Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 111 Big Snow Dragon Rider, Kill Unforgiven

"You led the Daxuelongriders and the Beiwei Army to lie dormant between the domestic city and Pyongyang city."

Yang Zhao ordered.


Li Cunxiao took orders directly.

"Whenever you see the Goguryeo army, attack directly and kill without mercy!"

Yang Zhao made a point of exhorting.


Li Cunxiao bowed his hand again.

"Luo Cheng."

Yang Zhao called again.

"Subordinates are here."

Luo Cheng led the way.

"You follow Cunxiao and follow Cunxiao's orders."

Yang Zhao ordered.


Luo Cheng surrendered.

"Yue Fei, you can go too."

Yang Zhao looked at Yue Fei and said.


The latter took the lead.

Hearing these orders, Xu Maogong's worries disappeared instantly.

With Daxuelong cavalry and Beiwei army cavalry taking action, no matter how many Goguryeo twitched troops, it would not help the matter.

"This battle will definitely destroy Goguryeo."

Yang Zhao said lightly.

Although the tone was calm, there was a lot of determination in it.


After hearing this, everyone felt their blood boil.

"Okay, let's go and rest."

Yang Zhao said.


Everyone bowed their hands again and left the hall one after another.

Meanwhile, along the coast.

Lai Huer and the 30 troops are still waiting for the marching order.


Lai Hu'er looked in the direction of Youzhou and sighed.

If Yang Guang hadn't asked him to stand by, he would have rushed back to Youzhou to help put down the rebellion at this moment.

But since Yang Guang asked him to stand by, there was a reason for it.

If you act without authorization, it is a trivial matter to be dealt with by military law.

But it would be a big deal if Yang Guang's deployment was disrupted.


A shout came from the entrance of the camp.

"There is news."

Hearing this shout, Lai Hu'er immediately became excited.

In two or three steps, he walked towards the gate of the camp.

When he got there, he happened to meet a messenger coming on a fast horse.

"What's the matter?"

Lai nurse asked directly.

"Meet the general."

The messenger got off his horse, and cupped his hands at Lai Hu'er.

"Say it."

Lai Nuer urged.

"Your Majesty has an order."

The orderly soldier who finished his salute became serious.

Lai Hu'er nodded and motioned the messenger to speak directly.

"Your Majesty asked the general to set off quickly to the area around Pyongyang City and surround the entire Pyongyang City."

The messenger said.


Lai Nuer froze for a moment.

"Is the civil unrest over?"

he asked.


The orderly nodded.

"After the civil strife is over, do you want to continue the expedition?"

Lai Nuer continued to ask, somewhat doubting the authenticity of the messenger.


The messenger replied, and directly took out the token.

With the token in hand, naturally it cannot be faked.

It's no wonder that Lai Hu'er was suspicious, after all, the counter-insurgency ended with a certain loss of troops.

The risk of continuing to go north is not so great.

Just now he even suspected that it was Yu Wenshu who pretended to send an order to send him to Pyongyang to die.

"Why did His Majesty let me go north and surround Pyongyang?"

Lai Hu'er murmured, completely unable to figure this out.

"Come on, general, the last general will retire first."

Now that the information has been delivered, the messenger will naturally not stay longer.


Lai Huer came to his senses, nodded and replied.

The messenger immediately got off his horse and was anxious to pass the news back.

"General, what should we do now?"

The son of Lai Nuer Lai Zheng asked.

Although his battlefield experience is not as rich as Lai Huer's, he also knows the risks of following this order.

"What else can I do, follow the orders."

Lai Nu'er said in a deep voice.

"But we are very likely to be caught in a pinch between the two armies."

I'm a little anxious to come here.

"His Majesty gave such an order, so naturally there are his arrangements."

Lai Hu'er replied lightly.

It can be seen from this that he is a real loyal minister of the Sui Dynasty.

Even though he knew that following the order was very risky, he agreed without hesitation.


Laizheng reluctantly responded.

"Convey the general's order to immediately rectify the armed forces and prepare to leave for Pyongyang."

Taking a deep breath, Lai Nuer gave the order directly.


Laizheng and other generals responded one after another.

The matter of going to Pyongyang is settled here.

At this time, the city of Pyongyang.

The battle report about Liaodong City was sent back quickly.

When Gao Yuan heard the news, he immediately called Yuan Tae-joo and Eulji Moon-deok to come.

These two people are equivalent to his left arm and right arm, they also happen to have one article and one weapon.

"Meet the king."

When the two arrived, they saluted Gao Yuan one after another.

"Okay, Liaodong City has been destroyed."

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yuan said in a deep voice.


As soon as these words came out, the faces of Eulji Moondeok and Yuan Taejo changed drastically.

The destruction of Liaodong City meant that the Sui army continued to march north and opened the door to Goguryeo.

"how is this possible?"

Yuan Taizuo couldn't believe it.

After all, it took a lot of time for the Sui army to attack Liaodong City.

How could this time, under the influence of civil strife, break through the city so quickly.

"Does this king seem to be joking?"

Gao Yuan asked in a deep voice.

When he first heard the news, he was actually the same as Yuan Taejo and Eulji Moondeok, unimaginable.

But it is a fact and cannot be denied.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates will send troops immediately to retake Liaodong City."

Ulji Wende said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, let the general go there quickly, at least keep the inner city."

Yuan Taizuo said quickly.

Gao Yuan remained silent, neither agreeing nor denying.

"It will take a long time to send troops from Pyongyang to Liaodong."

He said in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, at least send troops to the inner city."

Eulji Wende suggested.

"Yes, if there are problems in the domestic city, then the situation will be severe."

Yuan Taizuo said with a solemn expression.

"Did you forget that there is still a Sui army?"

Gao Yuan suddenly raised his head and said.

Hearing this, Eulji Moondeok and Yuan Taejo were stunned for a moment.

The two thought about it carefully before reacting quickly.

The Sui army headed by Lai Hu'er came by water.

Since the Sui army decided to continue the northward march, Lai Huer would definitely continue to go northward.

If Ulji Moon-deok is easily allowed to leave, Pyongyang will be in danger.

"Let's see the situation first, and then pass the news to the domestic cities to make them prepare."

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yuan ordered.

"Your Majesty's words are reasonable. The Sui army could quickly attack Liaodong, but Liaodong was caught off guard when it relaxed its vigilance."

Eulji Boondeok replied.

If he was in Liaodong City, he might be in a hurry as well.

Because no one thought that the Sui army would continue to go north.

"As long as the domestic city remains vigilant, the Sui army can be blocked. At present, Pyongyang should be more careful."

Gao Yuan ordered.

Even if the domestic city is defended, but the city of Pyongyang falls, Goguryeo will also be destroyed.


Yuan Tae-jo and Ulji Moon-deok clasped their hands and replied.

"In addition, don't spread the news that Liaodong was destroyed, it will inevitably cause people's turmoil."

Before the two left, Gao Yuan made a special order.

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