It was late at night, and the moon was covered by clouds, revealing a sky full of stars.

Ying Zi also walked to the river alone, looking at both sides of the river.

Although it has been away from the war for many years, there is still no development here.

All aspects are much behind Xianyang.

Not only the lives of the people, but even the buildings of all parties.

If it is not for the market, it is rare to see a shop on the street.

Ying Zi also remembered the experiences of his previous life - of course, not his, but those of all great men.

If you want to change the people of a place and make them truly love Daqin, you must improve their lives and meet their basic needs.

Such as eating, such as drinking.

It's a pity that Ying Ziyi's current ability is not enough to do this.

"I'm a cheating person, and I can't do this kind of thing...

How did those people persevere?
How could such a great ideal be born under such circumstances? "

Ying Zi couldn't help but think too.

"Your little frog is back!"

The sound of the system sounded.

Ying Zi was also taken aback, so fast?
A small frog jumped out of the air, and the backpack on its back glowed red.

The red light rose slowly, and Ying Zi also reached for it, but the red light ran away!
Run all the way to the middle of the river and rise to a height of about 40 meters.

Ying Zi also raised his neck, thinking what is this?
The red light became stronger and stronger, and gradually spread to a distance of tens of meters!

Fortunately, it is night now, and most of the people are asleep.

Otherwise, some big event must be caused!


There was a strange sound in the red light.

"Underground monster, Telestone, please accept!"

With a roar, a light brown monster appeared in the middle of the river!

The mouth of this monster is flat like a duck, and there are gradually thickening protrusions on the back, and the end of the protrusions is a sharp thorn, which will be pierced if you rub it!

The eyes are so white that they look like cheap toys that they forgot to paint.

The teeth are pointed, similar in shape to shark teeth.

"The underground monster Telestone is 60 meters tall and weighs 120000 tons."

Ying Zi also frowned, what can such a big thing do?

Is it used to...

Ying Zi also shook his head and continued to listen to the system introduction.

"Can dig tunnels and move freely.

He has a combative personality and likes to take the initiative to provoke wars.

The brain is scattered in five parts of the limbs and the head, so the agility is extremely high and it is not easy to die. "

Ying Zi also heard this introduction, and was a little confused.

What is the relationship between distraction and high agility?
Could it be that the command and execution speed is fast?
Also, for such a big person, what a long way to travel from the nerves of the head to the hands!

"The skin can withstand high pressure, even if it is [-] miles under the sea, it will not be crushed."

Ying Zi also nodded slightly, which is good for exploring the bottom of the sea.

In the world of the previous life, the exploration of the seabed was also a big problem.

With Telestone, let him go to dangerous places.

"Only at night."

There's nothing wrong with this, as it's easy to scare people when they act in broad daylight.

"It can spray a high temperature of 2000 degrees Celsius from its mouth."

So far, this is the ability that makes Ying Ziyi most satisfied.

Such a high temperature can not only guarantee combat effectiveness, but also be used for some production and the like.

Before the technology of the Qin Dynasty reached a certain level.

But right now, it's really useless.

In terms of fighting, the infinite shadow corps is enough.

Let Telestone come, but it is easy to cause unnecessary damage.

It can only be put on hold temporarily.

"How can I put you away?" Ying Zi also said to himself sadly.

Putting such a big thing here is easy to cause trouble.

Telestone seemed to understand Ying Ziyi's words, turned into a little red light again, and flew back to Ying Ziyi.

Ying Ziyi stretched out his hand again, but the red light did not escape, but landed on Ying Ziyi's hand and turned into a round coin.

Ying Zi also nodded slightly, and put it into the bag.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Ying Yinman and Yun Niang stood on the second floor of the inn, looking out.

Just now, Telestone roared, waking up the surrounding residents!
The people ran out sleepily in twos and threes, only seeing a piece of calm water and Ying Ziyi.

There was the sound of a carriage in the distance, and a small brown carriage rolled over!

The local county magistrate jumped out of the carriage and hurried to a position about four or five meters in front of Ying Ziyi. He didn't dare to go forward, and turned back to call for the arrest!
"It's you who made the noise here?" The county magistrate looked Ying Ziyi up and down.

Xin Dao didn't look strong, how could he make such a big noise?
Ying Zi also frowned, but didn't answer.

"No answer? Someone! Arrest this man!" The magistrate yelled!
Two or three arresters rushed forward with their knives in hand!
"Who dares!" Ying Zi also shouted loudly, calming down the police!
The county magistrate was startled, and pointed at Ying Ziyi: "'re wrong!"

Ying Zi was also slightly angry: "Why do you have to arrest me?"

The county magistrate lifted his hat: "Just because I am an official, you are a citizen!"

"Just for this reason? Can you arrest people for no reason? The county magistrate doesn't have to abide by the laws of Daqin!"

The county magistrate was frightened by his aura, but he lifted his official hat and became more courageous: "I say yes! Here, I am the law of Daqin! Catch me!"

The policeman was about to bully him again, Wei Zhuang jumped from the second floor of the inn, and blocked the two policemen with a sword!

He landed and retracted the sword in one go, as if he was standing in this place just now.

The county magistrate was taken aback, raised his cap again, pointed at Wei Zhuang and said, "Who are you? You dare to attack someone in the government, are you going to oppose Qin!"

Ying Zi also sneered: "If you don't abide by the laws of the Great Qin, I think you are the one who opposes Qin, right?"

"You still dare to talk nonsense, I..." The county magistrate wanted to speak harshly, but the arrester on his side was obviously useless, so he had to use his words to suppress others, "I will report it to Xianyang!"

The county magistrate has an uncle who is a high-ranking official in Xianyang. He heard that he has a lot of powerful followers, so he can cry and borrow them for use!

Ying Zi also rubbed his chin: "Report to Xianyang? Who do you want to report to?"

"Prince Ziyi's family order, my uncle Jian Bingan!" The magistrate wiped his nose proudly, as if he was his uncle.

Ying Zi also shook his head amusedly.

Wei Zhuang revealed his identity directly: "Do you know who this is?"

The magistrate snorted, "I don't care who he is!"

"This is the crown prince Ziyi!"


The county magistrate was shocked, and his hat was half crooked!

Hurry up to help her up, and tilt her body to look carefully at Ying Ziyi: " are..."

Wei Zhuang directly showed the signboard of Zuixianglou: "If you don't recognize the prince, can you recognize this one?"

The county magistrate took a closer look and sat down on the ground in fright!

"This this this..."

Daqin's largest assassination organization!

The death list, enter the list today, and take the top tomorrow!

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