"My lord, what is the attitude of the governor towards you?"

Ling Tong turned his head and asked in a low voice.

After a long time, Sun Quan closed his eyes slightly and remained motionless.


Ling Tong saw Sun Quan's hand and squeezed his fist slightly.

Obviously, his words touched Sun Quan's heart.

Ling Tong understands. My lord, this is dissatisfaction with the governor.

Another long time passed.

Sun Quan opened his eyes.

"Gu knows, they don't accept Gu!"

Sun Quan uttered a word, then stood up, pacing in the tent with his hands behind his back.

Ling Tong fell silent.

He knew what Sun Quan meant.

They are nothing more than referring to the gentry in Jiangdong who are not convinced by Sun Quan.

But Ling Tong also knew the reason why Sun Quan couldn't be convinced.

In the final analysis, Jiangdong's territory was taken down by the former lord Sun Ce.

Ling Tong also knew how powerful Sun Ce was!
In Jiangdong, Sun Ce's status can be described as a semi-mythical existence.

Recall that when Sun Ce started his career
There are many forces entrenched in the Jiangdong area, among which Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, is Yuan Shu's primary enemy.

Sun Ce said to Yuan Shu: "Give me some soldiers and horses, and I will help you take down Liu Yao and wipe out the forces in the east of the Yangtze River for you!"

So Yuan Shu agreed to his request!
Although he knew that Sun Ce was capable, Yuan Shu couldn't defeat Jiangdong after several years of fighting, so how could Sun Ce do it?
Agree to agree, but Yuan Shu does not believe that Sun Ce has the ability to do it.


Sun Ce led his father Sun Jian's old army, and set off with a total of more than 1000 people.

Others fight with fewer and fewer soldiers, but what about Sun Ce?

Hit more and more! !
During Sun Ce's campaign, people continued to seek refuge one after another, and his army quickly reached five to six thousand people.

Afterwards, Sun Ce crossed the river directly, invincible in every attack!

Directly defeated Liu Yao, Ruo Rong, and Yan Baihu, and successfully obtained the three counties of Jiangdong Wu, Kuaiji, and Danyang.

He laid down a large area of ​​Jiangdong, and has established a foothold in Jiangdong ever since.

What is even more exaggerated is that Sun Ce was only 21 years old at this time!
21 years old, how young.

How strong can it be seen?

As for Sun Quan, he was famous for his talent, learning and resourcefulness at a young age.

But even if Sun Quan was praised for his skill in military strategy, he was a little bit pale under the light of his brother.

He was completely enveloped by the light of his brother Sun Ce!

So Sun Quan is depressed.

"My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Seeing Sun Quan's expression, Ling Tong hesitated and said.

"Gongji, what can't you say to Gu directly?"

"No matter what you say, it's okay to say it!"

Sun Quan paused and said.

He knew that Ling Tong was very loyal to him, and Ling Tong was about the same age as him. Although the two were in the relationship between the lord and his subordinates, their relationship was extremely good, and there was not so much generation gap between them.

"My lord, don't live in his shadow."

Ling Tong paused and then said.

What he said originally meant something outrageous.


After hearing Ling Tong's words, Sun Quan fell silent.

He knew that the "he" Ling Tong said was of course his elder brother Sun Ce, but he knew that Ling Tong said this for him.

"We must also make some achievements, so that those who disobey you can shut up!"

Ling Tong said.

"Hey, Gongji, easier said than done?"

Sun Quan sighed, quite helpless.

Brother's record is too brilliant, how can it be broken so easily?
"Gongchi, you may not know your brother's record."

Sun Quan shook his head slightly and said.

I think back to the time when Sun Ce shocked Sun Quan, that was what he saw with his own eyes!
Sun Ce vs. Tai Shici!
At that time, Liu Yao was a clan member of the Han family. He was a clean and honest official with outstanding official skills, but commanding the army was not something he was good at.

So someone suggested to Liu Yao that Tai Shici could be appointed as a general, but Liu Yao didn't pay attention to Tai Shici, and just let Tai Shici serve as a spy.

And it is precisely because of this that it created a classic duel.

At that time, Tai Shici went to the front to inquire about the enemy's situation and discovered Sun Ce's soldiers and horses.

If it is a normal way of thinking, Tai Shici must go back and ask the commander. How should he deal with it?

But Tai Shi didn't play his cards according to common sense. He made a decision that changed his life. He stepped forward and directly challenged Sun Ce.

Tai Shici is crazy enough!
But Tai Shici is crazy, and Sun Ce is not to be outdone and accompany him crazy!
At that time, Sun Ce's father's former subordinates Han Dang, Huang Gai and other generals were all nearby, but Sun Ce waved his hand and said to them, "Get out of the way, let me come."

That's it.

Sun Ce and Tai Shici rode their horses at the same time and rushed towards each other. In the blink of an eye, Sun Ce and Tai Shici sat on their horses perfectly.

So who actually wins?
Everyone looked at Sun Ce, only to see that Sun Ce's helmet was missing, but the helmet was hanging on the halberd in Tai Shici's hand.

Just when everyone thought Sun Ce had lost the game.

At this moment, Tai Shici's horse fell to the ground with a mournful cry, and Tai Shici himself reached out and touched his neck.

Suddenly, he broke out in a cold sweat, because the halberd he had stuck in the back of his neck disappeared!

Sun Ce stabbed the horse with one hand and snatched the halberd with the other. What skill is this?
So Sun Ce and Tai Shici's fight this time made the two heroes cherish each other, and they both remembered each other.


Sun Ce defeated Liu Yao again, Liu Yao abandoned the city and fled, and Tai Shici joined Sun Ce's command.

Every time Sun Quan thinks of this battle, he falls in admiration.

Because he can't!

And apart from that.

Sun Ce also attacked Ruo Rong, Yan Baihu to pacify the bandits, Liu Xun and so on.

The records are simply too numerous to count, and all the records are too brilliant.

Even when Cao Cao saw that Sun Ce was so brave, he also commented, "It's hard for a child to fight for the front"!
What does this mean?

To put it simply, who can stand up to this mad dog?
This can be seen.

What a glorious record the Jiangdong Xiaobawang has achieved!

No matter what!

Heaven is jealous of talents, but Sun Ce was accidentally assassinated and died unexpectedly at a young age.

According to the general tradition, the successor to Sun Ce's position should be Sun Ce's son.

But Sun Ce did not do so.

Instead, the position was directly given to Sun Quan.

of course.

Some people also speculate that the reason is mainly because Sun Ce's son is too young.

Because at that time, there were still some places in the six counties of Jiangdong that had not been completely calmed down, and the current situation was not stable.

If Sun Ce chooses his young son to succeed him at this time, without a certain commanding ability, it will be difficult to get along in Jiangdong where there are many gentry, and it will inevitably cause the situation in Jiangdong to fall into chaos.

Sun Ce knew that his younger brother, Sun Quan, was by no means an idler, so only in Sun Quan's hands could Jiangdong avenge his father's murder and maintain Jiangdong's stability.

The position was passed to Sun Quan, but because of this, it became Sun Quan's death!


Some gentry felt that his succession was unorthodox and did not accept him at all.

What's more, there are rumors that Sun Quan did the assassination of Sun Ce!
In such a situation, Sun Quan couldn't stand it anymore.

When Sun Ce died, he told him to ask Zhang Zhao for internal affairs and Zhou Yu for external affairs.

As a result, Zhou Yu didn't stand up to him when he was in trouble!
Even when he decided to fight Jingzhou, Zhou Yu didn't say anything, just let him toss.

and so.

Sun Quan was quite dissatisfied with Zhou Yu, and he still had some suspicions.

He felt that the governor, Zhou Yu, was also dissatisfied with his rule.

"I have to break through the predicament, no one can stop me!"

Sun Quan clenched his fists fiercely.

"My lord, I have a plan to break this matter!"

Ling Tong thought for a while, then raised his head and said.

"What's the plan?"

Sun Quan asked curiously.

"Let the governor go and attack Jingzhou!"

Ling Tong smiled sinisterly and said.


Sun Quan folded his hands in front of his chest, then rested his chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

He became interested in Ling Tong's strategy.

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