Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 307 Feng Deyi Lu Qi's excitement, want to kill the king?

After the group of people figured it out, the first thought in their minds was that it was over.

Looking at it from another perspective, His Majesty's move is equivalent to involving the interests of most of the gentry.

Want to shake their foundations.

Afterwards, as long as Cui Rong simply fanned the flames.

The worst result this group of gentry could think of was to be implicated in the nine clans.

There are only two ways to completely solve this hidden danger.

The first one is to find His Majesty and let him return to court.

But Jiangnan is so big, trying to find His Majesty is simply looking for a needle in a haystack!
Even if all the power is used, it will take time to send the message, and it will also take time to find someone.

He came and went again and again, and within three to five months he couldn't find anyone.

For such a long time, maybe His Majesty has already checked the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

After returning to court, the only thing waiting for them is the death penalty!

Then, at this time, there is only the second way!

Kill Emperor Yongping to avoid future troubles!
This may seem like an outrageous step, but it is also a very difficult step to execute.


If the emperor is in the palace and there are forbidden troops inside, it will be very difficult, basically impossible.

But once His Majesty leaves Chang'an, he will be alone.

At most, bring a few followers with you.

In the arena, use all your connections to kill when you see it.

This is so much easier!
"Lord Feng, we have no way out, have we?"

"It's not that we are cruel, but that His Majesty insists on making trouble like this."

"He won't die, but you will die!"

Cui Rong doesn't care who is the emperor at all, no matter who is, as long as his interests are not moved, even children are fine.

But if anyone touches his bottom line, then, even if you are the emperor, I will kill you!

This is his domineering and confidence as the Guanlong Group!

There is a saying that goes well, the country made of iron, the emperor of flowing water.

Lu Qi was completely overwhelmed by Cui Rong's courage at this time, something he never dared to think about.

But he wasn't scared at all, and even excited.

This is the emperor!

If they killed the emperor, if they were recorded in the annals of history, that would be fine!

"Master Cui, what should we do?"

Lu Qi couldn't wait any longer, and Feng Deyi had already figured it out. What Cui Rong said was right. Compared to himself, it was better for the emperor to die.

"Brother Cui, just tell us, we will do as we please."

After Feng Deyi's fear passed, he was faintly excited.

He didn't expect that after being an official in the court for so many years, he would be able to kill the emperor one day!
And, according to Cui Rong's character.

Even if this matter is found out, they will not be found out in the end.

This feeling of being behind the scenes made him a little addicted.

Lu Qi didn't expect it, and suddenly said:

"If we do this, the Supreme Emperor will still be there, and he will still be the emperor in the end."

"If this matter is found out on our heads, the outcome will still be the same."

Feng Deyi also looked at Cui Rong, he was confident, but that was just his own guess.

He was also relieved to be able to say it from Cui Rong's mouth.

Sure enough, Cui Rong just smiled slightly:
"Find us?"

"Hehe, it's impossible."

Lu Qi asked curiously:
"Brother Cui, what is your plan?"

Cui Rong had already thought about it, and said directly:

"During this period of time, we only need to go face-to-face with the saint. His Majesty will definitely not be there. We will publicize this matter."

"At times like this, we should be anxious, but we are not the only ones."

"At that time, the princes of the court will ask for an audience in front of the Yong'an Palace. Guess, will your Majesty see you or not?"

"If you do, it's fine if His Majesty is really in the palace."

"If they don't see you, or His Majesty is no longer in the palace. Guess what they will do if I just mention a few words?"

After finishing speaking, Feng Deyi and Lu Qi had smiles on their faces.

He was right. As a member of the Guanlong Group, since Cui Rong decided to do something big, he naturally wouldn't drag himself into the water.

Because he didn't do anything in it, he just wanted to face the saint.

It wasn't them who killed them.

What's more, from the beginning to the end, they didn't mention killing the king at all.

Didn't get involved either.

"Okay! Then I'll wait and enter the palace now!"

After finalizing the plan, Feng Deyi and Lu Qi set off immediately.

Now, time is of the essence, and the sooner you execute, the better.

Cui Rong wrote another letter to pass the news back so that Cui could prepare.

Looking back, the letter I wrote last time should have arrived.


Tobu City County, Cui Mansion.

Cui Jin was sitting in the hall, holding a letter in his hand.

"Brother Cui, why are you looking for us in such a hurry?"

Seeing Cui Jin's bad face, Wang Zhao felt a little uneasy.

He can't control Cui Jin's personality, but if he becomes unhappy, no one will care, and he will kill him immediately.

At this time, another young master on the side also opened his mouth and said:

"Brother Cui, is there any news from the court?"

He is also a nobleman in Tobu City County, a branch of the famous Liu family, Liu Li.

"See for yourself."

Cui Jin didn't know what kind of thoughts he was thinking at this time, this letter was written by Cui Rong who was in the middle of the court.

Cui Rong can be regarded as his uncle, and he has been very kind to him since he was a child.

Even the matter of transporting silver by water was planned by the two of them.

Now this letter made him both scared and excited.

"Your Majesty, are you going to Jiangnan?"

Wang Zhao's hands trembled a little, but he never expected that His Majesty would go to Jiangnan in person.

Liu Li is fine, he just smiled slightly:
"There's nothing to be afraid of. If His Majesty goes to Jiangnan, let him go. We don't know anything about what it has to do with us."

The two of them also knew about the water transportation, because they also participated in it.

Although most of the benefits went to the Cuifu, they still reaped some benefits.

In Liu Li's thoughts.

The mastermind of this matter is the government, they are just helping, if they really want to investigate, he has a way to avoid it.

After all, the money was given by the government. He just helped with a small matter. I don't know what it is.

Before the gentry, it was normal for the gentry to help each other and send money.

Naturally, Liu Li wouldn't take it to heart.

Cui Jin frowned and said:

"Not necessarily. Uncle just said that it is possible. Let us pay attention to some strange faces recently. Also, things about Mr. Li need to be sped up."

In fact, Cui Jin didn't believe that His Majesty would really investigate secretly.

In addition, Cui Rong himself can't guarantee it, it's just a guess.

In his perception, it is impossible for the emperor to leave the palace easily.

The probability of this event is still very small.

There are so many people in the palace, His Majesty is going to leave the palace, there are still quite a few people who know the news.

The more people who know something, the greater the chance of exposure.

Therefore, a dude like him can think of it, and the emperor must have thought of it too.

What he cared more about was Yuanwai Li.

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