Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 278 Armed Power Acquired

However, after saying this, he suddenly changed the subject.

"Your Majesty, although God's will will definitely punish such villains, there is still one thing that I have to talk to you about."

Emperor Yuan Mo nodded, showing a look of listening attentively, he knew that there would definitely be a matter of military power next.

As a descendant of Genghis Khan, Emperor Yuanmo must be a waste, but he is not an absolute fool.

Sure enough, Xu Guogong sighed and said.

"There is one more thing that needs to be paid special attention to. Now we have lost the buffer zone between us and Yasudieer. Without the tribe of Mopu Temur, he may move his army northward at any time and kill Yuyuerhai. The crisis your life."

Emperor Yuan Mo suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. Although he didn't dare to fight Ye Suidier, he was afraid that the other party would really kill him.

If it is true that all these soldiers and horses are killed, whether one's own men can resist is second, and they have to use Xu Guogong and Lu Guan Tiemu'er again.

If the two of them have any disagreement with me, how should we deal with it then?

Although I thought so in my heart, I asked in my mouth.

"This is indeed a hidden danger, Mr. Xu. I don't know what you should do to deal with it. You can tell me as soon as possible."

Xu Guogong sighed for a long time, as if he was a little helpless, he said to Emperor Yuanmo.

"Only for the present plan, I am willing to lead [-] elite soldiers to live in the original tribe of Mopu Tiemu'er, so as to block the invading enemies."

This time, Emperor Yuan Mo was stunned. He had less than [-] soldiers in his hands. If he wanted to take away [-] soldiers, it would cost my life.

And even if the remaining soldiers seem to be running low, they still need to be used scattered. For example, at the golden tent, at least 3 soldiers and horses are needed to guard, and the border with the Ming Dynasty also needs [-] people.

The mobile force that can be used is only more than 3 people. Xu Guogong opened his mouth wide and wanted to leave 3 people. Emperor Yuanmo naturally refused to agree.

"Xu Guogong's strategy is the best, but we are no longer in the interior, and there are quite a few worshipers on the grassland. If we want to send troops to fight, we don't have that much military expenditure. We really can't afford such a combat power."

Xu Guogong was not used to his problem, so he said directly with a smile.

"Your Majesty, I heard that all the tribes have already handed in all the offerings that should be handed in. If you do a rough calculation, it shouldn't be a big problem to support [-] elite soldiers."

At this time, Emperor Yuanmo was a little panicked. Although there were many offerings, but he still had so many beauties in his BMW Xiangche, didn't he need to spend money?
Therefore, it was another prevarication, and there was nothing to say about what Xu Guogong had said.

Finally, Lu Guan Timur also came out and said.

"The merchant girl doesn't know the hatred of the subjugated country, and she still sings the flowers in the backyard across the river. If your majesty wants to resist foreign enemies, you can't be so arrogant and lustful. You must know that Empress Chen was finally caught in the dry well."

This remark was a bit disrespectful to the emperor, and the Shi Liemen next to him hurried over and said.

"You two are so aggressive, what exactly are you trying to do? Could it be that His Majesty, as the Son of Heaven, wants to spend some money, but still needs to talk to you more? The two are so rude, do you want to force the palace to fail! "

At this time, Xu Guogong squeezed out an ugly smile and said.

"Well, since Your Majesty misunderstood the two of us, please kill us, but now it's an extremely urgent matter, and we have to send troops. We also want to do something for Your Majesty. Take out another batch of offerings, even if you hand in what should be paid next year in advance, so that it can be used as part of the military expenses."

Seeing what Xu Guogong said, Lu Guan Tiemuer, who was next to him, knew what he meant, so he quickly said it.

"This can also be regarded as the words of an old man who seeks the country. Since this is the case, I am willing to contribute part of it from my tribe, but it may still be insufficient to support an army of [-]. I also hope that other ministers will also contribute part of it." Come."

In fact, both of them knew very well in their hearts that if they wanted to win the military power, what would this little offering be worth?

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yuan Mo was very happy when he heard this, so he glanced at the people present and said.

"I think Xu Guogong's words are very accurate. I think you all have some money. How about supporting [-] troops?"

The generals and ministers present have already paid their money this year, and now it is as uncomfortable as killing them to ask them to pay again.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that what Xu Guogong and Lu Guan Tiemuer said seems to make sense. If they really waited until Ye Sudieer called, wouldn't those things be enemies.

So, instead of making life even more uncomfortable when the time comes, it's better to tighten your belt now and get something out.

They also expressed to Emperor Yuan Mo that they were willing to take out some more offerings to hand in in advance.

The emperor at the end of the Yuan Dynasty was naturally very happy. He told Xu Guogong that the tiger charms of the [-] elite soldiers would be delivered to him in a while.

At this time, Xu Guogong glanced at Lu Guan Tie Mu'er, then bowed solemnly to Yuan Modi, and said.

"Your Majesty, I still have something to report. Taiwei Lu Guan Tie Mu'er is the only one who is loyal to the country. I would like to recommend him as the guard commander of the Golden War, and I ask Your Majesty for permission!"

For these, Yuan Modi didn't seem to care much, he just waved his hand and said.

"Don't ask me about such trivial matters in the future. You are now the First Duke of our Great Yuan, and you are in charge of the last elite soldiers. You can just arrange it."

Although I still feel that this is a bit strange, Shi Liemen doesn't know what to say. After all, the emperor has already agreed. He seems to be against His Majesty by talking more.

The matter came to an end in this way, and more than ten days later, it was almost the New Year's day, and Zhu Yuanzhang was reviewing the memorial in the bedroom.

Empress Ma was sitting next to her. She knew that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't want eunuchs to disturb him when he was looking at the confidential affairs, and she happened to be able to take care of her by being next to her.

At this time, what Zhu Yuanzhang was looking at was a memorial sent through a special channel, which was handed over by Yao Guangxiao.

It records in detail all of Yao Guangxiao's actions on the grassland, as well as his observations of the monarchs and ministers on the grassland, and reports everything very clearly.

After reading it, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said.

"It's Tao'er's right recommendation. This Yao Guangxiao is really rare. When he comes back in the future, we should reward him well. A monk went to the grassland and turned it upside down. This The monk can be regarded as one of the outstanding talents."

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