwen began to recite: "The east wind entered Wuyang last night, and the willows on the streets were golden."

"In February and March in Xianyang, there are golden branches of palace willows."

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty valued Gillian, and stored it in a golden house."


After memorizing each song one by one, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded while looking at Zhu Yunxi.

"Old Zhu, why are you suddenly interested in poetry?"

"Zhu Yunqi can recite a lot."

"Poetry is just a condiment, not a main dish!"

"Zhu Yunwen, you should recite less poetry and more snacks!"

"Look at who you are using? Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai! These two people are well-versed in poetry and books, but what advice did they give you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was in a hurry, Zhu Yunxi didn't think about gold mines at all!

"Yun Wen, don't recite it." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Zhu Yunqi fell silent, and glanced at Zhu Yunxi provocatively.

In fact, he has almost finished memorizing the verses with the word "gold".

Fortunately, Grandpa Huang stopped in time.

Zhu Yunxi clapped his hands quickly: "Wow, second brother, you are really good! You can compose so many poems!"

Zhu Yunqi said modestly: "Not too much, not too much, third brother, you have to study hard in the future."

"I can't. I can't understand many poems. However, I understand a sentence you recited today."

"Oh, which sentence is it?" Zhu Yunqi asked hastily.

"Emperor Han respects A-Jiao and stores it in a golden house. This sentence is good, build a good house, a big yard, hide the beauties, and enjoy yourself. This day is exactly what I hope for."

After Zhu Yunxi finished answering, Zhu Yunxuan was overjoyed!
The third brother has a house when he is out, and the Chang family even assigned two maids for him!

Grandpa Huang must be dissatisfied with him!
"Old Zhu, you are so ruthless. I want to hide my beauty in a golden house, but you send eunuchs to ruin my happy life!"

"Old Zhu, ever since you set your sights on me, I haven't had a good life!"

"You still want me to recite poems, so I won't be fooled!"

"You still want me to compete with Zhu Yunqi, so I won't take the bait!"

"Old Zhu, don't pay too much attention to poetry! You keep your true colors, okay?"

"Go to the folks more and think about the future!"

"To write poetry, let the poet do it!"

"Lao Zhu's culture is not high, so don't pretend to be a cultured person!"

"Actually, Lao Zhu, keep your true colors and do your job well. You are definitely the best among my Chinese emperors!"

Zhu Yuanzhang really wanted to hear how history judged him.

Who knows, Zhu Yunxi's voice stopped again.

Zhu Yunqi decided to continue to expose Zhu Yunxi's true colors in front of His Majesty: "Third brother, from now on you have to study hard and not sleep every day. I can recite it, mainly because I study hard and accumulate it over time."

Zhu Yunxie nodded quickly: "Second brother taught you a lesson. You probably won't be able to recite the poems with gold until tomorrow. I can't recite all of them. I really admire it."

Zhu Yunqi was flattered and felt happy: "It's a bit exaggerated to recite until tomorrow. I can only recite another hundred or so poems."

"Zhu Yunqi will also be in Versailles! This B outfit, 100 points!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have any other topics to talk about, so let Zhu Yunqi recite a hundred more poems to see if he could arouse Zhu Yunxi's heartfelt voice.

"Yun Wen, continue to recite, the poem with gold."

Zhu Yunqi didn't expect that His Majesty would back him up again, so he bit the bullet and slowed down.

Recite one song and start searching for the next one.

I memorized 5 verses with gold and got stuck.

The more stuck, the more stuck!

No matter how I think about it, I can't think of any other poems with the word "gold".

"No way, just memorize five poems, it won't work?"

"Didn't you say you could recite another hundred or so poems?"

"If you don't, don't pretend to be B. You pretended to miss it now, right?"

"You idiot, don't you know how to classify poems before reciting them?"

"For example, pastoral, unrestrained, graceful, and frontier style. This way you won't forget it easily."

"If you have a back like yours, it's easy to get stuck with a hammer and a stick."

"For example, frontier fortresses and those with gold, this category should be searched first."

"Yellow clouds cover the ground and snow makes mountains, and you don't hesitate to buy clothes with gold."

"White horses are plugged with gold, clouds and sand surround dreams."

"Report to the king on the golden platform, and lead the jade dragon to die for the king!"


Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned.

Zhu Yunxi knows so many poems with gold, and they are all frontier fortresses!
The first time he heard Zhu Yunxi's heartfelt voice was in Wenhua Palace.

Zhu Yunxi fell asleep in Fang Xiaoru's class, and when he woke up, he revealed that Fang Xiaoru would not, Fang Xiaoru would, and he would do the plenary meeting.

After hearing this today, what Zhu Yunxi said is true!

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious again, his purpose was to find out where the gold mines of Daming were!

Where is Namfia, which is rich in gold!

But Zhu Yunxi didn't think about it, and kept reciting poems.

"Okay, don't recite it!" Zhu Yuanzhang said a little angrily.

Zhu Yunwen blushed and took a step back.

Fortunately, Grandpa Huang didn't let me recite, otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to come down today.

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that the trick of reciting poems didn't work anymore, so he changed his trick!
Looking at the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there is not a single gold product.

Zhu Yuanzhang was born in poverty and was the simplest emperor in history.

In the eighth year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang rebuilt the Da Nei Palace.

Before the start of the project, Zhu Yuanzhang told his ministers that in ancient times, the palaces were simple and simple, but later monarchs gradually valued extravagance, and the palaces were gorgeous, but the ancient style was no longer there.

So now build a palace. But seek stability, not gorgeous.Anything that is exquisitely carved, delicate and ingenious is not used.

As for places to visit such as pavilions, terraces and pavilions, they are impractical and cost people and money, so they must not be built.

Zhu Yuanzhang had to wear a piece of clothing for several years, and when it was torn, he asked Empress Ma to mend it.

"Yun Wen, is there anything gold in your mother's place?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Zhu Yunwen remembered that in his mother's jewelry box, there was a natural gold nugget called dog head gold.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Yun Wen, bring me the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Zhu Yunwen went back to his mother and found the dog head gold.

Lu asked: "Yun Wen, what are you doing with this?"

Zhu Yunwen said that His Majesty wants this dog's head gold.

Lu's hand trembled, he took the dog's head gold and left: "Take me to see His Majesty, I want to apologize."

After hearing what his mother said, Zhu Yunwen knew that His Majesty was very disgusted with wearing gold and silver in the harem.

I actually still have dog head gold, isn't His Majesty going to severely punish this?

Following Zhu Yunwen, the Lu family staggered into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, knelt down in front of Zhu Yuanzhang and said, "Your Majesty, I have kept gold privately, which is too extravagant. I am guilty, and Yunwen didn't know about it."

Zhu Yuanzhang sneered: "Yun Wen didn't know about this matter? Yun Wen personally said that you have dog's head gold!"

Lu's face was pale, and he lied in a panic, which was a greater crime than saving gold.

Zhu Yuanzhang took the dog's head gold and stuffed it directly into Zhu Yunxi's hands: "Yunxie, do you know this, this is dog's head gold, and where there is dog's head gold, there should be gold mines."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Your Majesty's words are absolutely true."

"What do you mean, Your Majesty? Did your conscience find out?"

"Don't let the two little girls warm my bed. This is using the dog's head gold. Give me compensation?"

"If that's the case, I'll forgive you once."

Zhu Yuanzhang is ruthless and will satisfy your request!

"Yunxi, if you like this dog's head gold, you can take it."

The Lu family and Zhu Yunxuan who were kneeling on the ground were dumbfounded, dare your Majesty ask him to take out the dog's head gold, is it for Zhu Yunxiu?
Zhu Yunwen was really furious!
In a panic, he went back to get the gold, and brought his mother over to knelt down to plead guilty to His Majesty.

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Huang took it over and gave it to Zhu Yunxie after changing hands!
Don't bring such bullying!

Lost gold, lost face again!

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