Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 303 Tobu City County, looking for Li Yuanwai

Threatened by the government, tortured, still have to file a letter to the court.

If he wanted to leave, he wouldn't wait that long.

"My lord, do you mean that we still have a chance to find him?"

Wei Zheng's eyes flashed, as long as Li Yuanwai's clue is not broken, they still have hope!

If this move can pull out most of the nobles and court officials in one fell swoop, it will kill two birds with one stone.

Yang Zhao nodded, while Xu Maogong raised a question:
"However, there are many areas around Tobu City County, and there is nothing we can do if we want to find them."

"It's not as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!"

Yang Zhao suddenly smiled, and everyone looked over curiously.

"My lord, what did you think of?"

"Now that we know Li Yuanwai won't leave, it's much easier."

Yang Zhao continued:

"If I were Li Yuanwai and knew that the government was useless, and if there was no result in the letter, there would be only one way to go."

"Find Cui's fatal evidence!"

Wei Zheng blurted out.

Yang Zhao glanced at it appreciatively, and continued:

"After finding the evidence, he won't trust anyone. He must go to Chang'an by himself to bring the guilt to the emperor."

After finishing speaking, Yang Zhao said again:
"However, it takes a long time to complete this series of actions."

"And you need to be careful. Once you show your feet, it will be annihilated."

Everyone was deeply convinced that Li Yuanwai's current situation was similar to theirs, and it was similar.

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

However, Li Yuanwai has no possibility of making mistakes.

They have been exposed, and there is still room for maneuver, at worst, they will find another opportunity next time.

But Li Yuanwai took a huge risk just to secretly investigate the Cui Mansion.

Even if he got it, he might be assassinated on the way to Chang'an.

To reach Chang'an safely, one has to be on guard against all kinds of people in the court. Except for the emperor, he must not trust anyone.

But he is just a small member, the emperor is not something he can see whenever he wants to.

So for Li Yuanwai, the difficulty is no less than that of Jingwei reclamation.

"Three months have passed since this incident. While the Cui family knows that Li Yuanwai's identity is not simple, they will definitely pay attention to Li Yuanwai's disappearance."

"There must have been a large-scale search and arrest on the second day of the disappearance, and it has not been found so far."

"The Cui Mansion must be in a hurry, but they won't be sending many people now, and since there hasn't been any bad news from Chang'an, they have nothing to worry about."

"When Li Yuanwai has survived all this, his plan will begin."

"If you want to find criminal evidence, you can't be far away from the Cui Mansion, otherwise it will be very inconvenient to act."

What Yang Zhao thought of was that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The Cui family must have never imagined that not only did Li Yuanwai not leave, but he was quietly staring at them nearby.

"Then we can narrow it down."

Yang Zhao opened a map, which was a simplified version of the map of Tobu City County that he had just bought in the afternoon.

He circled the location of Cui Mansion, and then drew an area around it.

"Li Yuanwai basically won't go out of this circle, everyone go to bed early tonight, and we will set off early tomorrow morning to look for Li Yuanwai!"

Customize a plan, and several people return to their rooms one by one.

Silent all night.

The next day, when it was still daylight, Yang Zhao and his party had already set off.

I don't know if I am anxious or excited.

It was a day's journey, but it took them all morning to see the outline of Tobu City County.

"We act separately,"

Yang Zhao was a little excited, as if he had returned to the battlefield again.

"Wei Gong, you go to the south."

"Xu Gong, you go to the north."

"Su Wei, you go to the east."

"Pei Ju, you go west."

After giving the order, everyone looked at Yang Zhao and asked in unison:
"My son, what about you?"

"I'm going to Dongwucheng County to see if I can meet Cui Jin and see what kind of person he is."

By the way, there is also a place to live that needs to be settled.

He knows that this matter will be a protracted battle and cannot be resolved in a short time
When he came to Dongwucheng County, Yang Zhao was a little surprised.

While being oppressed, the common people developed quite well.

In Yang Zhao's imagination, Dongwu County must have a poor reputation, and because of the Cui Mansion, they dare not go to the streets at will.

It must be that the development must not be good.

What caught my eye was that there were people everywhere on the main road, and the hawkers were shouting hard.

If he hadn't known about Cui Jin in advance, he would have thought that everything here was as good as it seemed!
Then, Yang Zhao smiled wryly.

Isn't this like today's court?
It looks like there are a lot of talents, and everyone is an important minister, but in fact, the corrupt ones should be outrageous.

"I used to hate partisanship. I didn't think about it. Now I still need this thing."

Yang Zhao felt a little helpless, and in the end he lived the way he hated the most.

He walked on the street, looking east and west.

It's exactly like a redneck going to town.

But he doesn't care, this is what he wants.

Soon, Yang Zhao was walking, and found something wrong again.

The people on the street seemed to be staring at him intentionally or unintentionally, as if he was the murderer.

"The plan is logically wrong and revealed, that's because Cui Rong reminded me."

It is not difficult to guess this point, Yang Zhao brought himself into Cui Rong's perspective.

In any case, the emperor did not see it, that is to say, no one can guarantee that the emperor is in the palace.

To be on the safe side, prepare a letter one by one.

Also in order to guard against him, Cui Rong will definitely tell the story of the matter again, so as not to show his feet.

With this explanation, the eyes of the people in the city can be easily understood.

That is to pay more attention to strangers who have come and gone recently.

Yang Zhao had his own countermeasures. He first rented the place where Li Yuanwai lived before at a very low price.

After that time, no matter whether the yard is sold or rented, everyone is the same.



When the homeowner saw that Yang Zhao was going to join the group, he almost cried with joy.

He really needs money.

If he doesn't rent it out, he doesn't know what to do.

He still relies on this house to make money.

"By the way, you should be careful yourself. If people from the Cui family come to you, it has nothing to do with me."

"Then it's settled. I'll take my leave first. You can take your time."

The homeowner turned around and left after saying this, for fear that Yang Zhao would regret it in the next second.

After renting the house, Yang Zhao went to a silk store.

When the boss saw Yang Zhao's attire, the excitement on his face immediately changed into an impatient look.

"If you fancy it, just tell me, if you don't buy it, get out!"

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