After getting off the boat, Xu Maogong nodded and smiled at Yu Shiji. The two knew each other, but Li Cunxiao didn't even look at him.

It's not that there is no one in his eyes, but that Yang Zhao is the only one in his eyes.

Wu Fu and the scholar didn't have much contact with each other, and they didn't talk much, because Yang Zhao met quite a few times, but he didn't say a few words.

Several people stepped into the courtyard, Yang Zhao looked around, quite surprised, looked at Li Cunxiao and said meaningfully: "You are quite good at employing people."

The Modao Army is a team on standby at any time to prevent various emergencies.

Li Cunxiao was afraid of accidents, so he selected more than [-] servants from the Modao army.

It is specially used to serve Yang Zhao.

As soon as the words fell, Yang Zhao felt a hot gaze, followed the induction to look over, and frowned.

Li Siye.

He is very familiar with Mo Daojun, and he also knows Li Siye's character and temper, but he looks away after taking a look.

Several people passed through the barrier wall, and Yang Zhao squinted his eyes: "Grand Xu, it seems that something is wrong with Yuhang."

This is a secondary courtyard. Yang Zhao asked Xu Maogong and Li Cunxiao to come here first, in addition to setting up a foothold, he also wanted to spy on the situation here.

Generally speaking, Yang Zhao and the others came to Yuhang for at most a few days, and if they couldn't find their target, they set off for the next destination.

It won't stay too long, just stay in a better inn.

However, Xu Maogong rented a second courtyard, and explained that he would stay here for a while.

Then there must be some problems in Yuhang.

As for the government office, Li Shimin still depends on what Xu Maogong found out.

After talking, several people entered the main hall and sat down one after another under Yang Zhao's signal.

The soldiers of the Modao army serve tea to several people.

"Your Majesty, after the matter of the gentry, the local governments have restrained a lot, and here in Yuhang..."

Halfway through speaking, Xu Maogong and Yang Zhao frowned at the same time.

This tea is so bitter.

After a while, Xu Maogong continued: "There are indeed some problems with the government office in Yuhang, but we haven't found out yet."

He spoke very euphemistically, but Yang Zhao frowned and said, "Speak in detail."

Xu Maogong pondered for a moment, and then said in words: "It's really strange that Yangzhou has achieved nothing from the governor to the county magistrate, but they can't catch any problems."

"When you ask the people, they are all speechless. It's not that they keep their mouths shut. There's nothing good or bad about it."

This is a very strange point, Yang Zhao immediately understood.

The governor of Yizhou has done nothing bad for so many years, but he has no achievements. This is very unreasonable, especially since the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal started from Yuhang.

As for the county magistrate, he is only the assistant of the county magistrate, and he can always make a note of it by cooperating with solving several cases.

No problem is the biggest problem.

"Well, it's really strange, what does Mr. Xu think?"

Yang Zhao habitually asked Xu Maogong for his opinion.

Yu Shiji on the side pricked up his ears. He admired Xu Maogong very much, regarded him as an idol in his heart, and took him as his goal. Such a rare opportunity must be cherished.

After Yang Zhao ascended the throne, he rarely saw Xu Maogong.

He did not participate in the development of some cases, and it is difficult to talk about it in private meetings. Now that he can participate in it, he naturally needs to learn more.

"From the people, we should be able to find some problems."

Xu Maogong deliberated for a moment and gave a suggestion.

Yang Zhao remained silent, looking at the silent Yu Shiji: "Do you have an idea?"

Yu Shiji felt a sense of tension inexplicably, is it finally my turn?

The two guys Su Wei and Pei Ju must have experienced a lot with His Majesty before, and they haven't changed a bit after returning to the court. I must cherish the opportunity!

He said something dark, for Su Wei and Pei Ju, he was very jealous since he accompanied Yang Zhao to Jizhou.

Why wasn't I the one who went there? Such an exciting experience, what a pity.

"Young master, such a strange matter must be prudent, but the governor may be involved in the cause, but there are some problems with his identity, so it is not easy to participate."

Yu Shiji has been thinking of a solution since he heard the problem. This is his opinion.

It is obvious that these few people are all in collusion, there are big problems inside, there will always be mistakes, and many problems can be found out from them.

This group of people are grasshoppers on a rope, if there is a problem, they can be involved.

Yang Zhao remained silent. Yu Shiji was on point. He was conducting a private interview through a WeChat server, and his status was not good enough to intervene directly. He needed an intermediary.

But what kind of things can make people participate?
"Starting today, send people to the streets to make unannounced visits, but there will be remarks about the county magistrate."

If there is a problem with the government office in a place, it is impossible for the common people not to know about it, so they need to obtain information from the common people.

After tea and dinner, I can always hear some rumors, whether true or not, as long as there are, he has plenty of verification methods.

If you catch the flaw, everything will be easy to handle.

But it can't be too good, so it's an unannounced visit, not an inquiry.

Deliberate collection can only be premature exposure. After Qinghe Cui's incident, he knew that the problematic government office could not have no eyeliner.

At the same time, he felt a little complicated in his heart. The corrupt officials had just been dealt with, but they did nothing again.

When will this miasma be cleared up?

After the topic was over, everyone got up and prepared to leave and go back to their respective rooms to rest. Yang Zhao stopped them and said, "Li Cunxiao, let Mo Daojun live in the east side room, the west side is empty."

Li Cunxiao nodded, he never had any doubts about Yang Zhao's orders, only to carry them out.

"Mr. Xu, you, Yu Shiji and Li Cunxiao can stay in the East and West Wings."

Yang Zhao had a plan in mind, but this time the team has expanded a bit.

If I knew this earlier, it should be enough to let Mr. Xu rent a courtyard with three entrances.

Yu Shiji asked suspiciously: "My lord, the west side room..."

Yang Zhao looked at Li Cunxiao angrily, and said slowly, "Since we are going to stay for a while, how can we do without maids in the courtyard, I will ask Mu Guiying to bring a few female servants over."

Yu Shiji and Xu Maogong were deeply touched, and they called His Majesty the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

The sip of old tea just now was almost given away to the two of them. Sure enough, delicate work had to be done by a woman, and a vulgar martial artist just didn't like it.

Li Cunxiao nodded, he didn't understand the implication at all, the master told him to do as it was.

In this case, it is still barely enough to live.

There are only five east and west wing rooms in total, which is just right.

The few people left separately, especially Yu Shiji, who was originally a scholar, and his physical strength was not as good as that of a martial artist.

Running around with Yang Zhao all the way, he was really tired.

Li Cunxiao came to the courtyard to compete with his subordinates to hone the martial arts of the Mo Dao Army.

Xu Maogong did not leave, and played chess with Yang Zhao in the room.

Regarding Mu Guiying's matter, he had already asked Shen Lian to inform. Apart from the Jin Yiwei scattered all over the place to wait for dispatch, Shen Lian followed Yang Zhao quietly.


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