Daming: I became Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son

Chapter 197 Arrangements for the Big Wedding

At this time, Shen Wan'er was still flying a kite in the garden at home, when suddenly a servant girl came in to report.

"Miss, a female official from the inner court has come outside and wants you to meet him right away, saying that the empress has sent you."

A year ago, the empress had summoned some girls from the duke's family to the palace to preach female virtues. This was not an accident, and Shen Wan'er didn't take it seriously.

When she came to the female officer, seeing that she was an acquaintance, Shen Wan'er said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Sister Yu'er, what wind brought you here, if there is anything wrong, please hurry up and order."

Yu'er didn't joke, and said directly.

"Wan'er, the empress ordered you to enter the palace immediately, and discuss with you about important matters without delay."

Shen Wan'er was a little dazed, she was just an ordinary marquis's daughter, the queen told her to go, what could be important?
But the queen's order has been issued, and she can't be disobedient no matter what, so she changed her clothes and followed Yu'er into the palace.

When Shen Wan'er saw Empress Ma, she was about to bow her knees to salute, but Empress Ma clasped her hands and said happily.

"Wan'er doesn't need to be too polite. We will be a family from now on. Let me discuss something with you first. I think you are a sensible and well-behaved child. I want to recognize you as a goddaughter. Are you willing?"

Even if he didn't want to do something like this, who would dare to refute the Queen's face?
Besides, if you don't eat the pies that fall from the sky, you would be a fool, and Wan'er is not stupid at all, just kowtowed.

"My queen mother, please accept Wan'er's gift again!"

Shen Wan'er's clever performance made Empress Ma like it even more, she quickly ordered to stand up and give her a seat, and then took out a Lantian bracelet for Wan'er to put on, and then said.

"This bracelet is the first gift that His Majesty gave me when he laid down Dingyuan before becoming a commander-in-chief. Now I will give it to you."

Shen Wan'er felt a little flattered, and said hastily.

"Queen, Wan'er can't afford such a precious gift, so please cherish it."

Empress Ma chuckled and said to her.

"You silly child, is the most precious thing in the world more precious than the relationship between mother and daughter? Since you call me mother queen, you can't let you call me in vain."

Said, turned around and told Yu'er to say.

"Immediately pass on my decree to the cabinet and let them draft an edict to designate Wan'er as Princess Runan and give a manor with a yearly salary of five hundred shi. The guard of honor is regarded as a marquis."

Yu'er agreed, then turned around and went to deliver the decree, Shen Wan'er just stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do, the gift came a little suddenly, which made her a little at a loss.

Just wanting to give up the life, Queen Ma said.

"Wan'er, the mother is going to arrange a marriage for you, do you think it's okay?"

Now I can't directly fix Shen Wan'er, I like Zhu Tao, I don't know who Empress Ma will arrange, if there is a mess, what should I do.

"Empress, Wan'er already has someone she likes in her heart, so this matter is just..."

Empress Ma smiled slightly and said.

"No matter how good your ideal person is, I'm afraid it's not as good as our prince. I want to arrange a prince for you to marry, so that you can be my daughter and my daughter-in-law. This is called kissing and kissing. okay?"

After hearing this, Shen Wan'er knelt down and kowtowed, and said in a very resolute tone.

"Mother, you make this arrangement because you value Wan'er, and it is a great kindness to me, but I already have someone in my heart, and he is Zhu Tao, the owner of Zhujiazhuang. If I don’t marry, it’s hard to obey, please deal with me!”

Empress Ma laughed.

"Silly boy, seeing how anxious you are, I'm also talking about Zhu Tao. Since Tao'er also calls me a mother, then I will treat him like my own son. His status will only be under the crown prince in the future. It will be lower than any prince."

After Empress Ma finished speaking, Shen Wan'er was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly thanked her.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had brought Song Lian and Liu Bowen to Zhujiazhuang. Seeing his old owner's return, Old Tang thought that he must be back for a toothbrush, so he hurried forward to say hello.

"The master, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Song are back. Hurry up and enter the yard. The young master said in the past two days that the master is busy with things and hasn't come back for a while. It just so happened that he was looking forward to your return."

Zhu Yuanzhang followed Old Tang to the yard and saw Zhu Tao playing with something, which seemed to be another invention.

"Tao'er, what did you invent here? Hurry up and talk to Dad, and I'll let the National Commercial Division come over to purchase later."

Zhu Tao looked at his father helplessly. This Duke of Fuguo was so competent that he forgot that he was a businessman.

He said hello to Liu Bowen and Song Lian before he spoke.

"Father, the National Commercial Division will not want this invention, and there is no need to mass-produce it. I just improved the barbecue rack. If people take it, I can't distribute it to the army in large quantities, and let the army go to barbecue. Bar."

Zhu Yuanzhang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, looked at Zhu Tao, and said helplessly.

"You kid will mess around with these things when you have nothing to do, so you won't invent something useful, such as a musket or something..."

Zhu Tao rolled his eyes and said.

"Dad, when you usually eat barbecue, you eat more than anyone else, and you eat more deliciously than anyone else. I'm not doing this because you want to improve the efficiency of barbecue."

After hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. There was nothing wrong with this answer.

After entering the room, Old Tang poured tea for several people, and then withdrew.

Zhu Tao asked with a smile.

"Father, you haven't come back for a while. Fortunately, you only brought two gentlemen with you this time, and no other people came to argue with me about knowledge. This matter is really annoying me."

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Zhu Tao was a very indifferent person, and he was unwilling to ask him to devote himself to learning just because of his lazy nature of not getting up before noon.

However, this time he didn't come to talk about knowledge, so he said.

"Tao'er, we came back this time not for you to argue about knowledge. There is an important matter that should be done right away. The so-called male college should be married and the female college should be married. Dad is also anxious to have a grandson."

This turn was a little urgent, Zhu Tao didn't react for a while, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he said.

"Don't worry about this matter, the child is still young, let's talk about it later."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face darkened, and he didn't allow him to continue speaking, and said directly.

"Don't tell me your great principles, such things as your parents' order and matchmaker's words, you still want to talk about your theory of free love, besides, didn't you choose Wan'er yourself?"

Hearing that his father was talking about Shen Wan'er, Zhu Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

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