Zhuge Liang's thatched cottage.

Xu Shu looked at the worried Zhuge Liang.

"Brother Kong Ming, why are you in such a hurry?"

He was pulled out of Liu Chuan's house in a hurry just now. Zhuge Liang had always been stable in his impression, and this moment was seriously inconsistent with his image.

"Brother Yuanzhi, didn't you see it?" Zhuge Liang asked deeply.

"See what?" Xu Shu was stunned.


Zhuge Liang sighed rather worriedly, "I've already seen it, Jiuru still doesn't trust us!"

"Where did you say that?"

Xu Shu immediately became nervous. If Liu Chuan didn't trust him, he would be very sad.

"I guess Jiuru must have written the word Liu in his own name!"

Zhuge Liang said very firmly, "Liu Bei...hehe, it's because Jiuru doesn't trust us, and it's just a cover-up!"

"Think about it, Brother Jiuru has never been out of the mountain since he lived in seclusion in Xiaozhaizi? But Liu Bei's movements, he knows Liu Bei's movements like the palm of his hand, is it possible?"

Before Xu Shu could speak, Zhuge Liang shook his head and vetoed it.

"No way!"

After being reminded by Zhuge Liang, Xu Shu calmed down, thought about it back and forth, and focused on recalling the exchange with Liu Chuan just now. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Brother Kong Ming was right.

"It seems to be the case... What should I do? No! I have to go to Brother Jiuru, I..."

Xu Shu was very sad that he didn't trust him. He wished he could go back to find Liu Chuan immediately, show Liu Chuan his heart, and let Liu Chuan see his sincerity.

"Wait a minute, absolutely not!"

Zhuge Liang immediately stopped him, "Brother Yuanzhi, these are all my speculations, which need to be proved."

Zhuge Liang said in his heart: Are you ignorant? Going to Jiuru for such things doesn't mean you have a guilty conscience.

"How to prove it?" Xu Shu asked doubtfully.

Zhuge Liang frowned and pondered for a while.

"Jiu Ru will definitely not mention the name of Liu Bei for no reason."

"Why is Jiuru so clear about Liu Bei's personality after King Jing of Zhongshan? It shows that he is the one who really understands this!"

"If Liang's guess is correct, Liu Bei is a pawn placed outside by Jiuru!"

"Therefore, Jiu Ru didn't know Liu Bei's movements, but arranged Liu Bei's movements in advance."

Zhuge Liang's eyes were full of wit. He thought that it was not the chess player who knew how the pieces should move, but the player who arranged the chess pieces how to move.

"If this is the case, then the Nine Truths are truly terrifying. But... we have no way of knowing whether this is true or not," Xu Shu said.

"The verification of this matter is very simple."

Zhuge Liang immediately proposed a solution to the problem.

"I still need to trouble Brother Yuan Zhi to go out of the mountain for this matter. Jiuru said that Liu Bei is already in the Jingzhou territory. You can go to the Jingzhou Mansion to observe his movements. We will watch from the sidelines. If it is stable, it will be enough to prove it."

When Xu Shu heard Zhuge Liang's solution, his eyes lit up.

"This method is wonderful!"

Xu Shu thought for a while and nodded.

"After the proof, we will discuss how to gain Jiuru's trust."

Zhuge Liang pondered that Liu Chuan didn't agree to follow him because he didn't trust him, so he had to think of a solution.

"Okay! I just want to find Mr. Shui Jing, so I'll go there."

Xu Shu immediately took over the task.

"Brother Yuan Zhi is so persistent to get Mr.'s approval?" Zhuge Liang raised his eyes.

"That's right! It's just that I'm ignorant and inexperienced, so I can't get into Mr. Shui Jing's eyes." Xu Shu showed regret.

Mr. Shui Jing, whose real name is Sima Hui, is erudite and knowledgeable. He is proficient in Taoism, Qimen, Art of War, and Confucian classics.

Being recognized by Mr. Shui Jing, it can be said that his status in Jingzhou celebrity circle has risen linearly, which also shows that his talent is very outstanding.

Speaking of Jingzhou celebrity circle, the most persistent thing of all the celebrities is undoubtedly getting the approval of Mr. Shui Jing.

There are many talents in Jingzhou, but only two of them have been recognized by Mr. Shui Jing, that is, Wolong Zhuge Liang and Fengchu Pangtong.

This is also the reason why Xu Shu is obsessed with wanting to be recognized by Mr. Shui Jing.

"I do have a suggestion. Brother Yuanzhi might as well consult Jiuru before going." Zhuge Liang suggested.

"That's right! Brother Jiuru must have a solution."

"Brother Kong Ming is amazing! Common clothes, common clothes!"

Xu Shu immediately slapped his head and shouted excitedly.

When Zhuge Liang heard Xu Shu's words, his expression suddenly became strange. He always felt that Brother Yuan Zhi called "comfortable" instead of "common clothes".

He carefully glanced outside, but don't let Jiuru hear it, he might think we are doing something.


the other side.

Liu Chuan always felt that Zhuge Liang was a moth, but he had no idea that Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu, two old analysts, would have so many dramas and such rich imaginations.

He even analyzed the dignified Uncle Liu Huang as one of his pawns!
Who else can match this imagination, why don't you two go to heaven?

Fortunately, Liu Chuan didn't know the analysis of Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu at this time.

He was drawing seriously on the paper, while Lu Qier was reading the book written by Liu Chuan, and Aunt Chan was grinding ink for Liu Chuan.

This kind of secluded life made Liu Chuan feel very comfortable and warm.

"Liu Chuan, Auntie Chan has never seen your drawing method before!"

Auntie Chan looked at Liu Chuan's paintings on paper, and she was very curious. She couldn't understand the painting method at all, nor could she understand what was painted.

"This is called three-dimensional projection mapping!"

Liu Chuan explained.

"Three-sided projection drawing?"

Lu Qier also put down the book and came over to watch it, also feeling novel.

"The three sides here are the shadows formed on the wall by using candlesticks to illuminate objects. If we illuminate an object, we illuminate it from three directions, looking down from above, looking back from the front, and looking from left to right. Call it three sides."

"Look at this inkstone, what does it look like when looking down from the top? Looking from the left to the right, and looking from the front to the back, what does it look like?"

"In this way, the characteristics of an object can be fully displayed through three directions. This is the method of three-dimensional projection drawing."

"The picture I made is the shape formed by these three directions."

Liu Chuan explained it again, and then gave a few examples to demonstrate and explain on the spot.

Lu Qier is smarter, she tilted her head and thought about it, and after Liu Chuan demonstrated several objects, she suddenly realized.

"My husband is really amazing. How did you come up with such an exquisite method?"

After Lu Qier figured it out, she was completely shocked.

You must know that sometimes you find a craftsman to make an object, but it is difficult to explain clearly to the craftsman, and the understanding is prone to deviation.

With this method, the characteristics of the object can be presented intuitively in an instant, and there will be no mistakes.

Such a method of drawing pictures is really brilliant, and Lu Qi'er was so impressed that she threw herself to the ground.

"Husband, if this method is spread, my husband will definitely be famous in history!"

Lu Qier's eyes were full of little stars she admired.

"It's nothing, your husband knows a lot!"

Liu Chuan laughed, isn't it just a simple three-sided projection drawing?There are more complex drawing methods.

However, it feels really good to have a wife who is a fan.

But aside.

Aunt Chan frowned slightly, then looked at Liu Chuan.

"No, Liu Chuan, look at me. Looking down from my head, what shape do you see?"

Auntie Chan raised her head and puffed her chest out, asking seriously.

Liu Chuan: "."

Liu Chuan almost spit out his saliva.

look down from your head
Aunt Chan, are you serious?

What do you want me to watch?

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