Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 353 Listen to people's advice, eat enough

They are the clearest about their master's temper.

The most outrageous thing is that some jailers went directly to the brothel to drag a few dancers and sent them in.

Each official is in a single room without disturbing each other.

The rest of the criminals in the prison were forcibly arranged, with several people together, separated from the officials' area.

This is also to ensure the safety of officials.

After all, some criminals are not afraid of officials. Basically, they have no family members and are death row inmates.

They just have to wait to die.

If they are arranged together, regardless of whether you are the heavenly king, Laozi or the queen mother, if you are not pleasing to the eye, I will still give you a big sinus.

Those death-row inmates ran rampant in the prison, and when the officials were released from prison, it was the jailer's turn to be unlucky.

For three days in a row, the guards in the prison were overflowing with oil and water.

The silver received alone is enough for their salaries for several years.

"It would be great if there were more officials, let's commit more crimes!"

This is the voice of all jailers.

Their jobs look good, but their salaries are pitifully small. Of course, it is more than enough to support their families.

Otherwise, no one would rush to squeeze in.

It's just that men in this era 'entertain a lot', and they have nothing to do but party and drink with their colleagues.

Naturally, the salary is not enough.

The point is, how can you drink without the company of a beautiful woman.

Polygamy is a luxury for them, without such economic conditions, but wild flowers can be picked at will.

In their view, it is understandable to patronize the Fengyue place and relive the breath of youth.

On weekdays, most of the people who can be locked up are either death row prisoners, or poor people without oil and water.

Do you think, can the rich and powerful be locked up?
No matter what you do, Yinzi can always help you solve your problems.

So in the face of this big scene, the jailers tried their best to curry favor.

"Xiao Liu, what do I say, you have to listen to people's advice, listen to people's advice, and eat enough."

The old jailer and the young guard had just delivered food from a censor's cell, with money in their hands, teaching them carefully.

"Yes, yes, I will have to rely on Big Brother a lot in the future!"

The young jailer smiled happily, and slipped one-third of the silver in his hand into the hands of the old jailer.

"Yo, you're a quick learner, a child can be taught!"

The old jailer grinned, very relieved.

"You two, come here!"

As he was talking, he looked up and saw his boss calling them.

"Boss, you order."

The old jailer distributed some of the money in his hand to the cell boss, who accepted it with a blank expression.

"Restrain a little these two days, it's almost enough, do you hear me?"

The head of the prison had a serious expression, and whispered.

"Boss, where is this? They won't be locked up for long. It's hard for us to come across this good thing, so we can't waste it!"

The old jailer became anxious immediately, he had spent all his money these two days without blinking an eye, and was thinking of getting some more, saving it for later use.

"That's right, Boss, where have we seen this kind of battle in ordinary times? It's a matter of getting the best of both worlds, so don't be stern and impartial."

The young jailer half-jokingly said that he was also very happy these days, and he still wanted to make more money.

Hearing this, the prison chief's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice:

"You don't want to die? The latest news, these adults are all because of too much corruption, and His Majesty was furious. If you don't restrain yourself, you may lose your life if you are on the cusp of the storm!"

When the two heard it, the old jailer immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, nodded fiercely and said:

"Got the boss!"

The young jailer muttered dissatisfiedly:

"Your Majesty sits in the hall every day. As long as we don't talk nonsense, who would know..."

The prison chief took a look, but left without saying a word, shaking his head.

He came to remind him only out of good intentions, and the young jailer was greedy, so it was none of his business.

What should be done has already been done. If you don’t listen to persuasion, there is no way.

The old jailer glared at him, and said in a very ironclad way:

"Aren't you just learning, listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, how come you forget it when you turn around?"

The young jailer smiled and flattered:
"Hey brother, I'm not joking, I get it, listen to you!"

Seeing his appearance, the old jailer sighed and left.

The two of them had been together for a long time, and they were familiar with each other. Looking at this appearance, he knew that Xiao Liu didn't take it seriously at all.

Superficially flattering, but turning around, it must have fallen on deaf ears.

Sure enough, after the old jailer left, Liu Fei curled his lips and said indifferently:

"Cut, what a bunch of cowards, I can't bear the opportunity, just let it go, don't be jealous when I get the money!"

In Liu Fei's eyes, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Besides, how could the emperor know about them? All the jailers were too happy. As long as no one here said anything, who would know?
Thinking about it, Liu Fei turned around and walked towards the depths of the prison.

The further inside, the greater the official position.

He gradually felt that the fourth and fifth ranks outside were too stingy, let's see what the big shots inside did.

"Hey! Brother!"

Walking deep, a person suddenly called Liu Fei to stop.

Looking back, hey, death row prisoner!
Liu Fei was a little disappointed and didn't plan to pay attention to it. The death row prisoners basically don't have much to offer.

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly thought that something was wrong. This area seemed to be an official's cell as well.

"My lord, I have something to tell you!"

Liu Fei forced a smile on his face, and stuck it flatteringly.

He thought about it, and if he was locked up here, his official position must not be low.

In addition, the cell boss told him just now that he was locked up because of corruption, so how much money would he have to spend to be sentenced to death.

And for the officials of a condemned prisoner, what can they ask for?

It's not just that I want to enjoy more before I die, and I want to be more comfortable when I die.

This guy is definitely a big fish!
Cui Rong was very surprised. Since he was imprisoned, no jailer dared to approach him.

He also knows the reason.

The cell boss ordered him, he is the key care object, other officials can give money, but he is not easy to use.

The jailer in front of him is very brave.

From the eyes, it is a slippery head.

He likes such people, as long as the money is in place, everything is easy to talk about.

"What's your name?"

Cui Rong couldn't help asking curiously.

Liu Fei was taken aback, is this guy sick?
Why don't you ask my name?

Want to copy my whole family?
"Hey! Brother, I'm looking at your face, I'm not in charge of this, am I?"

Seeing that Liu Fei was about to leave, Cui Rong anxiously added an explanation.

Liu Fei hummed and looked at Cui Rong suspiciously.

"That's it, you bring me a message to the Cui Mansion, take this jade pendant, and the housekeeper will give you ten taels of silver."

Liu Fei's eyes widened immediately!

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