"My lord, I want to make money!"

The child said in a childlike voice, with an unusually firm tone.

"You want to make money?!"

Liu Chuan asked in extreme surprise.

On the other hand, Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu were also quite surprised, and they all looked at the child in front of them.

"Yes, I want to make money!"

The child's tone became more serious, extremely certain.

Liu Chuan was slightly surprised.

Four or five year olds want to make money?

Uh. If it is in later generations, what is such a small child doing?It is very possible to fly in the kindergarten!
On the left side of the door are parents, on the right side are grandparents, followed by grandparents, almost a collection of thousands of loves.

But for children in this era, the difference between thinking about making money at the age of four or five is really too big.

Liu Chuan helped his forehead, and he was quite fortunate. Fortunately, Pang Tong and the others suggested building Tongque City, so that he could minimize such things as much as possible.

Otherwise, he might be very ashamed. After all, he came from later generations and has super knowledge and insight, but he has been doing nothing here.

And since it was in his Tongque City, he would definitely make it rare for such things to happen.

"What's your name? Kid!"

Liu Chuan asked with a smile.


The child was taken aback for a moment. He was a little ignorant of this name, but he found it quite interesting.

"My name is Deng Fan!"

Deng Fan stood still and said.

"Deng Fan?"

Liu Chuan was taken aback for a moment.

He quickly recalled it in his mind, as if there was no such person.

Especially at such a young age, there is no sign to follow.

Because the Biaozi is usually taken in the year of weak crown, Liu Chuan can't tell who he is from the Biaozi.

"Where are you from?"

Liu Chuan asked.

He always felt that this kid was not simple, so he planned to judge his identity from other information.

"I'm from a new wilderness."

"Originally, I belonged to the Deng family, but our family suffered an accident, and my father passed away, so my mother and I wandered here."

Deng Fan said.

"Xinye Deng's family?"

Liu Chuan frowned.

Suddenly he widened his eyes because he thought of a person.

"Fuck, this little thing can't be Deng Ai, can it?"

Liu Chuan seems to know the identity of this kid!


Deng Ai's first name was Deng Fan, but later he changed his name because he had the same name as someone from the same clan!
Moreover, Liu Chuan thought about Deng Ai's age, and it was very consistent with the kid in front of him.

at this time.

He is almost 100% sure that Deng Fan is the famous Deng Ai in the late Three Kingdoms period!
No wonder I intuitively felt that this kid was unusual.

Think about what kind of talent Deng Ai is?
Deng Ai, styled Shizai.At first hearing this person's name, many people may be a little unfamiliar, and they haven't heard much.

It is too far away from the names of Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Cao Cao, Zhuge and others!
But as a matter of fact, this person can be said to have done what the above-mentioned bigwigs have never done in their entire lives. Simply put, it is to end the Three Kingdoms era!

Or at least he was the one who ignited the fuse that ended the chaos of the Three Kingdoms.

In fact, Deng Ai's background was not good. His family used to be a famous family in Xinye.

It's a pity that his generation has long since declined, and he lost his father since he was a child. It can be said to be quite miserable in that era of war and chaos.

It can be said that Deng Ai is the most grassroots famous general of the Three Kingdoms!
Deng Ai was a cowherd boy and later became a field soldier. Because there are still some family traditions left over, Deng Ai's talent and learning in the team are relatively outstanding, and he has left his comrades by several blocks.

Then he was selected as a small official, probably a captain!

And Deng Ai really took off because he was appreciated by Sima Yi, who is in power. Since then, his life has undergone a great turning point.

Well known.

Sima Yi's leadership ability is extremely strong, and the most important aspect of leadership ability is to be good at knowing people.

Sima Yi entrusted Deng Aiyu with an important task, and asked him to patrol the Huaihe River in the southeast and deal with Jiangdong.

Deng Ai seized the opportunity at the right time. He first inspected the field, then thought carefully, and then wrote an eloquent article "Jihe Lun", in which he proposed to build water conservancy, set up extensive farmland, and save food.

After his idea was adopted by Sima Yi, the effect was extremely remarkable. Later, Wei State not only had abundant grain production, but also was protected from water damage.

From this, it can be said that Deng Ai directly laid the material foundation for unifying the Three Kingdoms.

And with these achievements, Deng Ai was sent to the northwest to confront Jiang Wei!
This confrontation lasted for more than ten years!
In fact, Deng Ai and Jiang Wei were not at the same level from the very beginning!

Jiang Wei is the unicorn of Tianshui County, the real successor of Kong Ming, and the general of Shu Han!In later generations, it is almost equivalent to the Minister of Defense of the Shu Kingdom!

And what about Deng Ai?

He is just a prefect of Nan'an, and Ding Qitian is considered a mayor.

But Deng Ai has dealt with Jiang Wei for more than ten years. Although he has been on the defensive, he has never suffered a loss, and even once apologized for Jiang Wei's self-demotion.

Because Deng Ai is like the roundworm in Jiang Wei's stomach, he can always guess Jiang Wei's next move.

The northwest front was very long, and every time Jiang Wei wanted to fight somewhere, he found that Deng Ai was waiting there one step earlier, which made Jiang Wei extremely depressed!

But Jiang Wei is also a steady person. If you are prepared, then I will not fight. I originally wanted to take advantage and leave. There is no need for you to waste your strength. The Shu Han can't consume the mighty Cao Wei.

This back and forth, the entanglement lasted for more than ten years, but Deng Ai's identity was basically on the same level as Jiang Weiping.

This directly laid the foundation for Deng Ai and Zhong Hui to destroy the Shu Han.

All in all, Deng Ai is a legend!

Therefore, Liu Chuan was quite surprised.

"Aren't the people who came in this time all refugees?"

"Why did you mix among the refugees?"

Liu Chuan asked.

"Because of hunger, the government has food."

Deng Ai replied in a low voice.

Liu Chuan glanced at Xu Shu, but everyone couldn't laugh.

It can be seen from Deng Ai's sentence "because I'm hungry", it's sad.

It must be because the Jingzhou government helped the refugees, so Deng Ai also became a refugee among them, and then came to Tongque City together.

"What a miserable child!"

"Fortunately, I met my uncle."

Liu Chuan thought secretly.

"Tell me, why do you want to make money? Why do you say I'm unfair? Why don't you convince me?"

Liu Chuan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

No wonder it is said that three years old is considered old. Looking at Deng Ai's momentum, how can ordinary children have it?
"Back to the city owner, because the recruiters are all people over the age of 15, I want to make money, but they don't want me."

Deng Ai replied aggrievedly.

"Eh, because of this?"

Liu Chuan shook his head rather speechlessly.

All the recruitment information of Tongque City indeed stipulates that workers should be over 15 years old.

"People who enter my Tongque City can make money over the age of 15, and everyone under the age of 15 will go to study for me."

"You are still young, I have prepared a husband for you, and you will read to me when the time comes."

Liu Chuan said decisively.

"Ke Ke, my lord, I need money, and I want to make money!"

Deng Ai said pitifully.


Liu Chuan looked at Deng Ai.

"Tell me why you need money so much?"

Liu Chuan asked with interest.

If the reason is right, he doesn't mind giving Deng Ai some money.

But he won't shoot casually, after all, it is very likely to destroy Deng Ai's growth path.

If a generation of famous generals were ruined by random actions, the crime would be serious.

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