Daxing Palace, the second hall.

After retiring from the court, Yang Guang met Yang Zhao alone.

"Zhao'er, the matter has been finalized, and we can start to arrange it."

Yang Guang said solemnly.

"My son understands."

Yang Zhao cupped his hands and replied.

"However, you can't focus all your attention on countering the rebellion."

Yang Guang said suddenly.

Hearing this, Yang Zhao was taken aback for a moment.

This time Yang Guang went south, wasn't it just to gather the rebels to catch them all in one go, and consume their strength no matter how bad they were?

"National affairs cannot be left behind."

Yang Guang laughed.

"I know you have a way of handling state affairs, but it's different before and now."

His expression returned to seriousness.

Hearing this, Yang Zhao understood.

When the memorial was handled before, when Yang Guang was around, all the civil and military officials thought it was Yang Guang who handled it.

Even if Yang Guang said in court that Yang Zhao was the one to deal with it, many civil and military officials would still not believe it.

Therefore, during Yang Guang's trip to the south, all civil and military associations paid special attention to Yang Zhao's ability to handle the government affairs.

After all, these guys don't know the real purpose of Yang Guang and Yang Zhao.

"Father, don't worry, my son will not let you down."

Yang Zhao said with a smile.

No matter what memorial he encountered, he was sure to correct it.

Even after some memorials were corrected, the civil and military personnel did not understand or even understand them.

As time goes by, it will be confirmed that his handling in this way is the most correct.

Don't doubt this.

After all, Yang Zhao has the memory of later generations, understands the development of some things, and the disadvantages of some policies.

This is his natural advantage in handling government affairs, which no one else can match.

"Okay, I believe you."

Yang Guang patted Yang Zhao on the shoulder.

"By the way, this matter must be kept from your mother."

Just as Yang Zhao was about to leave, Yang Guang suddenly added something.


Yang Zhao took the order.

This is a big matter, if Queen Xiao is informed in advance, it is inevitable that she will be anxious.

So the best way is to hide it.

Of course, Yang Guang will not take Empress Xiao with him on this trip.

He believed that Yang Zhao could protect himself, but with one more Empress Xiao, there would be one more risk.

Taiyuan, Tang Guogong's mansion.

After Yang Guang announced that he was going south, the news spread layer by layer.

Li Yuan received the news in an instant.

He immediately summoned everyone to come, and Dou Wei, Li Xiaogong and others arrived one after another.

In addition to the first time, there are other aristocratic families in Bingzhou.

All the aristocratic families close to the Li family have arrived.

Everyone looked solemn, waiting for Li Yuan to arrive.

In less than a moment, Li Yuan walked in from the side door of the hall.

"Mr. Tang."

The crowd saluted.


Li Yuan nodded in response.

When he sat down, the atmosphere in the whole hall became more dignified, deathly quiet.

"Shimin, how are things going with you over there?"

Li Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"Go back to father, it's already done, as long as there is an excellent opportunity to tell those rebels."

Li Shimin replied.

"is it?"

Li Yuan frowned slightly.

"Yes, Liang Jun, the most powerful rebel army, has already posted the alliance post, waiting for other rebels to respond."

Li Shimin replied.

"Since this is the case, what should the other rebels do if they don't respond?"

Li Jiancheng said something abruptly.

This is true, if the other rebels disagree, the matter of instigating the rebel alliance will become a fantasy.

The Li family is still at risk and cannot compete with Da Sui.

"The eldest son is polite."

Dou Wei agreed.

Li Yuan also nodded, his character was originally cautious.

"Father, as long as there is a chance to impress those rebels, they will definitely choose to form an alliance without hesitation."

Li Shimin said hastily.

"After all, they didn't respond and were looking at the situation, rather than rejecting it directly."

He added.

"Shimin's words are justified."

Li Yuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Dou Wei, Li Jiancheng and others were stunned for a moment, this is not like Li Yuan's character.

Logically speaking, there must be at least a [-]% possibility before he can be assured of doing something.

"Now this opportunity has come."

Li Yuan said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, everyone knew that there must be some news from Chang'an.

"Duke Tang, is there any movement in the Sui Dynasty?"

Li Xiaogong asked hurriedly.


Li Yuan nodded.

"I heard the news that the emperor of the Sui Dynasty planned to go south for inspection and hand over the power of the court to Yang Zhao for management."

He said lightly.

Everyone's breathing stopped at this moment.


Dou Wei even doubted whether the news was true or false.

After all, they only lacked a chance. The arrival of this news is like having a pillow when you want to sleep.

"Really, His Majesty said it himself in the court hall."

Li Yuan said with a solemn expression.

You are not joking, Yang Guang will definitely do this, so he is so sure.


Everyone in the Li family suddenly boiled up.

Only Li Jiancheng's complexion is not very good-looking. If this matter is successful, Li Shimin will have made a great contribution.

Doesn't this threaten his status as the eldest son of the Li family?
However, this matter is closely related to the future of the Li family, even if he is unhappy, he cannot stop it.

"Shimin, do you know what to do?"

Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"The boy knows."

Li Shimin replied excitedly.

"Now that you know it, don't hurry up and do it."

Li Yuan said in a deep voice.


Li Shimin took the order directly, and then left from the hall.

He immediately found a man, and with the news, he hurried to the Jiangling area.

Moreover, it is still the way of sending an urgent letter from [-] miles away. Only in this way can the rebels move quickly.

Make all arrangements before Yang Guang goes south.

After Li Shimin left, the crowd did not disperse.

"Father, do we have to prepare too?"

Li Jiancheng asked.

"No hurry, let's see how the rebels have achieved."

Li Yuan shook his head.

Once an army is raised, there is no turning back.

Therefore, if you want to raise an army, you must have full confidence, otherwise the Li family will end up with the Yuwen family.


Li Jiancheng responded.

"However, during this period of time, our Li family can't be idle, and develop and grow as much as possible in secret."

Li Yuan ordered.

At least the area south of Bingzhou must be controlled, so that there is a basis for uprising.


Li Xiaogong and others responded one after another.

"Okay, let's go down."

Li Yuan waved his hand.

Then everyone left from the hall.


After everyone left, Li Yuan sighed faintly.

As soon as he remembered that Yang Zhao was now the eldest son of the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, he regretted it in his heart.

I actually missed an opportunity to make the Li family stronger than ever.

Every time he thinks about the default that Chai Shao and others came to Yang Zhao, he can't wait to slap himself.

But unfortunately, things have already happened, just like the water that has been poured out cannot be recovered.

So far, I can only plan for the Li family as much as possible.

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