Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 199 Father's True Identity

However, it is better to talk less at this time, Zhu Tao had no choice but to smile and said.

"My son-in-law didn't know that it was my father-in-law who came to the village, and my words were a little offensive. It really shouldn't be. I am here to apologize to you."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and bowed deeply, then picked up a cup of tea from the old butler, and handed it to Lu Liangqing.

Lu Liangqing was happy in his heart, whoever said his son-in-law was just a dude, he was not only a temporary choice, but also very thoughtful in terms of etiquette.

He earnestly instructed that even if his daughter is handed over to Zhu Tao, let him live a good life as a young couple, and don't expect the emperor's favor.

Zhu Tao was a little puzzled, what does this have to do with Huang En?Does anyone who marries a daughter-in-law have to thank Zhu Yuanzhang?

After taking the bride out of Pingchuan Hou's mansion, Zhu Tao realized how big the battle was.

Not only was the loess padded the road, but the clean water was poured on the street. The Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies sent a brigade of troops to maintain order, but at the same time it did not prohibit the common people from watching the excitement.

More importantly, the entire Yingtian Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and Zhu Tao felt sorry for the lantern money.

At this time, Liang Qingbiao, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, came over, first walked up to Zhu Tao, bowed, and said.

"My surname is Liang, the new Minister of the Household Department, responsible for the procurement of your wedding, everything has been done, please go back to the mansion and check it out."

Hubu Shangshu is one of the six nine ministers. Of course, Zhu Tao is very aware of the weight of this position. He is still a little confused when this person claims to be a subordinate in front of him, and he is even guessing the real identity of his father.

At this moment, another official dressed in a second-rank uniform came over, directing the officers and soldiers sent by the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion to maintain order.

Zhu Tao asked the general who led the team, and it turned out that this official was Ma Rulong, Minister of the Ministry of War.

The big wedding can be regarded as an event, but I didn't expect to be able to alert so many ministries to stand for me.

Huang Guan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, waited for a long time at the gate of Zhujiazhuang, and when he saw the newcomer came back, he immediately began to make arrangements for worship.

Someone introduced Huang Guan's identity again, and Zhu Tao was greatly shocked. It turned out that this Mr. Huang whom he had met not long ago was the Minister of Rites, Huang Guan who won six yuan in a row.

The so-called three yuan world exists, but there are no six poems in the world. Huang Guan can be regarded as a genius in the imperial examination circle, and Zhu Tao naturally admires it.

Now it is completely certain that my father, who has never seen the end of the dragon, is the current Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, and his mother is the Empress Bigfoot Ma.

Finally came the stage of worshiping and getting married. When we got to the main hall, it was Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma who were sitting in the seats of parents.

Zhu Tao sighed. He had thought of this more than once, but he was still a little confused when it was confirmed.

All the officials fell down and bowed down, saying long live, only Zhu Tao sighed and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, a horse queen.

He just walked over and yelled.

"Father, mother, you are all here."

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Li Shanchang next to him and said.

"Baishi, go back and give us the 1000 taels of silver you lost to us, and just hand it over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Li Shanchang bowed again and said.

"Your Majesty is indeed wise, and the minister is convinced."

Zhu Tao didn't understand what was going on, looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with questioning eyes, and waited for his answer.

Zhu Yuanzhang patted Zhu Tao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's just that I made a bet with Li Shoufu. The bet is 1000 taels of silver. The bet is your reaction to knowing our true identity."

Before that, Zhu Yuanzhang and Li Shanchang really mentioned this issue during their chat.

Li Shanchang talked about many possible reactions, such as shock or surprise, or even being so frightened that he fainted on the spot.

But only Zhu Yuanzhang replied with a smile, Tao'er is definitely not an ordinary person, and there will be no emotional changes.

The two made a bet, betting 1000 taels of silver. It is estimated that even if Li Shanchang won, he would not have the guts to ask Zhu Yuanzhang for money.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang was also very disturbed. He was very worried that after his identity was revealed, Zhu Tao would have a relationship with him.

At that time, the relationship between Zhu Tao and himself will not be as harmonious as it is now, and he will not show his sharpness, but will only live his life in a low profile, which is not the result he wants.

Zhu Yuanzhang is now the Ninth Five-Year Lord, and naturally his power has reached its peak long ago, but he has experienced the suffering of Huangjue Temple, and he has also experienced the indifference of opinions killing each other, so he naturally misses his family very much.

Because of the status of emperor, he really can't get along with his princes and grandchildren. The Tian family is fighting for power and profit, so how can there be any affection for ordinary people?

It wasn't until Zhu Tao's appearance that he really realized that this kind of family affection that ordinary people have, because he cherishes it, he is afraid of losing it.

But now it seems that Zhu Tao's performance did not disappoint him, even much better than what he expected.

After all, after he revealed his identity, Zhu Tao still called himself father, not His Majesty.

Zhu Yuanzhang came over and patted Zhu Tao on the shoulder heavily.

"My dear son, we really didn't love you in vain. We were really afraid that you would be separated from your father because of this matter. Now it seems that we can rest assured."

Zhu Tao smiled lightly and replied.

"Whether you are a merchant, a Duke, or even the emperor of Ming Dynasty, in my eyes, you are basically the same, you are just my father."

Hearing this, Empress Ma also felt relieved, and came over and said.

"Tao'er, you can say that, and I'm happy for your mother. Now that you have a family, you should look like a family. You can't be too self-willed."

Zhu Tao naturally admires Empress Ma, who is the mother of the world, and besides this level, after more than a year of contact, he has already regarded Empress Ma as his own mother. inner.

At this time, Li Shanchang and those six ministries and nine ministers standing beside them all looked at them with a smile, and were also happy that the emperor could enjoy such warmth.

What's more, the emperor has always had an unruly personality. He has always been very suspicious and prone to anger. Since Zhu Tao appeared, his temper has improved a lot.

As long as the superior can always enjoy this kind of warmth between father and son, he will not lose his temper easily, and everyone's life will be easier.

Zhu Tao thought about it carefully. Since his father is the emperor, the so-called eldest brother is naturally the prince Zhu Biao, the third brother is Zhu Biao, and the fourth brother is Zhu Di.

He had been saying before that Zhu Di would rebel, so he said it in front of Zhu Di himself, and he couldn't help but laugh when he thought of it.

At this moment, a hearty voice suddenly shouted from outside.

"Brother Tao, I'm here to give you a congratulatory gift!"

Listening carefully, it was Zhu Di's voice. It turned out that he had returned from the Northern Expedition.

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