
Miyagi is in the very center of Xuchang.

Everything here looks new and new, giving people a refreshing feeling.

But that's the feeling that people who are not familiar with Miyagi have. If they are familiar... they will never feel refreshed, but only extremely depressed!

That's right, it's depressing!
Because everyone who is familiar with it knows...the so-called Miyagi, where the emperor lived.

There is also an area specially designated by Cao Cao for the emperor.

The entire central city of Xuchang is divided into three parts, namely: Guocheng, Inner City, and Miyagi.

The area Cao Cao divided for the emperor was Miyagi, and he himself lived in the inner city.

The reason for such a layout, in Cao Cao's words, is that the princes of the world are in chaos, so as to avoid Dong Zhuo holding the emperor hostage again, so he has to protect the emperor at the center.

If anyone dares to hurt the emperor, he must step on Cao Mengde's corpse.

Otherwise, Duanduan would not be able to casually contact the emperor.

Cao Cao was so loyal to the emperor.

The entire imperial palace in Xuchang is actually newly built.

Back then, Dong Zhuo burned down the Luoyang imperial palace, and after Emperor Xian Liu Xie escaped and was welcomed to Xuchang by Cao Cao, there must be a palace, right?

Cao Cao made a big effort to build a building, and immediately organized people to build a replica of the Luoyang Palace in Xuchang.

Although the scale of the Xuchang Palace is not as grand as the Luoyang Palace and has a historical atmosphere, the Xuchang Palace has everything, and it has some of the unique momentum of the Palace.

As for whether Liu Xie lives here comfortably or not, or whether he has a sense of belonging, maybe only he knows.


As an emperor whose fate is in the hands of others, who would care about how comfortable he lives?
"Cao Cao, Cao Cao, I really don't know whether to thank you or resent you?"

At this moment, a sigh of resentment came out.

Along the direction of the sound, I saw a young man in extremely gorgeous clothes standing there by the edge of a lake, and it was he who made the sound.

The young man was extremely tall, but his body was slightly arched, which made him look extremely unconfident.

He also wanted to be confident, but Cao Cao didn't allow it.

That's right!

This person is none other than Emperor Xian Liu Xie who was imprisoned in Miyagi by Cao Cao.

When he escaped from Luoyang, he was suffering from hunger and cold. It was Cao Cao who greeted him solemnly. It should have been a matter of gratitude, but he never thought that Cao Cao would become the second Dong Zhuo.

Put him directly under house arrest in Xuchang, leaving him, the emperor, without freedom.

and so.

Should he be grateful to Cao Cao, or should he resent him?

Liu Xie's mood was extremely bitter.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about worrying anymore, my concubine. Let me help you go back to your room, it's cool by the lake."

A beautiful woman beside Liu Xie stepped forward and pulled him and said.


Liu Xie waved his hands, but his body remained unmoved. He turned his head and stared at the beautiful woman for a long, long time until he was at a loss for what to do.


"Hehe. Can I feel cold?"

Liu Xie smiled bitterly coldly.


The glamorous woman was at a loss for words for a moment, a little at a loss, not knowing how to answer Liu Xie's words.

It's been a long time.


The beautiful woman sighed.

"Your Majesty, since the concubine is married to you, she should be loyal to you."

"But on one side is my husband, and on the other side is my concubine's father, I don't know what to say."

"But, whether the emperor is grateful or resentful, I hope these things have nothing to do with me."

"Since I, Cao Jie, are married to you, we are husband and wife, so this concubine only wants to do what a wife should do."

Cao Jie spoke sincerely.


Liu Xie closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them.

"My dear concubine, I understand what you mean."

Liu Xie was quite moved.

He was not hypocritical, but really moved.

In order to control him, Cao Cao married all three daughters of Cao Xian, Cao Jie, and Cao Hua to him in one go.

But among the three, only Cao Jie treated him sincerely after marrying him, and he saw it all.

As a troubled emperor, a woman is still sincere to him, of course his heart is very touched.

"Aifei, let's go back and rest."

Liu Xie said.

he thought to himself.

Don't dare to vent to Cao Cao, can't you vent your emotions to your daughter?


Liu Xie immediately took Cao Jie back to the room to vent his depression.

It's been a long, long time.

Cao Jie was also so tired that he fell into a deep sleep, but Liu Xie's energy was getting better and better, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

After being placed under house arrest, it was quite normal for him to suffer from insomnia.

And right now.

"Your Majesty, your health is not bad."

A teasing voice came, and Liu Xie was shocked for a moment.

Liu Xie's chest rose and fell sharply.

Fortunately, Cao Jie had already fallen asleep. If such a voice had come earlier, Liu Xie could be sure that he would probably have psychological shadows in his life, so don't try to have some fun.

Who can stand the moment when the head held high becomes sluggish?
Bi Qiniang is too scary!
"The emperor is in good health!"

For a moment, Liu Xie suddenly remembered what the visitor said.

ordinary man!

It's too deceiving!
Could it be that he witnessed the whole process of communication between Zhen and my concubine?

So sad!
The days of being under house arrest are really sad, and doing some private things may be in the eyes of others.

But he was helpless.

"Your Majesty, it's me! Doctor Guanglu Xun Yu."

Xun Yu smiled, and a smiling face appeared in the darkness.

"Doctor Xun Xun?"

Liu Xie was shocked for a moment.

Unexpectedly, when he was under house arrest, Xun Yu would sneak in, and he felt very confused for a moment.

But after only a moment, Liu Xie's face turned cold.

Although he has been under house arrest by Cao Cao, he has also heard about who gave Cao Cao the idea to put him under house arrest!

The instigator is Dr. Xun in front of him.

"Why are you here?"

Liu agreed to calm himself down, and took a piece of clothing to put on his body.

He asked his most puzzling question.

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