Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0007: Zhu Yunqi's Attack

A month has passed.

Zhu Yunxi lived comfortably as usual.

Lie flat on a chair in the yard, basking in the sun.

On the right hand side is a mahogany drum stool, on which grapes, biscuits and other fruits and snacks are placed.

Mel squeezed his shoulders from behind.

Lan'er pinched his feet in front of him.

Zhu Yunxi stuffed a grape into his mouth, this is the life a salted fish should have!

It's been a month, and Zhu Yuanzhang hasn't bothered again.

It's just that I have to go to the palace to study with Fang Xiaoru every day.

Sleeping in class is really a pain.

Fortunately, Fang Xiaoru had given up on him long ago, pretending that he didn't exist.

However, Zhu Yunqi's eyes often glanced over, hiding a viciousness that made him feel chills in his heart.

It seems that Zhu Yuanzhang let him go to the morning court and the Hall of Mental Cultivation to discuss matters a month ago, which made Zhu Yunqi wary of himself.

I really want to tell Zhu Yunqi that it is his fourth uncle Zhu Di who he should be on guard against.

In fact, Zhu Yunqi was on guard against everyone.

Lu told him that his father Zhu Biao went to Hangzhou to recuperate.

After a hundred years of Zhu Yuanzhang, it is possible for the emperor's grandson to directly inherit the throne.

Now, becoming the grandson of the emperor is the most important thing!

As for His Majesty's abnormal attitude towards Zhu Yunxi a month ago, his heart shudders when he thinks about it.

The queen mother is actually restless because of this.

Every time Zhu Yunxi finished sleeping in class, he would leave the palace as quickly as possible.

I am afraid that if I meet Zhu Yuanzhang, if Zhu Yuanzhang lets him go to the early court, it will be very bad.

"Yunxi, Yunxi." There was a knock on the courtyard door.

Needless to say, it was the second uncle, Chang Sheng, who was too strong, and it was seriously suspected that he would have to replace it with a new one if he knocked on the door a few more times.

Zhu Yunxi quickly put grapes, biscuits and other fruit plates into the system space.

Meier and Laner are used to Zhu Yunxi's action.

The master I am attached to is a person with great wisdom and great supernatural powers.

He has been hiding himself, only opening up the secret to her two!

Zhu Yunxi knew that these things were beyond the times and should not be seen by others.

Especially Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, Lan Shou and others who often come here.

Not even with blood.

Because these few had a violent temper and widened their mouths, and accidentally exposed it.

This violates the principle of low-key development.

What's more, now Zhu Yunqi is following him again!
Zhu Yunwen is not terrible, what is terrible is the mother and concubine behind him: Lu Shi.

This woman is not simple at all!
Lu's father is Lu Ben, a native of Shouzhou, who was an official in the Yuan Dynasty.

With such a family's dark history, the reason why the Lu family became the crown princess is because of her exquisite appearance and long sleeves.

At present, he has exchanged a lot of crop seeds, but he can only quietly plant some in the yard.

Now he can only wait for Zhu Yuanzhang to make him king, and then he will immediately become a vassal and fly away.

With your own territory and armed forces, you can slowly accumulate strength.

When Zhu Yunqi and Zhu Di get together, they can fish in troubled waters.

Therefore, at least everything must not be exposed before going to the fiefdom.

"My good nephew, what a great thing, what a great thing!"

Before Chang Sheng came in, he roared loudly.

good thing?

Zhu Yunxi's temples jumped violently.

I'm afraid it's not a good thing!
"Your Majesty asked you to enter the palace to discuss something important." Chang Sheng said, "The horses are all ready for you."

This time, Chang Sheng brought a hard-earned BMW.

Where does Zhu Yunxi know how to raise horses? Chang Sheng's bloody BMWs are all raised by Chang Sheng.

Zhu Yunxie had a bitter face: "What's the urgent matter, Grandpa Huang? Do you have to let me go? It's useless if I go."

Chang Sheng was speechless to this nephew.

He clearly felt Zhu Yunxi's change, so he must be enlightened.

But I don't know why, but he has no interest in going to court, which everyone envies!

Chang Sheng grabbed Zhu Yunxi: "Whether it's useful or not, you'll know when you go. Remember, you must overwhelm that kid Zhu Yunqi!"

"Second brother is also in the main hall?"

"That's right, Zhu Yunqi is also here, His Majesty specially called you up, it must be to make you shine! Uncle believes in you!"

Chang Sheng didn't believe in Zhu Yunxi so much as he believed in Zhu Yuanzhang.

Entering the main hall, the officials were all in darkness.

The officials who were discussing the matter suddenly stopped talking and looked at Zhu Yunxi and Chang Sheng in unison.

Zhu Yunxi still wanted to go one row behind.

"Yunxi, come to the front, let us take a good look at you."

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice was loud, but extremely kind.

In desperation, Zhu Yunxi could only walk to the front with a "grateful" expression.

Zhu Yunwen stood in the first row with his head held high.

"Third brother, come, stand here." Zhu Yunqi looked very enthusiastic.

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang was about to speak, Zhu Yunxie's voice came into his mind: "Is there another important matter today? It's been a month, and Lan Yu should have destroyed the bureaucratic system of Bei Yuan. The Yuan Lord and the crown prince ran away, and it doesn't matter to the overall situation." .”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Yunxi fixedly.

This emperor's grandson, sure enough, sure enough, predicted everything again!
A month ago, from the voice in his heart, Master Yuan was hiding in the fishing sea.

From Zhu Yunxi's inner analysis, combined with his own battlefield experience, Zhu Yuanzhang concluded that this place must be right!

So he ordered a courier for eight hundred miles to deliver the news to Lan Yu.

Lan Yu received the order, took enough dry food, threw away the luggage, and headed straight for Yuerhai at the fastest speed.

Almost wiped out the Yuan Dynasty!
Unfortunately, Lord Yuan ran away with the prince.

All the ministers in the court looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, as if His Majesty was a little lost, or even lost his composure.

Zhu Yunqi thought that Zhu Yuanzhang was looking at him, but it turned out that it was not.

What he was looking at was Zhu Yunxi who was beside him.

Looking at Zhu Yunxi again, he doesn't look like an emperor's grandson.

Standing there fooling around, not in good shape!

No wonder, Grandpa Huang looked at him like this.

This is obviously a reproach, or a reminder.

It's just that my good-for-nothing brother doesn't understand.

Zhu Yuanzhang finally withdrew his gaze and glanced around: "Today, I have some news to tell everyone. Sapphire has found Tuo Gu Si Timur! Qi Tai, you are thinking about the good news."

Sapphire won?
There was a lot of discussion in the hall!

A month ago, civil servants and military generals were still arguing about whether Lan Yu should withdraw or not.

Well, no more arguing now.

Chang Sheng and other generals were very happy. In the battle with the civil servants, the generals had the upper hand this time.

This time, Sapphire captured the three sons of Lord Yuan, more than 15 princesses, concubines, and ministers, more than [-] soldiers and civilians, more than [-] cattle, sheep and horses, and countless treasures, seals, gold and silver.

Immediately afterwards, the blue army broke through the barracks of Harazhang, an important minister of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and captured more than 4 people and more than [-] livestock.

At this moment, Zhu Yunwen knelt down with a plop: "Congratulations on my great victory! Grandpa knew things like a god, and told the army where the Yuan Lord was hiding, and finally won today's great victory!"

Qi Tai was the second to kneel down, and the other ministers also reacted, hula la knelt down, and shouted long live.

Only Zhu Yunxi was left standing alone.

So outstanding!

Zhu Yunxi had no choice but to kneel down, because the blood of the Zhu family flowed in his body, so it didn't matter if he knelt down.

"Old Zhu is amazing! From the map, you can see where Yuanzhu is hiding!"

Zhu Yunxi's praise made Zhu Yuanzhang's old face blush.

Where did I see it, I clearly heard Zhu Yunxie's heartfelt voice.

After all, this emperor's grandson is still amazing!

It's a pity that the grandson of the emperor doesn't seem to be interested in the position of the grandson of the emperor!
Blindly hide yourself!

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hands: "Get up, don't just kneel! This big victory is worth celebrating! Lan Yu's victory in this battle is better than that of Wei Li!"

The generals were overjoyed when they heard this, Lan Yu's contribution can be compared with that of famous generals Wei Qing and Li Jing!
"Your Majesty," Zhu Yunxuan said in a solemn tone after everyone calmed down, "The emperor thinks that General Lan's efforts in this battle outweigh his merits!"

Too much work?

Where did Zhu Yunwen say this?
Except for Qi Tai, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, everyone else looked at the quasi-emperor grandson with strange eyes.

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