The three soldiers walked more than ten meters along the corridor, but the secret door was not closed, which made them feel a little relieved.

A corner appeared in front of the corridor, and after the three soldiers walked past, Sun Guangmin and others could no longer see what was going on on their side.

The fat Taoist hurriedly asked, "What's going on inside?"

"There is no road here, it is blocked by a wall, and I can't walk through it."

A soldier's voice came out.

Sun Guangmin thought to himself that this door of injury should not lead to the main tomb, maybe the real door of the tomb is the door of death.

"No, there are traps here, ah, there is fire."

In the corridor, there was a sudden scream.

Sun Guangmin took a flashlight and looked into the corridor, and saw a man with fire all over his body running out from the corner, trying to run out, shouting as he ran, "There are fires everywhere inside, it's a trap."

Seeing such a tragic scene, everyone was shocked, and some people were a little scared, so they couldn't help but take a step back.

When the person in the corridor ran to the halfway position of the corridor, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up. It seemed that he had been burned to death by the fire.

The second death squad was also wiped out, which made everyone a little depressed, and many people remained silent.

"Let's go, it seems that there is only death gate left to go."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, he planned to walk over there, but the fat Taoist reminded him: "Young commander, why don't you find someone to test it out, what if there is a problem over there?"

Sun Guangmin agreed: "Alright, I don't know who would like to go?"

All the soldiers of the Northern Army were silent. Everyone knew how dangerous these secret doors were.

After a while, only one soldier stood up and said, "Young commander, let me go."

Sun Guangmin patted him on the shoulder: "Good job, let's go."

The soldier didn't show nervousness or fear, instead he walked very bravely and quickly into the dead door.

The corridor behind the gate of death was very long, and it couldn't reach the end with a flashlight outside. The soldier walked for a while and lit up the inside with the flashlight, which allowed Sun Guangmin and others at the door to see the situation inside clearly.

It turned out that there was still a dead end inside, and a wall blocked the way. The soldier who walked in reached out and knocked on the stone wall, then turned his head and said to the people outside: "There is no secret door, there is no way to go here."

Zhang Shijia shouted towards the inside: "Look on the stone walls on both sides, there may be a mechanism to open the door."

The soldier did as he did, and reached out to search the stone walls on both sides of the corridor, but he still didn't open the secret door.

Sun Guangmin thought, maybe the main tomb is not inside this dead door.

The soldier stretched out his hand to press on the stone wall, and suddenly a place was sunken, and something fell from it.

The soldier was very flustered, so he took a flashlight to take a picture, and only then did he know that a few flower snakes had fallen on him.

A snake had already entangled the soldier's body. He quickly grabbed the flower snake and pulled it off his body with great force. Just as he was about to throw it far away, the flower snake bit his arm a mouthful.

The soldier felt excruciating pain, couldn't help but yelled, and then quickly ran out of the corridor.

Everyone outside the secret door saw this scene, and they all sweated for the soldier.

The secret door was not closed, and the soldier tried his best to run outside. There were more than a dozen flower snakes behind him, all wriggling and crawling out of the corridor.

"Fire immediately to cover the safe evacuation of our soldiers."

After Sun Guangmin issued an order, all the Northern Army soldiers beside him raised their rifles and shot at the snake crawling in the corridor.

"Bang bang bang" gunshots one after another.

The snakes in the corridor were shot one after another, some snakes had their heads broken, and some snakes were cut in two.

There were not many snakes, only about a few dozen. Under the intensive firepower of the soldiers of the Northern Army, they were all killed in a short time.

The soldier in the corridor successfully ran out, but his appearance shocked everyone.

Black blood flowed from his eyes, nose, and mouth.

He ran to Sun Guangmin and said, "There is no way inside, I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the soldier fell to the ground.

Huang Ying stepped forward to inspect the corpse, shook her head and said, "It can't be done, the man is dead, he died of poisoning."

Sun Guangmin looked regretful, and said: "Those flower snakes in the tunnel are poisonous. He was bitten by a poisonous snake before, and he ran violently, which accelerated the circulation of Qi and blood, and soon the snake poison spread to the whole body."

Everyone looked at the corpse on the ground, and they were all silent, and a solemn and dead atmosphere enveloped everyone.

"Young Marshal, there are traps in these three doors, and none of them can get through. Is the main tomb in another secret door?"

Zhang Shijia asked softly.

Sun Guangmin did not answer, but was thinking about the current situation. He also understood that the situation in the door of death, door of shock, and door of injury all showed a cruel fact, that is, there is no way out.

Sun Guangmin took out the white bamboo again and observed the pictures on it.

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