Zhu Tao still remained indifferent, not angry, and said with a smile.

"I am not unhappy because of this. I understand this problem very much, because it does exist, but I have a way to help you solve it."

These envoys all looked at each other in blank dismay, after all, they really couldn't come up with any ideas.

At this time, Cao Bi suddenly had an idea. He looked at Zhu Tao and asked tentatively.

"What do you mean to say, not only do we need to replace the characters with those of Ming Dynasty, but we also need to replace all of our domestic currencies and replace them with banknotes of Daming, so as to facilitate circulation and use?"

Zhu Tao laughed again, and became more interested in this Cao Bi in his heart. He said that as long as there is a chance in the future, he will definitely cook two dishes for this kid and drink with him.

If I arrange a flatterer in advance, it's not as real as this prince.

Therefore, he replied with a straight face.

"Prince Champa is really knowledgeable. That's exactly what I mean. You can exchange your country's gold and silver for Daming banknotes and come to Daming to buy things. Anyway, the purchasing power is the same."

Although Cao Bi was a little proud of being praised by Zhu Tao, he still had doubts and asked immediately.

"But how do we deal with the gold and silver in our own country? After we exchange all the currencies into Daming treasure banknotes, what should we do with the gold and silver?"

At this time, all the envoys also echoed, because this is what they are most concerned about.

But Zhu Tao smiled and replied in the softest tone.

"This is really too simple. You exchange all the gold and silver into Daming treasure banknotes and deposit them in my Daming bank. When you have treasure bills in your hands, you can circulate and shop in any country, but please remember , Daming also has a time limit for exchanging gold and silver, if this time limit is exceeded, we will not accept it, the quality of gold and silver can be divided into real and fake, if it is fooled, it will not be a loss to me, Daming."

When Zhu Tao said this, the envoys present really suddenly realized.

In all fairness, if they were left to figure out their own way, no one would have come up with such an idea.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Zhu Tao had no choice but to strike while the iron was hot.

"For example, I will send some people to you to tell stories and promote the culture of my Ming Dynasty. The salaries and salaries I will send to them are the treasures of the Ming Dynasty, and I will tell you, including me, King Dingyuan and me. All the ministers of the Imperial College present all use the Daming Treasure Banknotes to distribute their salaries, if the Daming Treasure Banknotes are not good, and we are not fools, how can we be willing?"

Of course everyone understood what Zhu Tao meant, and they didn't want to offend the prince.

At this time, the envoy from Nanzhao Kingdom was the first to stand up and speak.

"In this case, when I go back, I will tell the king what His Royal Highness King Dingyuan said, and then let His Majesty decide whether to use the Daming Treasure Banknote. This is too big a matter, and it is not enough for our envoys to settle down."

As soon as these words came out, the envoys beside him naturally all echoed.

In fact, Zhu Tao also knew that letting these envoys decide was of course embarrassing for them, but being able to bring this word back to their king was also the first step to success.

"When you came two years ago, the imperial court knew that you didn't understand the benefits that precious banknotes can bring, so the rewards for you were all gold and silver. Now that everyone is familiar with it, you can naturally exchange it for precious banknotes."

At this time, the envoys seemed to understand, and they all happily went to collect the treasures in the boxes.

At this time, the envoy of the Javanese also stood up and said.

"However, although it is a good thing to change the Daming banknotes to our country's currency, it may be a bit complicated to implement. I wonder if King Dingyuan can send some capable officials in Daming to help our country with the reform."

After hearing this, Zhu Tao was obviously a little excited. After all, he originally wanted to say this, but before he found a reason, someone actually made this request on his own initiative.

It's really like someone will hand you a pillow when you want to sleep. After all, if you send officials to these small foreign countries, in other words, you are interfering in the internal affairs of the other party. Even if you gradually annex them in the future, it is only within your own planning.

Zhu Tao still showed a rather embarrassed look, and said.

"However, the officials of Ming Dynasty are well-clothed and well-fed. If they go to your country, they may feel uncomfortable. Some people may not be willing to go. Besides, I have to ask for an order to arrange it."

The Javanese envoy said quickly.

"His Royal Highness Dingyuan, please don't worry about this matter. You don't necessarily have to send officials, as long as they are people who understand this matter, even an ordinary subordinate will definitely be given the best official treatment when they arrive in our country."

Now that the envoys of the Java State said so, the other envoys were naturally unwilling to lag behind, saying that as long as Daming is willing to send people, they will be reused in their own country.

At this time, Zhu Tao felt that the heat was almost ready, so he said.

"I will decide this matter. I will choose the right person to send to your countries. As for Your Majesty, I will talk to you. Even if I spend a lot of time, I will help you to settle this matter."

After saying this, the envoys below really cheered. They always thought that Zhu Tao was a very kind person, and now it really is.

However, after all, there is no such thing as free corn bread in the world, and Zhu Tao may have a plan to help them in this way.

So the envoy of Nanzhao Kingdom suddenly stood up and said to Zhu Tao.

"His Royal Highness Dingyuan, I don't know if I should say something. If I make a mistake, please don't take offense."

Zhu Tao said with a smile.

"You are all envoys who came to my Ming Dynasty to pay homage, and I and you are also friends. If there is anything difficult to say, just say it, and let's discuss it together."

The emissary was a little embarrassed at first, but when he saw what Zhu Tao said, he let go of his courage and said.

"Da Ming is the kingdom of heaven that has been helping us and giving us a lot of rewards. We all know this well, but when Da Ming helped us reform the language and currency, he really wanted to help us become rich and strong, and didn't he have any other ideas? Or Daming wants us to do something."

As soon as this sentence was asked, the other envoys also felt a little nervous in their hearts.

The scene description given by Zhu Tao was too imaginative, but Daming didn't need to help them like this, at least he couldn't find a suitable reason.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and the envoys of these small countries also wanted to know why.

If Daming really had a request, it would give them confidence.

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