Many people don't understand, since these hanging corpses pose no threat, why did the designer of the tomb let the corpses appear here?

Sun Guangmin also had doubts, holding a flashlight, and kept shining on the hanging corpses, wanting to find out.

There are seventy or eighty hanging corpses, densely packed in mid-air, with a distance of about half a meter between the hanging corpses, and the feet of the hanging corpses are about one meter high from the ground.

Soon Sun Guangmin discovered the clue, the original mystery was hidden behind those hanging corpses.

Some hanging corpses would turn around, allowing Sun Guangmin to see a pattern drawn on the clothes behind the hanging corpses.

The hanging corpse was spinning very fast, and turned around in an instant, preventing Sun Guangmin from seeing clearly what was painted on it.

The fat Taoist priest standing next to Sun Guangmin also saw the patterns, and immediately shouted: "Oh, I understand, all the corpses have patterns painted on them, and when these patterns are put together, they will be complete and you will know the expression of the patterns." What's the meaning."

Zhang Shijia objected to the Fat Taoist's opinion: "I don't think so. I've heard of this hanging corpse ecstasy array. In fact, these corpses are all controlled. Only one of the patterns on their backs is real, and the others are all fake. .”

Everyone was silent, and Zhang Shijia continued: "We can only open the secret door and enter the main tomb if we get the real pattern. If we choose the wrong one, other mechanisms will be triggered, which will be troublesome."

"You said that the corpses are controlled by others, do you mean the person who cast the spell?"

Huang Ying looked at Zhang Shijia and asked.

"There seems to be a dead soul guarding the mausoleum here. He should have set up these traps, and these hanging corpses are also controlled by him. It's just that this dead soul has never appeared, but I can feel that he exists."

Zhang Shijia's words made everyone fall into silence. There is an invisible dead soul controlling everything. This situation is still very shocking.

Maybe everything that everyone is doing now is under the surveillance of the dead soul, even every move is observed, but Sun Guangmin and others can't see the whereabouts of the dead soul, this is the scary thing.

The northern army is in the open, but the enemy is in the dark, and has not shown up for a long time. How should we fight?
Sun Guangmin thought about it. When he first entered the ancient tomb, the system prompted to trigger the main task, to recruit Mr. Guigu into the paper man army.

This made him guess, could it be that this ghost hiding behind is Mr. Guigu?

Mr. Guigu wanted to guard this ancient tomb and prevent outsiders from entering, so he set up various mechanisms.

"I've never heard of the Hanging Corpse Bewilderment Formation, isn't it very dangerous?" Huang Ying asked.

"I've only heard of it. This is the first time I've seen it. I don't know exactly what it is like."

After Zhang Shijia finished speaking, Sun Guangmin said to everyone: "We'd better use these hanging corpses to draw out the dead soul behind the scenes. He is our biggest enemy."

Everyone nodded, thinking that Sun Guangmin was right.

"Young commander, why don't you send two people into the corpse hanging array and let them see the patterns behind the maids."

Fat Taoist priest's suggestion was immediately adopted by Sun Guangmin: "Okay, let's do it this way, find two soldiers to find out what's going on inside."

The fat Taoist pointed to the two soldiers beside him, and said, "You, and you, go together, use the flashlight to take a look at the pattern on the back of the hanging corpse, and tell us what is painted on it."

"Yes, as ordered."

The two soldiers held up their rifles, looking nervous and frightened, but the military orders were hard to disobey, so they still had to bite the bullet and walk over.

They walked into the ecstasy formation made up of hanging corpses, some of those hanging corpses were still spinning, and some were hanging motionless in the air.

And the faces of those hanging corpses were all pale and shriveled, with protruding eyes and sticking out tongues, looking very terrifying.

The two soldiers who walked in felt the wind blowing around them. It wasn't too cold at first, but they immediately felt the cold, which made their bodies shiver twice.

The two soldiers had already walked a long way, and were blocked by hanging corpses scattered all over the place, so that Sun Guangmin, the fat Taoist priest and others could no longer see their bodies, but could barely see their feet, which were still moving.

"How is it? Did you see any pattern?" The fat Taoist asked impatiently.

"It is reported that not every hanging corpse has a pattern on the back, and there are many corpses that do not. We are now looking for targets."

A soldier in the Hanging Corpse Fascination Array yelled at Sun Guangmin.

Everyone didn't say anything, so they had to continue to wait.

Sun Guangmin saw that the two soldiers continued to move forward without stopping, and soon there was a scream of "ah".

The cry was very shrill and terrifying, it resounded through the entire cave, and it also made everyone's hearts tremble, knowing that something happened there.

"What's wrong? What happened over there?" Sun Guangmin asked impatiently.

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