Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 66 Yang Lin Enters Wagang Alone, Goodbye Yang Zhao

"No matter what the contradiction is, how can my son be wronged, I will find it back."

Yang Guang's eyes froze.

"Since that's the case, how does His Majesty plan to deal with Yuwen's family, and what about the Jindi Pass?"

Yang Lin raised a question.

"Leave aside the matter of Jindiguan, and focus on dealing with Yuwen's family."

Yang Guang thought for a while and said.

As long as Yang Zhao bleeds and confesses his relatives and announces his identity, not only will the majesty of the Sui Dynasty not be affected, but it will rise rapidly.

After all, the person who made such a feat was the eldest son of the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty.

"Zhaoer also did a good job, killing Yuwen Jackie."

Yang Guang suddenly laughed.

When Yang Lin heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After all, they all know now that Yuwen's family is not a good thing.

"Uncle Huang, I have a good idea for dealing with the Yuwen family."

Yang Guang said suddenly.

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Yang Lin pretended to be listening attentively.

"The Great Sui Dynasty is currently suffering from serious foreign aggression, and the failure of the Goguryeo expedition further fueled the opponent's arrogance."

Yang Guang looked ugly.


Yang Lin nodded.

"I am preparing for the Second Conquest, taking this opportunity to destroy the Goguryeo barbarians, and at the same time consume the strength of the Yuwen family."

Yang Guang continued to speak.

"Your Majesty, this method is wonderful!"

Hearing this, Yang Lin's eyes lit up.

While dealing with external troubles, it can also reduce the strength of internal troubles.

Once successful, it will be of great benefit to the Sui Dynasty.

After all, if Goguryeo is destroyed, the Turks will be much more peaceful.

"So I plan to put all my energy on the second expedition, and the sooner it starts, the better."

Yang Guang said solemnly.


Yang Lin didn't have any objection, even the flames of war were burning in his eyes.

He didn't participate in the first expedition, so he couldn't miss it this time.

"Uncle Huang, you still can't go this time, you need to sit in Tai Sui."

Yang Guang saw Yang Lin's eagerness to try, so he said this on purpose.

"Oh, good."

Yang Lin just sighed, but still complied.

Once he followed, there would be no royal family members in Sui Dynasty.

It is inevitable that there will be some kind of moth.

With Yang Lin around, the deterrent effect will naturally be there.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Uncle Emperor."

Yang Guang said sincerely.

His trust in Yang Lin even surpassed Lai Hu'er.

After all, Yang Lin has worked hard all his life for the Sui Dynasty.

There has never been a slight overstep, and Yang Guang also gave him a backing army, which is enough to show how trustworthy he is.

"Your Majesty is serious, this is the duty of a veteran."

Yang Lin smiled and waved his hands.

"Uncle Huang, I will leave Zhao'er's affairs to you."

Yang Guang took a deep breath.

He decided that after a while, he would announce the expedition.

At the same time, it also gave the Yuwen family the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds.

Having said that, the purpose is to let the Yuwen family invest more strength into it.

Weaken its influence in the army, and when the expedition is successfully completed, the Yuwen family will be completely wiped out.

"The old minister retire."

Yang Lin cupped his hands slightly, and then left from the hall.

Yang Guang also returned to the harem, and when he arrived at the harem, he found that Empress Xiao hadn't rested yet.

"Concubine, see Your Majesty."

Empress Xiao bowed slightly to salute.

"Queen, why haven't you rested yet?"

Yang Guang asked in surprise.

"The emperor is looking for His Majesty, what is the so-called matter?"

Empress Xiao asked eagerly.

Hearing this, Yang Guang couldn't help feeling in his heart that a woman's sixth sense is really scary.

When Yang Lin spoke about Yang Zhao, Empress Xiao had a premonition.

"It's nothing, it's just about Jindi Pass."

Yang Guang waved his hand and said.

"is it?"

Empress Xiao was a little disappointed.

Yang Guang still doesn't want to tell Empress Xiao about Yang Zhao's affairs, the time is not yet ripe.

No matter how much he couldn't bear it, he could only suppress that thought.

The two said a few words casually before returning to the main hall to rest.


On the other side, Wagang Village is holding a celebration banquet.

To celebrate the victory at Jindiguan, there are still more than 8 Sui army prisoners.

Xie Yingdeng, You Junda and others laughed from ear to ear.

"It seems that my decision at the beginning was correct."

Zhai Rang looked at the carnival crowd and murmured.

Zhai Jiaojiao on the side looked at Yang Zhao with fascination.

"Is there really such a man in the world, who is so heroic and has done many things that surprised the world?"

Her eyes sparkled brightly, and she couldn't help murmuring.


Zhai Rang shouted suddenly.


Zhai Jiaojiao was startled awake, and immediately blushed in response.

"What's wrong with you, you look a little bad?"

Zhai Rang asked with concern.

"No, nothing."

Zhai Jiaojiao ran away, not daring to let her father notice her flushed cheeks.

"Is this the charm of Mr. Yang Zhao?"

As everyone knows, this scene was seen by Li Rongrong.

She sighed faintly, who in the world doesn't like such a man?

Young hero, stand upright!
Perfect, with almost no faults to be found.

And not only Zhai Jiaojiao was interested, but even Shan Bingbing's watery eyes never left Yang Zhao's body.

"Rongrong, you can talk to Brother Zhao now."

Li Xiuning suddenly sat next to Li Rongrong and said.


Li Rongrong was startled and let out an exclamation.

She opened her mouth to say something, but was stopped by Li Xiuning.

"Follow your heart."

Li Xiuning smiled.


Li Rongrong nodded, as if secretly making a decision.

"Is this really your aunt's child?"

Qin's mother looked at Luo Cheng in surprise and said.


Qin Shubao nodded.


Luo Cheng saluted.

And revealed a, somewhat stiff smile.

"Okay, I can tell."

Mother Qin said with some excitement.

Then I asked some more questions about Aunt Qin Shubao.

Luo Cheng answered truthfully, which made Qin's mother feel a lot of emotion.

Looking at all this, Yang Zhao also had a smile on his face.


At this moment, Shen Lian suddenly walked over.

"What's the matter?"

Yang Zhao asked.

"The king of the mountain, Yang Lin, wants to see you."

Shen Lian said.

"Why is he here?"

Yang Zhao was stunned for a moment.

"I don't know, he deliberately let himself be caught by the soldiers of Luokoucang, and said his request."

Shen Lian said.

"Could it be that you came to plead for mercy?"

Yang Zhao thought of Lu Fang, Xue Liang and others who were being held in prison.

"Okay, take him to the guest room."

Withdrawing his thoughts, he instructed Shen Lian.


Shen Lian took the order.

Yang Zhao also got up and walked towards the guest room.

At the same time, the other staff of Jin Yiwei also guarded every corner outside the house.

In case the conversation between the two is overheard by someone.

Not a moment after Yang Zhao sat down, a man in a long robe and a bamboo hat was brought in.

The man took off his bamboo hat, and it was the silver-haired Yang Lin.

"Your Excellency is the leader of Wagang Village, Yang Zhao, right?"

Yang Lin asked with a smile.

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