【Qin Xianglian is grateful to you, points +100】

[Qin Xianglian regards you as a benefactor, points +100]

[Qin Xianglian thank you for a pair of children, points +100]


all the way.

Pang Yu gained a lot of points from Qin Xianglian.

But he wasn't happy at all.

if it is possible.

He really can do without this point.

As long as those two poor children can survive.

"So you stopped the prime minister's sedan chair."

"Yes, benefactor, but the prime minister didn't help me, he just gave us a little money and drove us away."

"I see."

Pang Yu dragged his chin to think.

In the original book, Qin Xianglian did ask Prime Minister Wang.

Moreover, Prime Minister Wang had tried his best to help her, and even hinted that she would go to Kaifeng Mansion to file a complaint.

How did you become indifferent here?

"Grandpa, Chen Shimei is now a concubine, you really..."

"Don't worry, no one can protect him, as I said!"

Pang Yu has full confidence.

As long as this matter gets to Lao Bao, Chen Shimei will definitely die with his character of hating evil like a vengeance, even daring to complain about the emperor.

Even if there are still people dying, Pang Yu doesn't mind pushing him from behind.

[Pang Ji is distraught because of your disappearance, points +100]

[Pang Feiyan is distraught because of your disappearance, points +100]

【Bai Yutang is looking for you everywhere, worried, points +50】

[Zhan Zhao has emotional fluctuations towards you, points +50]

[Ding Yuehua thought you were dead, so he was burning paper for you, he feels guilty for you, points +100]

The sound of nature suddenly came from the system.

Pang Yu couldn't help but gasped.

It appears that word has spread of his captivity.

Dad and sister really care about him.

This Bai Yutang is a little surprising, how long have we known each other, is our relationship so deep?
Forget about Zhan Zhao, he is always there for points every time.

Ding Yuehua was a bit interesting.

Nima still knows guilt, and when the king returns, I will also hang you upside down for the whole night!

"Qin Xianglian, lead the way quickly, let's go back to Bianliang quickly, so we can deal with Chen Shimei sooner."

"Yes, benefactor!"


Outside Bianliang City.


Ding Yuehua was concentrating on burning the paper money, but she didn't notice someone approaching quietly.

"Pang Yu, Pang Yu, you are quite nice to women, and the big Bondi you made is also very useful, but anyway, sorry, I will come to burn paper for you every year."

"Ding Yuehua! Master Bai, I finally found you!"

"Huh? You are the Fifth Master Bai of Trapped Sky Island."

The empty island is separated from the Ding family by a river.

It's a neighbor.

We are all people in the rivers and lakes.

There is also some contact with each other.

Bai Yutang and this Ding Yuehua also met a few times.

"Ding Yuehua, let me ask you, where is my Brother Pang now?"

"Fifth Bai, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Ding Yuehua was calm on the surface.

But secretly startled.

Brother Pang... probably refers to Pang Yu.

How could he know Bai Wuye from Trapped Sky Island?

It sounds like the friendship is not shallow.

Didn't it mean that Fifth Master Bai has always been defiant?

now this.
"Ding Yuehua, you injured the servants of Pang's family with the Ding family's unique 36-way muscle-splitting hand. I should be right. So, don't pretend to be foolish and let Brother Pang go. Otherwise, It may affect the friendship between me and your Ding family."

"Hmph! It seems that Bai Wuye, who is trapped in the empty island, is also a person who clings to the rich and powerful, and his reputation is simply wasted!"

"Ding Yuehua!"

"What? We've come to the point of pain, okay, let this girl experience what Bai Wuye can do!"


Ding Yuehua put on a posture.

Prepare to compete with Bai Yutang.

And at this moment, another figure appeared.

"Girl, Xia Zhanzhao, we meet again!"

"Nan Xia, now he's the dog of the Gongmen!"

"Girl you"

"Zhan Zhao, you are here to look for my Brother Pang, right? Well, I can tell you that it is this Ding Yuehua who arrested my Brother Pang!"

"Girl, please release Lord An Le quickly!"

Zhan Zhao also guessed that Pang Yu's capture should be done by Ding Yuehua.

Although many were unwilling, but due to his status as a public servant, he still opened his mouth to persuade the other party to release him.

"Hey! You have a Nanxia Zhanzhao and a Chinchilla in the Sky Island, why are you embarrassing me for a dude?"

Ding Yuehua originally felt a little guilty about Pang Yu falling off the cliff.

And now, because of Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao.

The eldest lady has lost her temper again.

Instead, he became angry with Pang Yu again.

"Okay, you're looking for Pang Yu, right? Okay, I'm telling you, look at this rope, look at this cliff, and go find his body!"

"Brother Pang!"


After hearing Ding Yuehua's words.

Both Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were shocked.

Hastily ran to the cliff.

Ding Yuehua was a little startled by the reaction of the two of them.

Just an ignorant dude.

As for the reaction?

This girl really didn't do it on purpose.

When you look back, the person is gone.

Don't blame me.

"It's over! You're over! Your Ding family is over!"

"Miss Ding, you have caused a disaster."

"Don't scare me, both of you, Pang Yu has done bad things before."

"Hmph! Do you really think your Ding family is so great? In a real fight, your Ding family is not as good as we trapped in the empty island and murdered the uncle of the current dynasty. Even I have to add up the total. How dare you."

"Bai Wuxia, now is not the time to talk about this, let's go down the cliff!"

"Ah yes, this cliff is really hard for me!"


Bai Yutang took out two claws from his waist.

Turn over the cliff.

His sworn third brother, Xu Qing, the mountain rat, is omnipotent in opening mountains and piercing caves.

Although he has only learned a little, he is already confident in getting off this cliff.

Zhan Zhao doesn't have this ability.

Can only find another way.

Go down the mountain and look for someone.

"What's so special about this Pang Yu? Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao must care too much about him."


【Bai Yutang is very worried about you, points +50】

【Zhan Zhao is very worried about you, points +50】

[Ding Yuehua is very worried about you, points +50]



The system is malfunctioning?

What do you mean this is?
I don't understand.
"Engong, in front of you is the Sanguantang where Mr. Han Qi committed suicide." Qin Xianglian said softly.

"Take me to see."

Han Qi.

He is the general of the consort's mansion.

Chen Shimei ordered him to hunt down Qin Xianglian.

When he saw the other party's orphan and widow, he couldn't do anything.

In order to achieve both loyalty and righteousness, he killed himself in Sanguan Temple.

He is a righteous man.

After a moment.

Pang Yu entered the Sanguan Temple.

Sure enough, a man's body was found.

The eyes are wide open, and the death is not in peace.

"What a man, what a pity."

Pang Yu sighed.

Start searching for available evidence.

The development of the plot now is quite different from the original.

I want to put Chen Shimei to death.

Stronger evidence must be gathered.

"Grandpa, Mr. Han Qi has a letter on him."


Pang Yu quickly took the letter from Qin Xianglian's hand, opened it, and read it.

"This is a confession letter. Han Qi recorded everything in the letter about how Chen Shimei ordered him to hunt and kill you. He wanted to use his own death to help you. Qin Xianglian, he is your real benefactor."

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