"Wen is ashamed. He followed Cai Maozhi to Jiangling in a muddleheaded way before. He never thought that they would dare to issue a corrective edict. Hey! It almost caused a big mistake!"

"This is the end of the matter, Mr. Jiuru, Wen has nothing else to ask for. I just want Mr. Jiuru to forgive Wen and let Zixie continue to work under your command. I am relieved."

"In addition, Wen has another request, and I hope that Mr. Jiuru will agree."

Wenpin bowed to Liu Chuan, and his posture couldn't be lowered.

Liu Chuan signaled Wenpin to continue talking.

"Mr. Jiuru, please promise that Wenpin can also live in Tongque City. Wenpin is getting old and useless."

Wenpin said eagerly.


Liu Chuan's eyelids twitched, and he was startled for a moment.

The meaning of Wenpin's words is too obvious, how could he not understand?
To put it bluntly, Wenpin felt that he followed Cai Mao to Jiangling, which made him seem to have made a mistake.

Then he wanted Liu Chuan to take care of his adopted son Wenxiu, but he planned to disarm and return to the farmland and move to live in Tongque City.

"Sure enough, a loyal person loves a single muscle!"

"What kind of fault is this, let alone without knowing it."

Liu Chuan shook his head secretly.

"Brother Wen, to be honest, I'm not stingy!"

"Bronze Sparrow City is not suitable for you to live in, at least not for now."

Liu Chuan raised his eyebrows, glanced at Wenpin and smiled.


When Wenpin heard Liu Chuan's words, he immediately sighed.

His mood was a little sad, and his eggs were a little painful, the kind that hurts both of them.

It seems that Mr. Jiuru still hasn't forgiven himself after all.

after all.

He ran away with Cai Mao before, and Cai Mao was Liu Chuan's hostile force.

"Brother Wen, what are you sighing for?"

"You may have misunderstood me! What I mean is that when you are in your prime, you want to disarm and return to the farmland, and come to settle in Tongque City. Isn't it a waste of a lot of talent?"

"If you want to live a pastoral life, that's not the age you are now. You have to wait until you are really old!"

"Brother Wen, isn't Jiang Xia's prefect position currently vacant?"

"I think I'll give Liu Qi a suggestion. It should be fine for you to guard Jiang Xia, and he should also be able to ask for it."

Liu Chuan said with a smile.

The corners of Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu's mouths twitched.

"Your suggestion is probably premeditated!"

Zhuge Liang thought so.


Liu Chuan had Mao's premeditated plan. He wondered if Wenpin was originally stationed in Jiangxia?
Think about the original history, Wenpin was guarding Jiangxia, and it lasted for more than ten years!
Not only did he defeat Sun Quan with less when guarding Jiangxia, but he even beat Sun Wu while rewarding him, so that Sun Wu did not dare to attack.

He even defeated Guan Yu twice in the following battles and became Boss Cao's strongest fortress when he was in the south.

and so!
Liu Chuan felt that the civil and military appointment was very suitable for guarding Jiangxia.

He also didn't want Wenpin to stay in Tongque City, that would be a great waste!

It was his idea to let Wenpin return to his original position.

"What kind of virtue and ability is this Wen, that Mr. Jiuru values ​​so much!"

The corners of Wenpin's mouth trembled in disbelief!
Originally he was the general under Liu Biao, but now Liu Chuan directly asked him to guard Jiangxia and be the head of a county.

On the contrary, the status has risen but not fallen, and it is the reuse of reuse!

"Brother Wen is serious, I just don't want you to be buried!"

"Let you go to Jiangxia, I can trust, Jiangxia has a lot of my property!"

Liu Chuan laughed.

"Thank you Mr. Jiuru for your trust!"

"Don't worry, when Wen Mou goes to Jiangxia, he will definitely take care of Mr. Jiuru's property."

Wenpin immediately promised.

"Thank you sir!"

Wenpin's adopted son Wenxiu also stood up and bowed deeply to Liu Chuan.

Wenpin is his adoptive father, and Liu Chuan reuses his adoptive father, so he has a bright face.

"It's okay!"

Liu Chuan waved his hand calmly.

"Since you are all here, I am going to train. Do you want to go together?"

Liu Chuan said after arranging the appointment.

"Go, go, go!"

"Mr. Jiuru is training soldiers, we just go to learn more!"

Both Xu Shu and Wenpin showed strong interest.

Especially Wenpin, he has never seen Liu Chuan's ability, and it has always been rumored news.

So Liu Chuan asked them if they wanted to go, and he couldn't ask for it, so Dang even became excited.

He wanted to see what was so special about Liu Chuan?
"Naturally, Liang likes to watch Brother Jiuru's military training the most."

Zhuge Liang also said immediately on the side.

"My military training is just random training, why are you so excited?"

Liu Chuan said to Zhuge Liang angrily.

"Brother Jiuru doesn't know?"

"From now on, as your master Bo, I will carefully write down every move of brother Jiu Ru."

"Especially such a constructive move!"

Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"My Nima!"

Liu Chuan almost choked on his saliva.

"I'm not the emperor, why are you recording my actions?"

"You are meowing my boss, not Qilang!"

Liu Chuan was completely shocked!
Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the imperial court has set up the official position of "Liang".

The task of this official position is to record the words and deeds of the emperor, and record all good deeds and bad deeds, no matter big or small, for future generations to compile history.

And the official position of this recording document is called "Life Note".

According to the rules, the emperor could not interfere with the content of the "Daily Notes", so the emperors of all dynasties were worried about the "Daily Notes".

I am afraid that my disgraceful things will be recorded, and those who hold the official position of "Liang" generally enjoy the social reputation of being upright, courageous and daring to confront difficulties.

It can be seen that living a job is not a good job, it is a very risky official position, if you meet an enlightened emperor, it is okay, but if you meet a fatuous or cruel monarch, the end will not be so good.

On a horse!
Zhuge Liang actually wanted to do such a thing!
Damn you treat me like an emperor?
This made Liu Chuan very speechless.

"Brother Jiu Ru is wrong! Hehe"

"Liang means to record your actions, and then use them for us to learn, and also for future generations to learn, so that they won't be lost."

"Brother Jiuru, don't worry, Liang will not record all the deeds between you and your wife."

"Besides, we can't learn how you find your wife!"

Zhuge Liang laughed.

"Well, I think Brother Kong Ming is absolutely right about this!"

Xu Shu also chimed in.

What Liu Chuan did was extremely precious in their eyes. If it could be written down for others to learn from, or passed down, there might be many more capable people in the world.

In this way, the lives of people in the world will improve a lot!
So he also raised his hands in favor.

Liu Chuan: "."

It makes sense, but I am speechless.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want to memorize it, just memorize it, let's go!"

Liu Chuan said.

I don't care about you, I'm going to train soldiers!

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