"Kong Ming is the best at setting fires."

"If you ask Kong Ming, he must know what to do."

Liu Chuan said very calmly.

Cough. I want to clarify, playing with fire is not something I, Liu, are good at.

The best player in playing with fire is undoubtedly Kong Ming.

We are just telling what we know, there is nothing to make a fuss about.


When Xu Shu heard Liu Chuan's method, he immediately became very interested, and looked at Liu Chuan with burning eyes.

"Brother Jiuru, I would like to ask you to clarify the confusion in detail!"

Xu Shu cupped his hands excitedly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Liu Chuan glanced at Xu Shu with raised eyelids.

This guy's eyes were so hot that Liu Chuan could hardly bear it, and goosebumps all over his body came out.

"Xiahoudun's only way to Xinye is a place called Bowangpo. We only need to work hard on Bowangpo."

Liu Chuan smiled.


Xu Shu was very curious.

"That's right, it's Bowangpo!"

"The terrain of Bowangpo is very special."

"There is a mountain on the left called Yushan, and a forest on the right called Anlin."

"Now you listen to me to arrange troops for you, but remember!"

"You just need to send someone to lead 1000 troops to ambush in Yushan. When Xiahou Dun and others arrive, let them go there first. At this time, remember not to startle the snake."

"According to the rules, their food and supplies must be in the back. When the time comes, as long as they see fire in the south, they will lead the army to attack."

"And leading the army to attack is not to fight Cao Jun, they only have one task... to burn Cao Jun's food and grass!"

"Send another 1000 troops to lie in ambush in the valley behind Anlin, and if you see fire in the south, lead your army to attack."

"Go to the place where Cao's army hoarded grain and grass in Bowang City, and set fire to burn their grain and grass."

"You then ask someone to lead 500 people and prepare something to start the fire in advance, such as kerosene or something."

"Wait on the left and right sides behind Bowang Slope. When the soldiers are relaxed and sleepy at the beginning of the shift, they can set fire."

"In addition, let Zhao Zilong lead the army to attack as the vanguard in the front, but you can only lose if you can't win. As long as Cao Jun pursues him, let him run."

"Finally, you have the same team as your backup, ready for mobile support at any time, in case something happens!"

"Remember! Everyone must act according to the plan, and just don't make any mistakes."

"That's all... this thing is done."

Liu Chuan explained the personnel arrangements for various strategies in detail.

Although some people's life trajectory has changed because of him, the conditions for Xia Houdun and others to lead the troops to the south have not changed at all. He believes that this fire attack plan is also effective.

Liu Chuan has this confidence.

And he didn't feel any guilt, he just told the content of Zhuge Liang's first battle out of the mountains.

In fact, even if he didn't say anything, it is estimated that Zhuge Liang will still come up with this strategy, but Zhuge Liang may need to go out to the scene to investigate.

"Okay, okay! Jiuru is a good plan."

"So, then we will act according to your plan and make sure there will be no mistakes."

Xu Shu immediately patted his chest and promised.

He was both shocked and excited.

What was shocking was that Liu Chuan didn't go out at all. He could feel all the terrain clearly and had corresponding tactics.

This is enough to make him feel extremely horrified.

And he's excited about...

After all, this was the first time he had seen Liu Chuan give them advice to defend against the enemy.

Out of his trust in Liu Chuan all the time, he had a hunch that if this battle was won, Liu Chuan's fame would surely spread throughout the world.

He wished he could fly to Bowangpo immediately to investigate and see if the geographical conditions of Bowangpo were really as Liu Chuan said.

If it is...then this battle is definitely settled!
"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"The Zhen family is stockpiling grain in Jingzhou, and your government will help take care of this matter."

"The Zhen family is mine!"

Liu Chuan ordered casually.

Although he doesn't care much about other things, he still cares about this matter.

After all, Luoshen was a woman he hadn't married yet.

Let the Zhen family see how awesome he is, and then he can get things done.

Liu Chuan gave Luoshen the kindness of dripping water, and Luoshen repaid Liu Chuan's spring, wouldn't it be so refreshing?

Liu Chuan couldn't get up early without profit, that's why he gave Xu Shu a word.

"Hahaha... this matter is on me!"

"Jiuru's elder brother told you that even if Shu pulls out the sword that has been hidden for many years, I will complete it for you."

Xu Shu slapped his chest loudly.

"I didn't expect the Zhen family to belong to Jiuru, this hand and eye, hehe..."

"Common clothes...cough cough, I admire you!"

Just as Xu Shu wanted to say "common service, common service", he remembered that he had made an oath not to say "common service" again, so he immediately changed his words.

He was really convinced, the Zhen family, a big family famous all over the world, used to be a strong supporter behind Yuan Shao, but it turned into Jiuru's people.

"By the way, Brother Jiuru, I still have something to ask!"

"Pang Shiyuan wants to ask Jiuru for a can of old godfather, I don't know..."

Xu Shu remembered everything that Pang Tong explained, so he said.

Liu Chuan: "..."

What do you think you are looking for, what the hell... you can't ask for more high-end things?

"The old godfather doesn't suit his temperament, I'll give him something else."

Liu Chuan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Xu Shu: "Oh? What is it?"

He immediately became interested.

If it is produced by Jiuru, it must be a high-quality product, and it must be a good thing.

"Food suffers!"

Liu Chuan said calmly.

"The rice is in trouble? What is that?"

Xu Shu was very curious.

"Food suffers... As the name suggests, it is of course an extremely good meal."

Liu Chuan explained, and then turned to tell Shishi, "Shishi, go to the kitchen and get a jar of rice and get out."

"Okay, Brother Chuan!"

Shi Shi trotted into the kitchen and quickly brought out a jar.

"This thing is a disaster for food!"

As Liu Chuan said, he opened the jar, and a drooling fragrance spread quickly.


Xu Shu took a sip of saliva, then poked a lump with his finger and put it in his mouth.

The corner of Liu Chuan's mouth twitched, and he shook his head speechlessly.

I don't know if Xu Shu washed his hands when he went to the latrine, or whether that finger poked something else.

Of course, he doesn't have to worry about it, he doesn't eat it anyway.

"Brother Jiuru, this thing must have been made for me and Pang Shiyuan!"

"He is a rice bucket, a certain rice bag! This thing is too good for rice!"

Xu Shu was so excited that he babbled nonsense, wishing he could poke his hand into the jar again and put it in his mouth.

"I have never seen such a dirty person!"

As soon as Liu Chuan touched his forehead, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Eat... you guys are all good at eating!

"Hey... Brother Jiuru is leaving, I have to go see my mother, see Kong Ming, and then go back to Jingzhou Mansion early."

Xu Shu hugged a jar of rice and said with a laugh.

He was looking forward to Liu Chuan's strategy, and by the way, he also wanted to see what Kong Ming would say.

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