The fat Taoist said happily: "That's easy. Although this cave is quite big, it is closed. It is blocked by a mountain in front, and there are stone walls on both sides. We can measure the position of the center."

"Well, hurry up, Staff Officer Zhang, you can arrange it."

After Sun Guangmin gave an order, the fat Taoist immediately gave a military salute: "Obey."

Next, the fat Taoist divided the soldiers of the northern army into four groups, and measured the lengths in the four directions of east, west, south, east, and north respectively.

After an hour, I finally found the center of the land.

Zhang Shijia took a dagger and drew a circle in the center. The soldiers of the Northern Army took out their engineering shovels and began to dig.

Not long after, a shallow pit five meters deep was dug out. When a soldier in the shallow pit was digging down with the engineering shovel in his hand, he hit a hard object and made a "dangdang" sound of gold and stone colliding. .

"Report to the young commander, it seems that the digging can't be done below." The soldier immediately reported.

Sun Guangmin's heart moved, knowing that he might have dug to the door of the tomb, and immediately ordered: "Keep digging, don't stop."

The soldiers continued to dig, and soon a corner of a stone tomb was exposed.

Dig along the tomb passage to the side, and soon a stone door was exposed.

Zhang Shijia smiled: "Sure enough, the young marshal guessed it right. I didn't expect the real door of the tomb to be at the bottom."

Sun Guangmin nodded: "This is the real gate of death, and the main tomb is inside."

Many soldiers still did not stop digging, and soon the entire tomb door was exposed.

It was an arched stone gate with a height of two meters. Behind the stone gate was a passage made of stone.

Several soldiers tried to open the stone gate, but failed several times.

"Report to the young commander, this stone gate cannot be opened." A soldier shouted loudly.

"Use dynamite this time, the door doesn't look like it's been enchanted."

After Sun Guangmin gave the order, everyone retreated to a safe place. A soldier took out the explosives in his backpack and put them in front of Shimen.

The soldier quickly jumped out of the shallow pit and lay down on the ground very skillfully. Then a huge explosion sounded, and dust and stone chips flew all of a sudden.

Everyone immediately walked over to have a look, and the arched stone door was blasted open, revealing a deep and dark space inside.

The fat Taoist clapped his hands happily, and shouted: "It's done, all the treasures in the main tomb are ours."

Several soldiers jumped into the shallow pit and moved away the blasted stones, revealing a road.

Then Zhang Shijia jumped into the shallow pit, took out the fire pocket, lit it, and threw it into the tomb passage. After seeing the fire pocket continued to burn, he said: "Well, the air is normal, you can go in."

"Let's go, Staff Officer Zhang, lead the way with a few soldiers."

After Sun Guangmin gave the order, the fat Taoist immediately gave a military salute: "Obey, young commander."

With a pistol in one hand and a flashlight in the other, the fat Taoist and more than a dozen soldiers got into the tomb first, followed by Sun Guangmin, Huang Ying and others.

The tomb passage is inclined, and it is inclined downward by about 45 degrees. Everyone walks along this downhill road.

Not long after walking, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Oh, no, weren't you locked in the secret door before?"

Sun Guangmin looked back and asked, "What did you say?"

The soldier continued: "Mazizhou next to me, he walked into the secret door just now, but now he appeared, did he come back?"

Knowing that something was wrong, Sun Guangmin immediately gave an order: "Don't leave, let's figure this out first."

Everyone returned to the soldier who was talking, and the fat Taoist asked, "You mean the five soldiers who walked into the Jingmen just now?"

"That's right, the young marshal said before that he wanted to form a death squad. Five people went to the shocking door. After the secret door was closed, five of them were locked inside. Among them was Mazi Zhou. Now he appeared again. This is not right. .”

The soldier named Ma Zizhou hurriedly said: "I didn't, I didn't go to the secret door, I stayed in the army all the time, he was wrong."

As soon as his voice fell, several soldiers beside him spoke one after another:

"I seem to have seen Mazi Zhou walk into the secret door just now."

"Yeah, I saw it too, how did he come out?"

The fat Taoist recalled for a while, and said: "I think about it, it seems that when I entered the Jingmen before, there was indeed a pockmarked soldier, it should be you, the secret door has been closed, how did you get out?"

Mazizhou waved his hands quickly, and said anxiously, "It's not me, I didn't go, you are mistaken."

Sun Guangmin was very puzzled, did everyone get it wrong, or did Ma Zizhou lie?

"Look, there is a bloody handprint on the back of Mazi Zhou, it's the handprint of a child." A soldier exclaimed.

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