Zhu Yuanzhang always thought that there is no king in the world, and Ming is the largest country, if not the only country in the world.

But this globe directly overturned his cognition. After all, judging from this, there are probably three or four countries that can be as large as the land area of ​​Daming.

Zhu Tao replied: "Yes, there are indeed many countries in this world, but their current national strength is far inferior to that of Ming Dynasty, but their land is extremely fertile, just like Tianzhu, which is in the tropics, and the crops can be ripened three to four times a year." , most of the country’s land can be used as arable land, and almost any crop can be grown.”

After listening to Zhu Tao's words, Zhu Yuanzhang was a little puzzled and asked quickly.

"If you say so, this Tianzhu should be particularly powerful, at least not inferior to my Ming Dynasty, so why is the national strength not as good as ours?"

Zhu Tao laughed and explained to Zhu Yuanzhang and the officials present.

"Speaking of which, it's time to mention the strangeness of their group of people. Tianzhu has a caste system. To put it bluntly, people are divided into four levels according to their birth. The first level is religious monks, and the second level is the caste system. At the top are the king and his subjects, at the bottom are the common people, and at the end are the slaves."

Having said that, Zhu Tao couldn't help but smile before continuing.

"Under such a racial system, what is born is what it is, and it is impossible to change it in a lifetime. If anyone is not convinced, there is a risk of being exterminated. The people and soldiers of this Tianzhu country are as meek as cattle and sheep."

Zhu Yuanzhang started to slander before listening to the rest of the words. He thought it was so funny.

Is it not the most absurd thing that monks should rank above kings and ministers?
Even a sub-sage like Mencius said that he would remove his tablet from the Confucian Temple, and it was only a matter of one sentence, let alone a monk.

If it was in Daming, monks wanted to put themselves above the emperor, even the Zhu Jiu Clan should be.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang said with a snort.

"The emperor of Tianzhu Kingdom is really useless. It can be regarded as a big failure among emperors. There is no reason for such a country not to perish."

Zhu Tao laughed, and he replied to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"That's right, the people of Tianzhu Kingdom are indeed weak, whether it is the emperor or ordinary people, this is the case. When encountering any attackers, as long as they are slightly frustrated, they will immediately surrender and become slaves."

This is not Zhu Tao talking nonsense, but has historical records.

Ever since Pan Gu created the world, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and even Zhu Tao's time, Tianzhu has been bullied many times.

As for the speed at which they changed their sects, it was even faster than that of Yanshenggong Confucian Mansion.

Zhu Tao couldn't help sighing that sometimes, the soft bones are also interoperable, not limited to ethnic groups or countries.

Hearing this, Li Shanchang suddenly couldn't help asking.

"If the emperor is so weak and deceitful, why didn't the people below rebel and overthrow him?"

Zhu Yuanzhang heard Li Shanchang's question, gave him a blank look, and said in his heart, you dare to bring up this topic in front of our rebellious emperor, don't you want to mess around?

Zhu Tao didn't think much, he replied with a smile.

"So, that caste system is really a natural slavery system. According to this system, you are reborn at the bottom because you have sinned a lot, and those of high caste are because you did good deeds in your previous life. I will not consider other things, I just want to obey well in this life, so that I can atone for my sins in this life, in exchange for a high caste in the next life."

Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback for a moment. Some people believed this kind of nonsense. Could it be that people from Tianzhu are all out of their minds, he asked.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible for people of lower castes to endure no matter what kind of suffering they suffer, and then comfort themselves, saying that they will have a better life in the next life?"

Regarding this question, Zhu Tao nodded, indicating that he guessed right.

The ministers all felt a little unbelievable. In Daming, Buddhism was widely spread, and the theory of karma and reincarnation was also accepted.

However, it is rare for the people to be fooled to this extent. If you tell them that if you do good deeds in this life, you will have good fortune in the next life, it is probably no problem.

But if you tell them that you have suffered all kinds of hardships in this life and will be rewarded with blessings in the next life, then some rebels such as Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are likely to appear.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang himself was a monk and relied on rebellion against his superiors. If he had accepted the suffering wholeheartedly to the Buddha, he would have starved to death in Huangjue Temple.

"It seems that the people there really have some brain problems, but it's a pity that those lands are so fertile. If they are taken over, it will be beneficial to Daming."

Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the essence of the problem at once. The people of Ming Dynasty worked hard every year to get enough food and clothing.

And there are almost a group of foolish people in Tianzhu, but wouldn't it be very happy to have such conditions.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly had an idea, since it was so wasteful, it would be better to grab those lands and take the people there as slaves.

Anyway, if you want to be a slave, who should you be?Rather than being a slave to the weak and incompetent king of Tianzhu, it would be better to serve Daming.

Before Zhu Yuanzhang could speak, Zhu Tao understood what he meant and said with a smile.

"Father, do you want to plunder all the Tianzhu people and use them as slaves for the people of Ming Dynasty? This idea is very reliable. These people can be used to mine ore, farm for the army, and share the corvee labor of the people of Ming Dynasty , It can be regarded as making the best use of everything, as for food, the curry they eat is not much different from our swill, just give them swill, there is no need to waste food."

When Zhu Tao said these few words, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up when he said it directly. He really thought so.

Nowadays, the corvee of the people is still a little bit more, if they are replaced by those slaves from Tianzhu, it will naturally be for the people of Ming Dynasty to recuperate.

However, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, Li Shanchang had to think about some practical issues. Every time Zhu Yuanzhang was tempted, he would basically make a big deal.

The problem fell to the cabinet and the six ministries and nine ministers. They should raise sufficient food and military supplies, and provide a steady stream of logistical support.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the globe, not as simply as a map, but wanted to incorporate all the countries on the globe into the territory of Ming Dynasty one after another.

However, the country's Northern Expedition has just been successful, and the Battle of Dongpu is in the ascendant. If they follow up with Tianzhu, I am afraid that they will not be able to keep up in any aspect.

However, whether it is the cabinet ministers or the six ministers and nine ministers, they are unwilling and dare not sweep Zhu Yuanzhang's interest now.

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