Just when they were not ashamed to ask questions with the spirit of tireless study, Zhu Tao made a fool of himself.

Ask these two gentlemen to buy more paper for him, and hand it over to the study the next day, and talk about it when there is something to do.

These two people didn't have time to do other things, so they left the buying of papers to the servants, and brought a lot of papers to Zhu Tao's study early the next morning.

Unexpectedly, it was General Tie who was guarding the door, and the two of them had no choice but to call over the little book boy who was in charge of cleaning the study.

"Mr. Song, Mr. Liu, are you looking for the young master? He is practicing Wu Qinxi with the young master!"

Song Lian is the prince's teacher. Although he taught Zhu Biao a lot of economics, he also taught him to be physically ill.

Because Confucianism has never paid attention to exercise, some people have criticized Confucius for not moving the four bodies and not distinguishing the five grains. If the sage is like this, the physical fitness of other people can be imagined.

Hearing that Zhu Tao was busy teaching Zhu Biao Wu Qin Xi, he sighed secretly.

This young man is good to go anywhere, but it's a pity that he pays too much attention to those strange skills and ingenuity, and doesn't know how to return to the basics, which delays a good seedling.

It's just that this person's holy family is very strong, but he can't offend him.

The two of them thought for a while, and then came from Zhu Tao's back garden. It was already autumn, everything was in depression, and geese were flying from north to south.

Suddenly I heard the prince Zhu Biao say: "Cousin, since I practiced Hua Tuo's Wu Qin Xi with you, I feel much lighter and my condition has eased a lot. You are really Hua Tuo alive."

Zhu Tao patted Zhu Biao's shoulder casually.

"Cousin, don't worry, as long as you follow this method, I guarantee that you will live a long life."

Zhu Biao's health gradually improved, his mood became more cheerful, and he smiled very naturally.

Suddenly, I saw the teacher and Mr. Liu approaching. He is a very respectful person, so he hurried over to greet him.

Although there are differences between monarchs and ministers, Zhu Yuanzhang once issued an imperial decree not to pay attention to court rules in front of Zhu Tao.

Therefore, these two people did not pay homage to Zhu Biao, and the two sides just bowed to each other.

In the end, they didn't say a few words. What these two people were talking about was Wang Yangming's philosophy of mind. They urged Zhu Tao to quickly type the full text and write it out as soon as possible.

Although Zhu Tao wanted to serve his own experimental field, but now that the small splint was put on, there was nothing he could do.

In his heart, he complained to the system to the death: What a coincidence, I signed in as soon as I was asked to sign in. Why did I copy a book of psychology that caused trouble into my mind?

It's so miserable now, that I don't even have any free time, and I have become the book office of these two accountants.

Zhu Tao was stumbled by the two ministers, Liu and Song, and had to keep writing.

Besides, Zhu Di, since Zhu Tao said in front of Zhu Yuanzhang that he would have disobedience, he was both scared and unhappy.

He came to visit the residence of his father-in-law, Xu Da, Duke of the State of Wei.

Xu Da set up a banquet to entertain him. During the banquet, Zhu Di just drank blindly and seldom spoke, looking a bit dull.

All these were seen by Xu Da. Although he was a martial artist, he was also a rough and thoughtful person, so he asked.

"King Yan, is there something that bothers you? You are a general with a bold personality. You always drink heavily and eat meat, and you don't take things to heart. What happened today?"

Zhu Di poured himself another glass of wine and drank it all in one gulp before saying.

"Father-in-law, you don't know. I'm in a state of panic right now. Fortunately, I am a prince who grew up in a military camp. If I were a coward, I would probably have been scared to death."

Several of Xu Da's sons happened to be there, and the third son, Xu Zengshou, was the most restless, so he asked puzzledly.

"Brother-in-law, you are not only the prince of the current dynasty, but also a warrior who fought on the battlefield, and you are also the king of Yan personally appointed by the emperor. Who can scare you."

After listening to this question, Zhu Di sighed, and roughly explained what happened on Zhu Tao's Zhuangzi.

However, because Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want others to know Zhu Tao's identity, he didn't say much, but only talked about Zhu Tao's evaluation of himself.

Xu Zengshou was in a hurry, he threw his chopsticks on the table and shouted loudly: "This bastard, isn't this nonsense, brother-in-law, don't worry, I will take someone to teach him a lesson, and then tie him to Dali Temple Go to blame."

This brother-in-law has a very reckless character, Zhu Di said after hearing this, he was also a little noncommittal.

"Brother, you have the friendship to protect me, and I accept it in my heart, but this Zhu Tao can't be moved, and my father appreciates him very much."

Wei Guogong Xu Da, as the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army, was also the former prime minister of the Zhongshu Province. Naturally, he could often hear Zhu Yuanzhang talking about it. Although he had never met Zhu Tao, he had heard about him.

It is said that this person is a great talent, and even the current cabinet system was proposed by him, so naturally he cannot be provoked casually.

However, after all, it was the son-in-law who had been wronged and came here to complain, so Xu Da had to express his attitude.

"King Yan, the emperor has a good opinion of these conclusions. Just be yourself and don't worry too much about it. The prime minister can hold a boat, not to mention you are a prince."

Seeing his father-in-law's persuasion, Zhu Di naturally stopped talking, and everyone started talking about other topics.

But Xu Zengshou was unwilling to accept it. He directly summoned several young masters in the Duke's and Hou Ye's mansions and told them.

"Follow me, let's beat up that Zhu Tao and vent my anger on my brother-in-law. Whoever dares to go is a coward."

There is a bell at the door of Zhu Tao's study, and no one usually rings it. Even if Liu Bowen and others come here, they don't know what he means by putting the bell.

One day, Liu Bowen was pestering him to write a book on psychology, when suddenly he heard the buzzing of the clock outside, Liu Bowen thought someone was ringing the bell, went out to have a look, but there was no one there.

So he said in surprise: "Young master, what a strange thing, this kind of sound can be heard without knocking!"

Zhu Tao frowned: "Not good, there are enemies coming, Mr. Liu, let's go and have a look!"

At this time, Zhu Tao suddenly heard the prompt tone of the telegraph, and Zhu Tao quickly picked up the receiver and wrote it down, and said: "There are about forty or fifty horse bandits on the official road in the west to kill the village."

Liu Bowen's face changed drastically: "Who is so bold? Aren't you afraid of ransacking your home and killing your head?"

Zhu Tao didn't have the patience to dwell on this matter, so he quickly sent a telegram to the front line: "Tell them to try our long-range attack. First, let's have a meal with the fire and flying crows. When they get closer, use the trebuchet to attack, and then use the tripping rope to fall. Use fishing nets and long hooks for horses, and try to catch them alive!"

The person he gave the order to was naturally Old Tang. Hearing what he said, Liu Bowen looked at him with wide eyes.

"Young Master, dare to ask what is the Divine Fire Flying Crow?"

The so-called Shenhuo Crow is actually similar to the current jet aircraft, but it is much smaller than that, and it looks like a crow.

Use the thrust of the rocket to push the flying crow into the sky, and then the blood orange can be one mile away, and when it reaches the opponent's position, it will spray out thunderbolts to injure the enemy.

This kind of thing appeared in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and Qi Jiguang used it when fighting against Japanese pirates, but now it is the beginning of Ming Dynasty, and it is understandable that Liu Bowen didn't know about it.

It's just that Zhu Tao didn't have the time to explain it to him in detail, so he said, "If Mr. Liu is interested, you can follow me to have a look."

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