Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 218 Great Ming Iron Smelting Technique

While the emperors and ministers of Bei Yuan were still hesitating, Zhu Tao was also busy, but he was only a guide, and beside him was King Zhu of Jin who was following the blacksmith.

On an open space, a large blast furnace was set up, but a pile of iron ore was piled up next to it.

Zhu Bing just wore a vest and ran around carrying stones, complaining helplessly.

"I said, brother, can this thing really produce iron? Why do I think it's so unreliable? I've never seen this blast furnace before."

Zhu Tao chuckled and said.

"Third brother, if you are told to move, you can move. This is the latest method I have developed. It is very efficient. You will know it later."

Zhu Yan muttered to himself why don't you move it, but he was still moving the ore back and forth, hoping to witness a miracle later.

Zhu Tao smelted iron according to the local method of iron smelting manual. Although this method is not very clever, it is far worse than his time.

But if you compare it, Daming's iron smelting method in this era is still far behind his own iron smelting method.

The ironware trained in this way can be regarded as exquisite and practical both in terms of quality and appearance.

If those Beiyuan people saw this kind of ironware, they would definitely be so greedy that they would drool.

At this time, Zhu Yan, who was already sweating profusely from moving mines, was sitting on the ground panting.

Unexpectedly, before he sat down for a while, Zhu Tao urged him.

"Third brother, hurry up and move on. You're only here. Why are you thinking about taking a rest? Didn't you say you want to learn advanced ironmaking technology from me? Why are you feeling tired again now?"

Zhu Yan couldn't help but slander in his heart, I heard that your boy doesn't feel pain in your back when you are talking while standing up, of course you won't be tired to command there, you can come down and try to move a few pieces of ore.

Although he thought so in his heart, he still didn't show it. After all, he learned iron smelting not only to make weapons, but also to please his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

"I'm not tired, I'm going to move on..."

As the vassal king stationed in Datong, he would have to fight the Mongols for a while from time to time. If he learned the best ironmaking skills, he would be able to forge the best weapons and enrich his military strength.

If you have a gun, you are the grass head king. Although you will not rebel, it is still very cool to have a wave of elite soldiers in your hand.

The cavalry's slashing is considered a brute force, but the art of iron making is a technical job. If you learn it, you will be considered a generalist, and your father will definitely look at you with admiration.

At this moment, Zhu Di also came, bringing some principals and attendants of his superiors, as well as fruits, snacks and wine.

"Brother Tao, I've prepared some snacks for you. Let's chat while eating. You can also take a break."

Zhu Tao seemed a little helpless, there was really no need to be like this, besides, he didn't set up a blast furnace to move the iron ore himself.

"Fourth brother, why should I rest? I'm not tired at all. I think it's better to let third brother rest for a while and have some snacks. He will have to work for at least another hour later."

Hearing Zhu Tao's words, Zhu Fang felt that he even flew over more than one alpaca in his heart. Let me first say that he is specially cheating his father, and you are specially cheating the third brother.

However, he still said with a smile on his mouth.

"Don't worry, you should eat your food. When we were fighting against the Mongolian cavalry, we didn't eat for a day, so nothing happened."

However, Zhu Tao can't always let the third elder brother do hard work and never let him rest at all. He is also a prince after all, so it will be bad if he is tired.

The three sat drinking tea and chatting together, and Zhu Di suddenly said something.

"Brother Tao, I think you are pretty good at blacksmithing. This is also beneficial to the country and the people. I want to let some of your nephews come over to learn, especially our Gao Chi is a bit fat. Come to you Exercise, maybe you can lose weight.”

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yan was a little confused. How come there are still people rushing to do the hard work of blacksmithing and moving things.

Besides, Zhu Gaochi is the eldest son of your King Yan after all, and you just want him to do coolies, but he doesn't want to come, how can he improve in progress.

This kid is going to inherit your title in the future, don't you have any other ideas?

However, at this time Zhu Tao thought more, who is Zhu Gaochi?If it really proceeds according to the original historical track, then it will be the future Emperor Hongxi.

He intends to let Zhu Gaochi come here to lose weight, but I really don't know what Zhu Di thinks.

However, now that Zhu Biao's health has been recuperated very well, and he probably won't die young, then Yao Guangxiao was sent to perform the task by himself, and there is a high probability that Zhu Di's rebellion will not happen now.

Since this is the case, it can be agreed.

"What the fourth brother said has some truth, but blacksmithing is too laborious. Just look at the third brother. At any rate, he was born in a war with soldiers. He was already sweating profusely after moving iron mines for a while. I'm afraid that Gao Chi's body won't be able to keep an eye on him."

Zhu Yan glanced at Zhu Tao with some sadness, and said to himself, if you talk about him, talk about him, why do you talk about me.

After drinking a cup of tea, he continued to move the iron ore.

Zhu Di came here to talk about Zhu Gaochi's study of iron smelting. Now that Zhu Tao had agreed, he completed the task, chatted a little more, and got up to leave.

He ordered Zhu Yan to continue to move the mine here, and then let Lao Tang supervise the work, and Zhu Tao went back by himself. After all, there was still a lot of work in Zhujiazhuang.

Since accepting Xie Jin as a nominal student, I have been too busy recently to care about his studies, so I also want to take a look at the school.

Zhu Tao strolled over to the school by himself. It happened that today was a holiday, and Fang Xiaoru also went back. Only Xie Jin himself was still studying hard by the window.

Seeing Zhu Tao approaching, he hurriedly went forward and kowtowed.

"Students greet you, Mr. Wanan!"

However, thinking of the news he had just heard, Zhu Tao had been named the county king, and felt that this title seemed inappropriate, so he quickly changed his words.

"It's the students who are too ignorant. They should pay homage to the prince. Please forgive me for being rude."

But Zhu Tao waved his hand. He didn't want Xie Jin to learn this kind of official tricks, and he didn't have the airs of a prince and chief assistant. He hoped that this talented man who could write the Yongle Canon would remain pure forever.

"You can still call me Mr., whether I am the owner or the county king, I am only your husband, and you are my only disciple at present. Don't learn those worldly etiquette."

In fact, this is exactly what Xie Jin was worried about. He was afraid that his gentleman would be regarded as the adopted son by His Majesty, and he would forget his original intention after becoming an extremely human minister.

Hearing what Zhu Tao said now, the burden in his heart was naturally relieved.

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