Yuzhou, Luoyang.

Su Wei rode a steed galloping down the street, attracting dissatisfaction from passers-by.

In front of the Yuelai Inn, Su Wei handed over the horse rope to Xiao Er, and dropped a tael of silver.

Xiao Er, who was about to yell at him, led the horse to the stable with a smile.

On the third floor, knock on the door.

"Come in."

A calm voice came from inside.

Su Wei pushed the door open, and saw the suave young man at the table at a glance, immediately knelt down and clasped his fists and said:
"Your Majesty, why are you leaving the city again?"

Yang Zhao glanced at him, and there was a flash of displeasure: "Aren't you all idle and have nothing to do, why are you all looking for me?"

Su Wei felt aggrieved and remained silent.

Yang Zhao turned to look at Yu Shiji again: "Did you tip off the news?"

The latter observes the nose with the eyes and the heart with the nose.

Su Wei became anxious, and quickly said: "It has nothing to do with Lord Yu at this time, but Your Majesty, you can no longer leave the capital, now is a critical juncture."

He was not happy in his heart, last time he took him out, this time he took Yu Shiji, he didn't like the open and secret fights in the court very much.

Very depressing, just arguing all day long, how can it be comfortable to accompany His Majesty Jiangnan.

So, if I am not happy, you should not go out either.

Before Yang Zhao could speak, Yu Shiji frowned and asked, "Your Majesty, why do you have to go to Jiangnan?"

He was puzzled, and if there was a legitimate reason, he would never obstruct it.

The last time it was because of the investigation, now that the world is peaceful, it is meaningless for Yang Zhao to go to the south of the Yangtze River.

Yang Zhao stared at the two with deep eyes, and said in a rather unfriendly tone: "I work hard, the world is peaceful, and now I am enjoying myself, what's wrong?"

Facing the emperor's rhetorical question, the two were a little dazed, obviously they did not expect the reason to be so straightforward.

And there is really no reason to refute.

After pondering for a moment, Yu Shiji broke the silence: "Your Majesty, you must not be greedy for fun. Since ancient times, that has been the behavior of a foolish king."

Speaking out and advising is what a good courtier should do.

Su Wei admired Yu Shiji very much, but he didn't dare.

He could only echo slightly from the side: "Your Majesty, if you find out about the matter, you will definitely tell the officials that it is a bad thing to record it in the history books."

"Remember Li Shimin and Cui Jin?"

Seeing Yang Zhao suddenly say this, Yu Shiji nodded, but Su Wei thought for a while before remembering the two characters.

In the era of universal peace, Cui Jin and Li Shimin have become the past and have never appeared. It is normal for Su Wei to think about it for a while.

"My trip this time is related to two people."

Yang Zhao gave a vague explanation.

Yu Shiji thought for a moment, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Cui Jin disappeared half a year ago, and Li Shimin's shadow appeared inside. Your Majesty wants to find the two of them?"

"Yes and no." Yang Zhao nodded, shook his head, paused, and continued: "The two of them will definitely rebel, and many things can be changed in half a year. They are secretive and want to know the progress. Only by going to see it will they know. "

Su Wei reacted, and his eyes lit up: "Your Majesty means that they are in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Yu Shiji directly shook his head to answer: "According to the analysis, it is very likely that the two of them took root in Tuyuhun, and they are in two directions from Jiangnan."

Then he looked at Yang Zhao, waiting for an answer with puzzled eyes.

"What I'm going to find is not them, but a solution. One person can break the situation."

Yang Zhao's explanation was vague, Yu Shiji didn't say anything more, he followed Yang Zhao to know his temperament.

It is reasonable to say so.

"Your Majesty, let the ministers go with you!"

Seeing that Yu Shiji didn't respond, Su Wei immediately recommended himself.

There is a little bit of starlight in the eyes, hoping for hope.

"You are the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, how can you leave the court so easily, your Majesty will visit in secret, and you must not reveal your whereabouts."

Yu Shiji refused for Yang Zhao, with a soft tone.

But for Su Wei, every word was stern, the light in his eyes went out little by little, he turned to look at Yang Zhao, His Majesty should really want to take me, right?

"Your Majesty, Lord Yu doesn't want to go, so you can temporarily take the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. I only want to follow Your Majesty and depend on life and death!"

Fearing that Yang Zhao would not agree, Su Wei took the lead, with a sincere tone and firm eyes, like a lady who would not marry unless you.


"Guest officer, your horse."

Xiao Er saw Su Wei coming out, trotted forward, and enthusiastically handed over the rope.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Er heard the old man's abuse.

Da da da... rode away cursing all the way. ,

Xiao Er was not angry, but followed Su Wei's back with sympathetic eyes.

Last time, Wang Lao Wu also came in such a hurry and left cursing, just like this guest.

It was only later that I found out that Wang Laowu's woman had hooked up with the butcher across the street and was practicing marksmanship upstairs.

Wang Laowu couldn't beat him again and again, so he could only use his mouth to work hard.

Mrs. Nai He's slick tongue said that he has become arrogant and unreasonable.

She just made a mistake that a normal woman would make...

"Tsk, another poor man..."

With an exclamation, Xiaoer immediately put on a warm smile to welcome the guests who came in.

In the guest room, Yu Shiji looked at his master helplessly.

What to do, of course, is to listen to him.

"Your Majesty, when shall we depart?"

Yang Zhao said he was going to Jiangnan, so naturally he wouldn't stay in Luoyang any longer.

Immediately, I heard Yang Zhao's cheerful voice: "No hurry, we will leave tomorrow, I have something to do today, you can come with me."

Yu Shiji nodded, and heard Yang Zhao's instruction: "By the way, just call me son when you're away from home."

The two went out and walked aimlessly on the street, Yu Shiji was half a step behind.


Yu Shiji took a careful look at Yang Zhao's clothes from behind.

She was dressed in a white plain hang silk gown, with gold silk flowing cloud trim embroidered on the cuffs and neckline.

A black silver belt with dragon and phoenix patterns is tied around her waist, a white jade crown is tied around her jet-black hair, and she holds a plain folding fan in her hand.

"It's really personable, and it really has the charm of a son of a Jiangnan family." Yu Shiji commented secretly.

The two walked on the road, attracting passers-by to wait and see, many ladies frequently turned their heads to look sideways, with starlight in their eyes.

Yu Shiji straightened his back unconsciously, without squinting, looking like a gentleman.

There were also whispers from the side of the road.

"Sister, this son is so handsome, I wonder which family he is from?"

"Shouldn't be a local."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Look, there is a book boy behind him. There are no guards. I am afraid that he is going to Beijing to take the imperial examination, and he is passing through Luoyang."

At this time, it was about to arrive in Qiuwei, and many scholars and sons and elder brothers who came to Beijing to take the exam would gather with the capital.

However, there is still some time before Qiu Wei, and there are not a few people who are resting and playing in Luoyang.

When Yu Shiji heard it, his face darkened, he lowered his head, and quickened his pace.

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