Sui and Tang Dynasties: Beginning with Overlord Inheritance

Chapter 105 Yang Xuangan: With a military adviser, this time I will definitely be able to beat the S

"The military division means, is it too late for us to prepare for the city defense?"

Yang Xuangan asked hastily.


Li Mi nodded.

"When the Sui army arrives, they will be caught off guard by us."

He continued.

"Okay, let's start arranging immediately."

Yang Xuangan said hastily.

"My lord, take out all the defensive tools that can be used. Han Shier and the others should be able to lead the reinforcements in time."

Li Mi said in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Yang Xuangan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

He has no scruples, the pain of losing his brother, the most urgent task should be to protect the overall situation.

"In addition, let those remnants who have just returned join the ranks of defense."

Li Mi continued to exhort.


Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"it is good."

But in the end, he still nodded.

Now is the time when troops are needed, and they really don't care about these.

The military order was issued quickly and passed on as soon as possible.

All of a sudden, the whole Liyang became lively.

The soldiers prepared fire oil, and even demolished houses to obtain rocks and rubble.

They will not let go of anything that can be used to defend the city.

"Strange, why did you become so nervous all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, the military order was issued directly, saying that there are enemy troops coming."

"Could it be the Sui Army?"

These rebel soldiers speculated privately.

"It's likely to be like this. After all, after such a long time, the Sui army should have come."

"Will we lose the fight?"

"Nonsense, if you can fight, why do these things."

There are all kinds of voices.

Before seeing the Sui army, the morale of the rebel army was a little turbulent.

Soon, the city defense arrangements were in place.

The soldiers headed by Li Cunxiao also guarded one of them.

And they deliberately made a mark on the defensive city gate and the top of the city, so Jin Yiwei can recognize it at a glance.

Not surprisingly, Jin Yiwei Xiuluo found the mark and immediately passed the news on.

At this time, Yang Zhao, who was about to arrive in Liyang, received the news.

It just happened that the army stopped to build the big tent of the Chinese army.


Yang Zhao looked at the crowd and said.

"Li Yang is not far away, and it's time to assign how to attack the city."

He continued.

"Listen to General Yang Zhao's orders."

Xue Shixiong and the others expressed their opinions one after another.

"Tomorrow is not the time to attack Li Yang."

Yang Zhao said in a deep voice.


Everyone bowed their hands again.

"Xue Shixiong."

Yang Zhao called out.

"The end is here."

Xue Shixiong came out in response.

Now Yang Zhao is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, so it is not surprising that he calls himself the last general.

"You lead an army of [-] to attack the north gate of Liyang, with Xue Liang and Lu Fang as deputy generals."

Yang Zhao ordered.


Xue Shixiong and Lu Fangxue Liang all clasped their hands in agreement.

"Hua Gongyi and Hua Gongming."

Yang Zhao shouted.

"The end is here."

Hearing the call, the two stepped out at the same time.

"The two of you lead [-] troops respectively to attack the east and west gates."

Yang Zhao ordered.


The two lead.

"Qin Shubao and this general led an army of [-] to the south gate, and you and others are pretending to attack the main attack."

Yang Zhao said.


Hua Gongyi and the others cupped their hands again.

"The rest of the army is responsible for blocking the main roads and preventing the rebels from escaping."

Yang Zhao continued to give instructions.


Some of the remaining generals responded.

This time, the plan to attack Li Yang was decided.

The city gates in the east, west, north, and north directions were not Li Cunxiao's city gates, so they were just feints.

They will attract troops to the maximum extent until Yang Zhao launches a fatal blow.

The south gate is the gate where Li Cunxiao is, and there are not many guards.

Perhaps Li Mi thought that it was impossible for the Sui army coming from the north to detour to the south.

"Okay, let's all go down."

Yang Zhao waved his hand.

Only then did everyone leave from the tent of the Chinese army one after another.

"Yang Xuangan is flat, and the internal troubles of the Sui Dynasty are basically resolved. As long as Goguryeo is destroyed, the prosperous age will not be far away."

Yang Zhao murmured.

Two days later, Li Yang.

The rebels occupy every city, Yang Wanshuo, Yang Xuangan, and Li Mi sit on the east, west, north, and three sides respectively.

The south is handed over, and the other generals are in charge.

As for Yang Gongdao, Han Shi'e and others, they have not yet arrived with reinforcements.

"Is it coming?"

Yang Xuan felt a little nervous.

This battle is related to the success of the army, and it can only succeed and not fail.

So at this moment, he is still a little nervous.

Just as Yang Xuangan was chanting like this, a strong wind suddenly blew up.

Immediately afterwards, I saw countless armies coming from all directions.

Judging by the strength of the troops, it is estimated to be around [-].

The battle flags raised high by these troops are so conspicuous. They are the battle flags of the Sui army.

"It really came."

Seeing Sui Jun, Yang Xuan felt relaxed instead.

This showed that Li Mi's guess was correct, the other party really wanted to catch them off guard.

Unfortunately, Li Yang has already deployed his defenses.

Although it is not like an iron wall, how easy is it to break through?
"bring it on!"

Yang Xuan said proudly.

"The rebel Yang Xuangan, why don't you surrender quickly?"

Xue Shixiong from the army in the north shouted and asked.

"I didn't expect that it was General Xue who came, so I am far away to welcome you."

Yang Xuangan said with a smile on his skin.


Xue Shixiong was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Yu Wenshu turned against him, and he didn't surrender until the end, let alone me?"

Yang Xuangan sneered.


Xue Shixiong lost his patience and ordered directly.


The [-] Sui troops let out a roar and rushed towards the north city gate one after another.

Both the siege vehicle and the climbing ladder were taken out, and the intention was to climb the city wall from the beginning.

Yang Xuangan took his time and ordered to shoot arrows to stop him.

Not only his north gate, but the rest of the east and west gates were attacked.

When the Great War broke out, the messengers shuttled back and forth between the east, west and north, reporting military information and conveying military orders.

For now, the defense is relatively easy, and the Sui army has no tendency to ascend to the top of the city.

"Hmph, fight with me?"

Li Mi squinted his eyes and looked at Brother Hua Gongyi who led the army to attack the city with a sarcasm.

"Wait until the reinforcements arrive, it will be your death!"

He secretly said in his heart, and became more and more proud.

The more this time, the easier it is to be given a fatal blow by the enemy.

At the same time, the South City Gate seemed a little calm.

However, the rebels guarding this place were a little nervous.

Their legs were shaking as they heard the shouts of killing from elsewhere.

"Will there be a Sui army at the south gate?"

A rebel asked in a trembling voice.

"Don't worry, there is no possibility of Sui troops at the south gate."

Someone comforted.

The [-] soldiers headed by Li Cunxiao didn't talk to each other, but stared straight into the distance, as if they were waiting for something.

After estimating the time needed for a cup of tea, Li Cunxiao saw Jin Yiwei waving a flag to convey a message.


His eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice.


All the soldiers who were motionless before suddenly started to move.

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