Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 27 Hu Weiyong is quite suitable

Zhu Yuanzhang found that when Zhu Tao said these words, there was a faint murderous look on his body.

That's right, a person who can survive the bandits and take root in the suburbs of Beijing by himself, even a young man, is definitely not a good person.

"The killing is too heavy, I'm afraid it will hurt the harmony of the emperor and his courtiers." Hu Weiyong said suddenly.

He is good at wooing the party, so he is naturally not very comfortable with this method of using killing to establish his prestige.

In Hu Weiyong's view, the best way is to win over a group of people first. For example, he relied on Li Shanchang to become the spokesperson of Huaixi Xungui.

"There is no discord between the monarch and his ministers, it's just the reconciliation and mutual need of the two interests." Zhu Tao smiled.

Hu Weiyong's face turned pale: "Young master, you can't talk nonsense!"

The current mainstream opinion is that the ruler and his ministers can only be considered a prosperous age if they get along well with each other. They vaguely regard the emperor and ministers as the same interest group. Zhu Tao's words are simply outrageous to ordinary people.

In particular, he is an example. The superficial relationship between the monarch and his ministers is actually the same.

"So don't pay attention to those superficial words. In the final analysis, there will be ministers who oppose the sharing of land, not because he thinks this strategy is not beneficial to the people, but it is not beneficial to him, and even damages his interests."

"Then what I said before is to kill the person who jumped the most, and then give better benefits to all the ministers!"

"Better interests?" Zhu Yuanzhang was puzzled.

The Ming Dynasty was full of waste, and even the official salary was a bit meager. Where could he find better benefits to give to the ministers?

But Hu Weiyong's eyes lit up when he contacted Zhu Tao's words in the back kitchen.

Could it be?The Young Master wants to use that deviant method?
"I didn't tell you about the trade route." Zhu Tao smiled and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang: "Father, think about it, if the imperial court can pull up a caravan, every minister will have a part. On the one hand, the profit of the team is used to maintain the operation, and on the other hand, it is used to make the ministers have more income. Is this considered a greater benefit?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was dumbfounded, this is an unimagined path!

For thousands of years, emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce has been the mainstream thought of the dynasty. The nobles like to mix business, but if those literati who value fame more than life get involved in business, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar.

"No, how can civil servants get involved in business affairs?" Zhu Yuanzhang directly vetoed: "If those civil servants know, they probably want to poke... poke the emperor's spine!"

Zhu Tao curled his lips. There are countless wealthy businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River. Speaking of which, who has no officials behind them, and who is not a relative of an official?
"This is not directly letting them operate, but a clever name. What's more, as long as there are enough benefits, those civil servants will definitely give themselves a righteous name."

Zhu Yuanzhang was somewhat shattered by Zhu Tao's three views. He looked at Hu Weiyong and wanted to ask the former head of the civil service if what Zhu Tao said was right.

Then, Zhu Yuanzhang saw Hu Weiyong lost in thought. After a while, Hu Weiyong raised his head with a bitter smile.

As a former prime minister, Hu Weiyong wanted to refute Zhu Tao's fallacies.

However, after careful consideration, he found that Zhu Tao was right.

Zhu Yuanzhang is silent. His courtiers are all scholars who are proficient in Confucianism, and they keep the words of preserving the principles of nature and destroying human desires!
"Father, you are a businessman, don't you know how many businessmen have official backgrounds behind them?" Zhu Tao was a little surprised, he thought his father knew the tricks here.

The corner of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

He is not a real merchant, how can he know these things?
Empress Ma patted Zhu Yuanzhang's hand, making him think about it.

On the contrary, it was Zhu Biao who reacted the fastest: "Cousin, the establishment of a government-owned business can really promote the income of the family?"

Zhu Yuanzhang and Hu Weiyong also looked at Zhu Tao.

That's right, it doesn't matter what he does with so many, the important thing is whether it works well!As long as it can promote the spread of the land into the mu, then do it!

"As long as the harsh punishment increases the interest, it will definitely be useful! It can even improve the corruption environment!" Zhu Biao said with affirmation.

Zhu Yuanzhang let out a sigh of relief. With Zhu Tao's words, he felt relieved.

"Also, Dad, think about it, once the caravan is officially organized, will it be even more difficult for other merchants to ask for prices? This in itself is also a way to promote business!" Zhu Tao continued.

"As long as the pillar industries such as grain, salt and iron, fabrics, housing, and transportation have imperial backgrounds involved, the market will be more stable! And with the development of commerce, more civil servants are required to handle affairs."

Hearing Zhu Tao's words, Zhu Yuanzhang slapped his thigh and widened his eyes: "Can this strategy promote the three national policies?"

Hu Weiyong looked at Zhu Tao as if he had seen a ghost.

Such a deviant method can produce such a complicated effect. Is this a method that humans can think of?

Hu Weiyong finally understood why this simple sentence from this young man could change Zhu Yuanzhang's mind, who was already on the verge of murder.

Empress Ma patted Zhu Tao's head: "Tao'er is really smart and unparalleled. If you can enter the court and become an official, I think Daming will become strong as soon as possible."

"No, I can come up with an idea. Even if the emperor is willing to adopt it, it needs someone to do his best to implement it. Otherwise, it is just a theory on paper. After entering the court, it will be a daily struggle." Zhu Tao said modestly.

Zhu Biao's eyes are complicated, your plan, your father and his sincerity, but they are fully implementing it, but you don't know it.

"Hey, why doesn't this rebellious son refuse to become an official?" As soon as he mentioned this, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly felt that the food on the table was not tasty.

"By the way, Tao'er, who do you think is the most suitable to be the leader of the government and businessmen in the court?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked again. He thought about it, but he couldn't think of who he could arrange.

When Hu Weiyong heard this question, sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

"Hu Weiyong." Sure enough, Zhu Tao called Hu Weiyong's name.

"It turned out to be him?" Zhu Yuanzhang was very surprised: "Didn't you say that this person is only good at running around, and is of no benefit to the country?"

Zhu Tao nodded: "That's right, but doing business requires this kind of long-sleeved and good dancer, and as long as the emperor spares his life when he strikes him, he will catch him. Such a tool person is most suitable for business development." Expansion of territory."

Hu Weiyong wanted to sigh when he heard it, he didn't know whether Zhu Tao was praising himself or belittling himself.

It is useless to be an official and the country, but to rely on the skills of merchants to serve the country, Hu Weiyong felt a little sad.

"Of course, the emperor probably doesn't dare to use Hu Weiyong anymore, and relying on him alone is not enough."

"Let me think about it. By the way, Yan Wang Zhu Di can also do it, so that he won't turn around and rebel."

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