"If the poison cocoon is too close, don't shoot. If you are sprayed with venom, it will be dangerous."

Zhang Shijia's words made everyone feel a little palpitated, seeing that the poisonous cocoon was about to crawl in front of everyone.

Sun Guangmin thought of summoning the paper man Yin soldiers to deal with the poisonous cocoons, but after thinking about it, he felt that this was not a good way. It was similar to dealing with the ghost spiders, and it would definitely not be able to completely stop the poisonous cocoons.

Just when Sun Guangmin was trying to find a way, those poisonous cocoons had already climbed to the end of the corridor facing the bullets, and they were about to crawl into the underground palace soon.

Many soldiers retreated one after another, and fired while retreating.

A scream of "ah", mixed with the gunshots, came out.

Everyone followed the reputation, and a Northern Army soldier who was standing in front of shooting suddenly fell to the ground, his whole body twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.

The light of the flashlight shone through, and everyone could see clearly that a poisonous cocoon crawled out of the soldier's backpack and had already bit the soldier's neck.

The poison cocoon was so poisonous that it killed the soldier in no time.

Even though the soldier turned into a corpse, the poisonous cocoon still did not let him go, and continued to eat his corpse. A soldier shot and killed the poisonous cocoon.

"It must have just fallen into the man's backpack when the eggs fell from above, and the poisonous cocoon just crawled out."

Zhang Shijia said to everyone that many soldiers were a little worried that there would be cocoons hidden in their backpacks, so they quickly took off their backpacks and checked them.

However, the backpacks of these people were all fine, and the soldiers were relieved. They raised their rifles again and fired at the poisonous cocoons in front of them.

"Young commander, stop shooting and let me try."

Zhang Shijia turned to look at Sun Guangmin beside him and said.

Sun Guangmin nodded slightly, thinking that since shooting doesn't work, it's better to let this tomb robber think of a way.

"Stop shooting and stand by."

With Sun Guangmin's order, many soldiers stopped firing, and the originally noisy underground palace suddenly became quiet.

Under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Shijia stepped forward, suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and put his hands on his stomach, as if he was exercising.

This strange move made everyone a little surprised and puzzled, not understanding what he was going to do.

The fat Taoist also didn't know why, so he hurriedly asked, "Hey, little brother, those poisonous insects will crawl over soon, it's dangerous for you to sit there."

At this moment, the dense cocoons were only five meters away from Zhang Shijia, and it could be said that they would crawl to his side in an instant.

That's why everyone was so worried and reminded him, but Zhang Shijia was unmoved by it, did not leave the place, did not speak, but continued to close his eyes and sit on the ground.

Sun Guangmin was also slightly worried, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Zhang Shijia's gourd.

Zhang Shijia made a movement similar to Yungong, and soon, white air burst out of his body.

The white air spread towards the surroundings, and swarms of poisonous cocoons just crawled to Zhang Shijia's side.

But when the poisonous cocoon worm encountered the white air scattered around it, it immediately crawled back as if fleeing for its life, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

In the blink of an eye, those poisonous cocoons fled away one after another, all far away from Sun Guangmin and others.

When the white air diffused in front of Sun Guangmin, he sniffed it lightly, and there was a faint sweet smell.

But after inhaling this white gas into his body, Sun Guangmin immediately felt dizzy.

Fortunately, Zhang Shijia had stopped exercising, and the white qi stopped spreading, and soon faded and disappeared.

"Brother, what kind of spell is this? Why are those bugs afraid of the white gas coming out of your body?"

Zhang Shijia smiled brightly: "That's dragon aura, because I have rare real dragon blood in my body, combined with the Forging Dragon Art, the blood can stimulate dragon aura after exercise, this dragon aura is the most yang thing, and it can naturally drive away Evil poisonous insect."

Sun Guangmin nodded slightly, and said: "No wonder your master Qin Wuye praised you for your ability many times, it is true."

The fat Taoist continued: "Yes, last time we went to the tomb of the king of Wei, we were chased by cockroaches and ran around. If my brother was there, I would definitely be able to scare those cockroaches away."

Afterwards, everyone didn't say anything else, and took a flashlight to illuminate the tunnel, and the poisonous cocoon worms in it got into the cracks in the stone wall, and quickly reduced by more than half.

Since the dragon energy on Zhang Shijia's body can drive away the poisonous cocoons, everyone doesn't have to worry anymore, and immediately walked towards the corridor.

When everyone walked to the middle of the corridor, all the poisonous cocoon worms in it ran away, and there was not even a single bug in the entire corridor.

Zhang Shijia continued to throw the iron ball forward, but did not trigger the mechanism again. Everyone quickly walked out of the corridor and came to a large cave.

This huge cave is much bigger than the underground palace that everyone walked through just now, and it is still a natural cave, without too many traces of artificial carvings. Inside the cave, a low mountain appeared.

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