"Sir... what is this performance?"

The crowd saw that Liu Chuan took boxes, hats, long swords and other weird things and arranged them on the table.

Everyone was very puzzled, not knowing what Liu Chuan was going to do.

"What I show you is called magic!"

Liu Chuan introduced.

"Magic? What is magic?"

Everyone is confused, you look at me, I look at you, I haven't heard of the word magic.

"Sir, I have only heard of fairy art, not magic. Could it be that sir is a member of the demon clan?"

Huang Xu was young, so he asked quite naively.

"Demon Race. Why am I returning the Demon Race!"

Liu Chuan immediately rolled his eyes.

"Today I will show you three magic tricks, swallowing a long sword, turning water into ice, and turning a rabbit out of nothing."

Liu Chuan introduced.

"Swallowing a long sword, turning water into ice, and turning a rabbit out of thin air?"

They were all sayings that they had never heard before, and everyone was stunned when they heard it, a little unbelievable.

"Okay, now I will show you swallowing a long sword first!"

"What do you mean? That means I want to swallow this long sword!"

Liu Chuan introduced.


Liu Chuan drew out a long sword with a cold light that was more than three feet long.


"Impossible? With such a length, it is absolutely impossible to swallow it in the stomach!"

"Sir, don't take any risks. Swallowing such a long sword will surely break your intestines."

Everyone expressed disbelief, and even advised Liu Chuan not to take risks.

"Don't worry, I am not a person who is blindly looking for death!"

Liu Chuan waved his hand.

Just little magic.

In his previous life, he was a magic lover, he had a lot of research on magic, and he also knew the routines in magic.

When he was free, he made some magic props to study magic, which came in handy at this time.

"Come on, take a look at this sword, is there any problem?"

Liu Chuan handed the long sword to Zhao Changshan.

Zhao Changshan took the long sword, looked at it over and over again, the long sword was too real, there was no problem, and there was nothing strange about it.

"Sir, this sword is very sharp, there is no problem in breaking it."

Zhao Changshan replied.


Liu Chuan nodded, and then handed the long sword to Mr. Tong, Huang Zhong and others for inspection.

After they finished checking, they finally took a piece of paper and cut it in two to prove the authenticity of the long sword.

"Okay, now I'm going to start swallowing this long sword."

Liu Chuan said.

Everyone stared at Liu Chuan curiously, wanting to see how he would swallow it.

far away.

Zuo Ci didn't go to visit Liu Chuan's house immediately, but quietly hid himself and watched quietly.

"It's really enviable for Sharen to live in such a leisurely and wild life."

"Three or a few friends, chatting about homework after dinner, feel at ease."

Zuo Ci praised.

"Swallowing the long sword. Hehe, this young man is extraordinary!"

Zuo Ciruo watched with interest.

At this moment, he had seen Liu Chuan swallow the entire long sword, leaving only the hilt.

The sound of exclamation in the yard came from time to time.

Zuo Ci smiled, he wasn't too surprised.

"There must be something wrong with this sword!"

Zuo Ci secretly speculated.

The reason why he wasn't too surprised was because he was a master in this way.

In fact, only he himself knows about Zuo Ci's legends, such as the wall-piercing technique, the fishing in the plate, etc., which are all blindfolds.

It is said that the fairy art is all blown out by him.

Otherwise... how could Cao Cao invite him to be a guest, and how could he gain the respect of others?

of course.

Zuo Ci didn't know that he still had a title in later generations... the Patriarch of Magic!
Not much gossip.

at this time.

Zuo Ci was also surprised when he saw Liu Chuan perform, but what surprised him was Liu Chuan, not his performance.


Zuo Ci continued to watch quietly.


He suddenly saw that Liu Chuan conjured a rabbit out of thin air from inside the hat.

"Excellent, isn't this person a fellow of mine?"

"It's just that his methods seem to be more clever!"

Zuo Ci was even more surprised at this time, because the opponent's technique was indeed better than his.

"There are experts here, let's take a look, maybe we can learn a thing or two!"

Zuo Ci stared at Liu Chuan closely, for fear of missing any details.


Liu Chuan has performed the third magic trick... turning water into ice!
"See, this jar is full of clean water."

"Come on, have a drink, are you sure there is a difference?"

"I'm going to turn the water in this jar into ice cubes!"

When Liu Chuan's voice came, Zuo Ci stared closely at Liu Chuan.

"It's warm today and there's no ice!"

Zuo Ci thought suspiciously.

If you want to turn water into ice, you must have ice to play magic, otherwise things will be born out of thin air... Is it possible?

"Now... is the time to witness a miracle!"

Liu Chuan's voice came again.

Liu Chuan smashed the jar in front of him, only to see a whole block of ice left on the table.


Zuo Ci exclaimed, his eyes suddenly widened.

This is so special!
It was obviously a jar of water, but it turned into ice bricks in the blink of an eye!

He was sure and certain that even he, a master of magic arts, would definitely not be able to do it.

In the yard on the other side.

"Who the hell said it's impossible?"

Liu Chuan immediately looked at everyone.

Everyone: "???"

Everyone looked confused, you look at me, I look at you, they did hear "impossible" just now.


Everyone was shocked by Liu Chuan's method, but they didn't realize where the "impossible" came from!
"It's hard, I've been exposed!"

Zuo Ci yelled inwardly with a distressed face, but he didn't pay attention for a while, because he yelled too loudly.

Peeking was discovered, and his old face would be ashamed.

He was still thinking of finding Liu Chuan as an apprentice.

This way of appearance, how to learn from a teacher?

And just as he was thinking about whether to go out immediately and admit it voluntarily, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a change in the southeast corner of the far away land.

At this time, Captain Cao was leading people to dig...

"Confused, there is an expert here!"

"It's over, it's over, digging the land where the expert planted things..."

"Reckless man, how dare you?!"

Zuo Ci was about to cry.

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