"Hateful! That Pang Yu is not dead, that is to say, this girl was tricked by him?"

Ding Yuehua also came to the foot of the cliff at some time.

After knowing that Pang Yu is not dead.

Resentment appeared on the pretty face again.

Think before.

She is guilty again.

Burning paper again.

Also shed several tears.

It just feels so silly.

"Silly Ding, you should be glad that Brother Pang is fine, otherwise, hehehe."

Bai Yutang held the last bit of cigarette butt in his mouth, with a meaningful expression on his face.

"The two of you should say a few words less. Since An Lehou is fine, we should look for him first."

"Of course I want to find him, and this girl has to settle accounts with him."


Although the three have different positions.

But at the moment it is all a purpose.

That is to find Pang Yu quickly.

The mountains here are densely wooded and there are many wild animals. If you get lost, it's not a joke.

"Miss Ding, be careful."

"Nangou, don't worry about it."

"Nangou, hahahahaha, silly girl Ding, I stand by you this time."


Zhan Zhao's mouth twitched involuntarily.

This female heroine Ding looked beautiful, dignified and heroic.

But this mouth is really unforgiving.

And this Bai Yutang.

I also don't understand why it is difficult to get along with Zhan.

"Forget it, Zhan is one step ahead!"

"Who do you look down on? Which one can you pass faster?"

"This girl won't lose either!"


The three followed the traces left by Pang Yu all the way.

Soon there was a burst of bloody smell.

"The smell of blood! Could it be."

Zhan Zhao was the first to stop.

There was a corpse in front of him, with huge blood holes left in the eyes, which looked extremely strange in this dark night.

"What a ruthless means!"

"I'll go, this is Brother Pang's Gale and Thunder swordsmanship, it's very powerful."

"Using the hand as a sword, it is as swift as a gust of wind and as powerful as lightning."

"What? You said it was killed by Pang Yu?"


Zhan Zhao hurried forward.

Two more dead bodies were found.

Ding Yuehua's stomach has already started to churn.

She really couldn't imagine the scene of one person pushing his hand into another's brain.

This Pang Yu.

Really so powerful?

Then why didn't you shoot this girl, instead ran away by yourself...

Not right.

Something is really wrong.

[Ding Yuehua is curious about you, points +50]

[Zhan Zhao has emotional fluctuations towards you, points +50]

[Bai Yutang admires you very much, points +50]


It's them again.

What are you doing at night...

I'm still sleeping. Huh?
Pang Yu, who was woken up, shuddered violently.

A sense of crisis suddenly came to my heart.



murderous look!
Since learning martial arts, his perception has improved a lot.


Certainly, danger is coming.

Pang Yu quickly turned over and stood up, not caring much.

Hastily rushed into the ruined temple.

"Ah Grace"


Qin Xianglian was startled awake.

But Pang Yu's actions immediately shocked her even more.

This benefactor unexpectedly rushed towards her with a ferocious face.

Her mind went blank for an instant, and she was dumbfounded.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three shiny throwing knives were stuck on the ground, if Pang Yu was one step late, this Qin Xianglian might have died.

"Grandpa, this is"

"It seems that your son-in-law was overly cautious and sent another killer. This killer is a little bit better."

"Hehehe, thank you for the compliment. I was just trying to test it out, but I didn't expect it to be the target. However, you meddle in your own business. I'm afraid I will go on the road with her today!"


Pang Yu's anger was undisguised.

First up is Han Qi.

He is a righteous man, and he would rather die to show his will.

Then came the three scum, who even killed children.

Now there is another one, just as ruthless.

This is obviously not giving them a way out.


System Mall.

Hidden weapon spree.


watch out!

The opponent's figure has appeared.

Pang Yu locks on to the opponent.

All of a sudden, he threw out the hidden weapon he had just exchanged.

Flying knives, flying arrows, locust rocks.

Iron needles, iron bullets, and caltrops.

Plum Blossom Dart, Money Dart, Butterfly Dart, Thunderbolt Cannon.

Dense like rain, chaotic like hemp.

"Are you also a master of hidden weapons?"

The other party was obviously taken aback.

While dodging, he threw throwing knives at Pang Yu.

"King Kong does not destroy the body of a child!"

"King Kong is not bad... there is something."

Pang Yu opened the Vajra Indestructible Boy body and stood in front of Qin Xianglian.

In the face of flying knives, flying knives do not dodge or evade.

Let it hit your body, and it will fall one after another.

"Hateful, look at the trick!"

The hidden weapon confrontation fell to the wind.

The opponent is even more proficient in the indestructible boy body of Vajra.

The killer was very decisive and immediately targeted Qin Xianglian.

Luck makes light work, and his body is ghostly like the wind, rushing towards him.

"Ah, ah, benefactor."

"Stay back, lean back!"

Pang Yu used his finger as a sword to fight against him.


I don't know how many times stronger than the three garbage before.

"Today, even the Heavenly King, I can't keep her!"

"Oh, then I also said, today, even the Heavenly King, I will never touch her!"

"Okay! It depends on how long you can last!"

The two were fighting in full swing.

Qin Xianglian was a little at a loss.

On the one hand, he was worried about Pang Yu, and on the other hand, he felt even more desperate and resentful towards Chen Shimei.

"The wind and thunder!"

"Although the sword is fast, it has no power. My friend, you are at the end of your skills!"

"is it?"

Using fingers as swords is not the answer after all.

The opponent's strength is not weak, and his internal strength is also very strong.

Pang Yu's Vajra is not bad, its color is getting lighter and its defense is weakening.

We must find a way.

System Mall.

Martial arts interface.


Grade: B

Points: 300000
Category: Fingering Cheats

Effects: Thunder Falling, Thunder Sound Comes to the World, Thunder God Possessed

Pang Yu originally wanted to save some points for higher-level ones.

but now……



"Raging wind and thunder!"


The new martial arts is mastered in an instant.

Pang Yu's momentum has undergone an earth-shaking change.

The fingers are like thunder, and the strength is like a raging wind.

It was as strong as a different person.

Every blow is accompanied by gusts of wind and thunder.

"How? How is it possible? What kind of martial art is this? Where did the thunder come from? Where did the lightning come from... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[Duan Xiaofei is afraid of you, points +20]

"Crack. Crack"

It's the sound of broken bones.

The killer's two arms were abruptly broken by Pang Yu.

Completely defeated.

"I can give you a chance to live, that is..."

"If you want me to betray the Lord, it's impossible!"

Black blood dripped from the corner of the killer's mouth.

He had poison sacs in his mouth.

Seeing that he was about to be captured by Pang Yu, he bit the poison sac hard without any hesitation.

"My name is Duan Xiaofei. I have never failed a mission. Even though I am dead, you can't keep her, ahhh..."

The killing method was Xiaofei's final blow, and with a flick of his long sleeves, a red shadow galloped towards Qin Xianglian.

"Hidden weapon? Don't even think about it!"

Donghai step started suddenly.

The hidden weapon is fast.

Pang Yu was faster.

One jumps, and arrives in an instant.

Reach out.


Grab the hidden weapon at your fingertips.

"It's. uh."

Taking a closer look, the hidden weapon in his hand was actually a cute little red snake with two big eyes.

Pang Yu couldn't help being taken aback.

But the little red snake opened its mouth wide, and then bit it.


King Kong is not bad, the boy is broken.

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