Daqin: The Shadow Corps became my killer behind the scenes

Chapter 86 Recovering the Archipelago, Exorcising Evil Commandery

A month later, the aborigines were all wiped out.

All the bodies were burned to ashes and dumped into the sea.

The whale controlled by the soldiers of the Shadow Corps became the communication route between the island country and Daqin.

Walk back and forth every day, so that the merchants in Songhai City can go here to do business.

The fish and prey caught by farmers are packaged and sold back to Daqin, earning a fortune!
Ying Ziyi is to allow the two sides to unite, so that this place will truly become a part of Daqin from now on!

Yingzi also distributed the land to the peasants who had contributed to Daqin, and prepared to return to Xianyang to return to command.

"His Royal Highness! What about these utensils?"

Soldiers came to report.

Ying Zi followed the soldier out of the room and came to an open space.

The clearing is full of things scavenged these days.

The grain is naturally put into the warehouse, and tools such as stone axes are not used, and all are destroyed.

I still have some pottery left and don't know what to do with it.

Ying Zi also picked it up and looked at it. These were all things he had seen in museums.

Some grotesque pottery, decorated with ugly insect-like patterns.

Throwing it away casually, Ying Zi also clapped his hands in disgust: "It's all destroyed!"

There is no need for this kind of civilization to stay.

In terms of pottery, my Daqin's is not enough?
The soldier bowed: "Yes!"

"Leave a thousand soldiers here to guard and search for caught fish."

Ying Zi also ordered while walking back, "For the rest, follow me back to Songhai City by whale tonight, rest for a day, and return to Xianyang!"

The soldiers clasped their fists and saluted: "Yes!"

They are all elite soldiers, and they act very quickly!
You only need to pack yourself and your weapons and equipment, and leave all the food here.

That night, the whale reached the coast, and several merchants came down from it.

Seeing the army, he quickly stood aside and saluted Ying Ziyi.

Ying Zi also nodded slightly, took the lead in approaching the whale in a small boat, and jumped onto the whale's head.

The soldiers lined up and stood on the back of the whale, turning back to Songhai City!
The letter was sent back a day ago, and Songhai City has already made preparations!

Early in the morning, the common people looked forward to it and stood on both sides of the street.

Officials, big and small, stood in the middle of the street, and the guards beside them brought trays of wine.

Whales can be seen faintly on the sea.

"It's here!"

"They're back! The heroes are back!"

"Welcome Your Royal Highness!"

"The hero who wiped out the native ghosts!"

Ying Ziyi and his party changed boats and headed for the coast.

The common people became agitated and shouted at Ying Ziyi!
The officials coughed twice and took a step forward to instruct their subordinates to deliver the wine on the plate!
"Welcome His Highness the Prince back!"

The officials bowed and bowed.

Ying Zi also nodded slightly, took the wine glass handed by his subordinate, and drank it down in one gulp!

I haven't had Daqin's wine for a long time, I miss it.

When I first came here, I thought the alcohol was not strong enough, but the more I drank it, the more I liked it.

After toasting Ying Ziyi, many servants brought wine to the soldiers.

The soldiers drank one by one, and then officially entered the city!
The officials had already prepared the white horse, and Ying Zi also got on the horse, shouted "drive", and rode into the street.

The soldiers lined up neatly and followed behind.

"His Royal Highness! A hero who destroys ghosts!"

Ying Zi also smiled. He sent a letter to Ying Zheng, hoping that he would help spread the abhorrence of those aborigines.

Unexpectedly, Ying Zheng directly described them as evil spirits.

It is said that if these evil spirits are not killed, the evil spirits will come to capture everyone's wives and children.

It's quite vivid.

"His Royal Highness! Stay here for a few days!"

"I am the boss of Jinxiang Building! I have prepared pastries for the soldiers!"

"I have prepared a gift too!"

"We will build a temple for you!"

Everyone shouted wildly at Ying Ziyi!
There were also many little girls mixed in with the team, and Ying Ziyi's eyes glanced at them, causing bursts of screams.

Is this the trouble of being too handsome?
Ying Zi also shook his head, thinking of Versailles.

The horse snorted, Ying Zi also looked down, it turned out that someone threw a bracelet at him!

Ying Zi was also taken aback, what else?
The subordinate who followed the horse picked up the bracelet and asked, "What should I do? Young Master?"

There is no way of knowing who threw it, and it is impossible to return it.

Ying Zi also pondered for a moment: "Put it away."

This is terrible, a lot of jewels are thrown out from both sides!

Hairpins, bracelets, rings, necklaces, madly coming towards Yingzi!

Ying Zi was also taken aback, when did Daqin's girl become so enthusiastic?

Scanning around, most of them are dressed luxuriously.

From the looks of it, they should all be the daughters of local dignitaries.

Do you hope that you can fall in love with their daughter?

There are many such stories in the storybook.

But Ying Zi has no interest in it.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he motioned for the officials to stop him.

The officials hurriedly waved their hands at the people: "Don't throw it away, don't throw it away! Be careful to hurt His Highness the Crown Prince!"

There were also local soldiers stationed there to stop them, and the people restrained themselves a bit.

But the cheers were still heard, and Ying Zi also saw girls bowing their heads and chuckling everywhere.

Seeing that Yingzi's scalp was numb, he kicked the horse's belly with both feet, and quietly accelerated the horse's running speed.


A few days later, Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zi also stood in the Qilin Hall and reported to Ying Zheng.

"This expedition was a complete victory, thanks to my father's trust in me."

Ying Zi also said sincerely.

"Ziyi, how do you think this island should be handled?"

"Many farmers have repaired their houses there. In my opinion, a county should be established and officials should be sent to manage it.

Send craftsmen to build houses and city walls, and separate urban and rural areas.

Send a few soldiers to garrison to prevent civil strife.

Plus, the back and forth of the whales will always be there, but there will be a fee going forward.

If you are a merchant, you need to charge a higher fee. "

Ying Zi also came one by one.

If the residents of this island are not managed and allowed to develop on their own, wouldn't it become another island country?
Therefore, officers and soldiers must be sent there to firmly control it in Daqin's hands.

As for the charges for merchants, it respects Daqin's consistent emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business.

Businessmen do not do production, but they can get a lot of money, which is not good for the country!
After hearing Ying Ziyi's words, Ying Zheng was very satisfied. This is the level his son should have!

"It just so happens that Fusu is coming back soon, let him go to the island to build!
As for the officials... a few days ago, Li Si recommended a few students to me, and they just happened to send them out to practice! " Ying Zheng said flatly.

"That's just right!" Ying Zi also bowed his hands.

Fusu has Telestone on hand, which is really of great help to the construction.

"Oh, by the way, we still have to give the island a name, we can't keep calling it Ghost Island!" Ying Zheng said again.

Ying Zi also lowered his head and thought for a while: "Royal Father, since the island is to exterminate the ghosts and let us occupy it, why not call it exorcising evil spirits!"

Ying Zheng nodded: "Whoever you conquer, it's up to you.

Send my order!Add the evil spirit county to the record, send an additional [-] officials and [-] craftsmen, and set off immediately! "

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