Hanoi County, in a house.

Sima Yi half-lyed on the side of the pool in a disheveled whole body, watching the turtle by the pool.

"Old friend, old friend, tell me... the world has been in chaos for a long time, what year and month are you tall?"

Sima Yi said to himself.

Then he held out his hand, ready to touch the turtle.

However, the tortoise shrank its head immediately, not letting Sima Yi touch its head at all.

"Oh! That's right."

"The head is retracted, where is the head?"

Sima Yi's hands froze, and he continued talking to himself.

"Actually, among us who were born in troubled times, countless men have the desire to end the war, right?"

"I want to go back, but how difficult is it?"

"Sigh! Even if there are many capable people in the world, no one can end the war in the world by himself!"

After Sima Yi said this, he let out a self-deprecating laugh.

"No, I'm afraid such a person has not yet been born!"

Sima Yi emphasized it several times.

"Hehe. Even though I have thousands of thoughts to change the world, there is nothing I can do."

"The world is still as chaotic as ever, it's not that I don't want to go out, but"

"Cao Cao took the emperor to control the Han Dynasty, how can I be willing to submit to the Cao family?"

Sima Yi murmured in a low voice.

If it wasn't for his unwillingness to submit to the Cao family, he would have gone out the last time Cao Cao came to ask him to come out of the mountain.

He wants to contribute to ending the war in the world, but he is not happy to live under the Cao family, because he thinks he will be unable to use his hands and feet.

At this time, Sima Yi was still young, and he also had ideals, wanting to do something for the world.

It just didn't satisfy him, he didn't leave the mountain.

"What's more, can the Cao family really end the war in the world?"

Thinking of this, Sima Yi shook his head slightly, "It's hard, it's hard!"

Yes, he still has no confidence in the Cao family.

and so.

He chose to continue curling up here, refusing to come out of the mountain.

"If someone restores the peace of the world with his own power, I, Sima Yi, will go out of the mountain and follow."

"It's just ridiculous. There would never be such a person."

Sima Yi then shook his head and smiled.

"Old friend, old friend, no one can end the war in the world by himself."

"But with the efforts of several generations, Sima Yi thought it would be too difficult."

His eyes narrowed, full of ambition.

That's right!

He feels that there is no one who can end the chaos of the world with his own power, but if he accumulates the power of several generations together, and then ends the chaos of war and realizes the unification of the world, it is not impossible.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely be that person!"

Sima Yi smiled and said.

He thought wildly for a while, as if the tortoise was really his old friend, and the two were chatting.

And right now.

A woman came over with a few maidservants outside the house.

"Zhong Da'er, what are you doing all day long? Can you do something serious?"

"Playing with that turtle all day long, I'm not afraid of losing someone!"

As soon as the woman came over, she frowned when she saw Sima Yi half lying on the edge of the pool, and then she scolded Sima Yi.

However, although it was scolding, the eyes were full of love, and there was not much meaning of blame.

"Mother, where am I playing with the turtle?"

"I'm thinking about something!"

Sima Yi retorted.

I am thinking about life!

Your son seems to be playing with a turtle, but how do you know your son's great ideals?
"You get it! You, anyway, when you grow up, mother can't control you."

"But now there is something that my mother wants to take care of, and my mother made a special trip to talk about it."

"Zhong Da'er, hurry up and tidy up, there is an important person coming to visit you today!"

Sima Yi's mother said.

"Mother, why is it so grand that you need to come over and supervise me personally?"

Sima Yi was extremely curious.

"I told you about a marriage!"

Sima Yi's mother replied with a smile.


Sima Yi was taken aback for a moment.

The mother actually said that she had arranged a marriage for him.

No wonder it was so grand, and I came here to ask him.

"Which girl is it, that."

Sima Yi was about to ask about the situation, but his mother interrupted him.

"Don't ask too much! Go and clean up quickly."

"My son is well-known in the county, and he is known for his talent. This appearance is not good, and it is detrimental to face."

Sima Yi's mother said with a smile.

"Mother, what's wrong with my appearance, if you don't like it, then you don't like it."

Sima Yi spread his hands indifferently.

"I don't like it, what did you say?"

"With the background of our Sima family, they are definitely willing to marry their daughter."

Sima Yi's mother is quite confident.

In this era, the family is especially valued.

As for the Sima family, there is no doubt that it is the kind with a very deep foundation.

The Sima family has a long history, and they are descendants of Chongli, the son of Gaoyang, that is, Xiaguan Zhurong.From ancient times to the Shang Dynasty, the position of Xia Guan was inherited from generation to generation. In the Zhou Dynasty, Xia Guan was renamed Sima.

During the reign of King Xuan of the Zhou Dynasty, the ancestor Cheng Boxiu's father made great contributions to the pacification of Xu Fang, and bestowed Sima as the clan surname.

Sima Yi's twelfth ancestor, Sima Ang, followed Xiang Yu to destroy Qin, was named King of Yin, and established Hanoi as his capital.It became Hanoi County during the Han Dynasty, and the Sima family lived here for generations.

Sima Yi's great-great-grandfather Sima Jun was the general who conquered the West during Emperor Han'an, his great-grandfather Sima Liang was the prefect of Yuzhang, his grandfather Sima Jun was the prefect of Yingchuan, and his father Sima Fang was Jing Zhaoyin.

Sima Yi has eight brothers, and because they all have a word "Da", they are called Sima Bada in Hanoi County.

Therefore, the background of the Sima family is extremely strong.

"Oh, mother."

Sima Yi hesitated to speak, he somehow thought of pigeon fancier Zhuge Buyi.

"Why don't you go soon?!"

Sima Yi's mother took a gouged look at Sima Yi and scolded him.

Although your mother has the confidence to facilitate your marriage, but you look so sloppy, how can you meet people?
Do you know who the other party is?
It's the girl from the Zhang family!

The woman from the Zhang family is a well-known talented and beautiful woman in Hanoi County!
And she is a maverick existence, the woman must come to investigate, otherwise she will not agree to this marriage.

If it wasn't like this, how could mother let you clean up?

When Sima Yi heard his mother's scolding, he immediately retracted his head.

Although he is capable, he is quite afraid of his mother.


Sima Yi came to the back room to change clothes to accept the other party's investigation.



A pigeon flew in, it was the pigeon he communicated with Zhuge Buyi.
"Zhuge Commoner wrote again? I was thinking of you just now."

Sima Yi was taken aback for a moment, and murmured.

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