The shadow had been hiding in the shade of the trees and did not dare to show itself, so Sun Guangmin guessed that it must be a ghost, and it was probably provoked by tomb robbers.

"Bold ghost, actually pointing fingers in front of me."

As he said that, Sun Guangmin had already pulled out the Qingfu Sword.

"It's been 500 years. I've had enough of staying in that gloomy place. I'm returning to the world today. I'll take you, a mortal, as a sacrificial flag first."

The shadow made a cold sound again.

"What a big breath."

With a flick of Sun Guangmin's finger, more than a dozen paper figurines holding Qingfu swords have already surrounded the shadow hidden in the shade of the tree.

It seems that this fierce battle is about to break out.

"And slow down."

Xue Ji's voice suddenly came, and then a shadow slowly emerged, and Xue Ji suddenly appeared.

"Xiang Lang, is that you?" Xue Ji made an affectionate voice.

"Concubine Yu, I finally see you again." Shadow's cold voice was mixed with tears.

Sun Guangmin, who was standing aside, was a little dazed, so he asked, "Do you know each other?"

Xue Ji didn't answer, and the shadow didn't answer either.

"Concubine Yu, what is your relationship with this mortal?"

"He is kind to our mother and son. I have already followed him. Xiang Lang, why don't you follow the young commander as well. I believe the young commander can make a great career."

Sun Guangmin asked with a puzzled look: "Wait a minute, the one named Xiang Lang, please introduce yourself first."

"I am a general in the Zhengtong period of the Ming Dynasty, and my name is Xiang Zhong."

Sun Guangmin was slightly startled. He had heard of General Xiang's prestige. He was a Jinshi during Zhengtong years.He once suppressed millions of rebels and made great achievements in Guanzhong.

Sun Guangmin also understood that if he wanted to form a Yin army, he needed such generals, so that he could win the battle for hegemony.

"General Xiang, I offended you just now, and I will apologize to you."

As Sun Guangmin said, he bowed slightly, showing his true qualities of a man by being able to bend and stretch.

Xiang Zhong was silent for a while, then said: "Young commander, I will go to the commander's mansion to look for you tonight."

The shadow gradually disappeared, leaving no other words, leaving Sun Guangmin at a loss as to what kind of medicine was sold in Xiang Zhong's gourd.

"Young commander, I will persuade General Xiang."

"Thank you."

After Xue Ji left, Sun Guangmin continued to patrol, and the relief work went well, but there was still one urgent thing to do right now. The famine was serious this time, and the corpses all over the ground needed to be disposed of.

As if the god of death ruled this land, the originally bright sky seemed to be covered with a layer of gray.

People fleeing famine are in groups, like ants, and there are footsteps and painful wails everywhere.

Many people hunched over, walking forward weakly and mechanically, as if they were patients without vitality.

Some people fell to the muddy ground as they walked, and never got up again. There were corpses everywhere, and an unbearable breath of death filled the air.

But the famine is far from over, and people are still unable to escape from the disaster and destruction.

The common people are in trouble, and the mountains and rivers are in the same sorrow. Sun Guangmin saw these scenes of ruined and miserable human tragedies, and his heart was sore, and he decided to do his best.

Establishing a heart for the world and life for the people, this is what Sun Guangmin has to do. God gave him a heart of compassion and at the same time gave him the ability to save the common people.

Sun Guangmin did it himself, led the subordinates of the third column, and spent a whole day cleaning up the scattered corpses.

When he returned to his own room in the Marshal's Mansion at night, Sun Guangmin felt very tired immediately, and was about to take a bath and go to bed, when he remembered that General Xiang, the ghost he had seen during the day, had said that he would come to visit at night.

Sun Guangmin drank two sips of refreshing tea, and after a while, a cold voice came: "Young Marshal, have I not broken my promise?"

"General Xiang is a man of his word, but why are you looking for me?"

"Young Marshal, I heard that you formed an army of Yin soldiers. I don't know what you want to do?"

Sun Guangmin knew that the other party wanted to test him, and his answer often determined whether he would capture the other party.

"General Xiang, the world is different from the time you lived in. Now it is a chaotic world, with warlords and warlords separatist regimes, wars and horses, and years of wars. It is the common people who suffer. This commander wants to compete in the world and return peace to the common people."

When Xiang Zhong heard this, this person has lofty aspirations and will become a great weapon in the future. Why not fulfill him and yourself.

"Young commander, my subordinates are willing to follow."

Sun Guangmin was overjoyed, and then cut out a paper figurine, and put General Xiang's ghost in it.

A halo flashed, the ghost and the paper figurine merged into one, and a mighty middle-aged man appeared in front of Sun Guangmin.

That is the General Xiang with the entity.

General Xiang Yingying bowed down, knelt down on one knee, and made a big gift to her lord.

Sun Guangmin explained the matter of military training, and then lay down to rest.

In the morning of the next day, Sun Guangmin, who woke up early, was ready to go, and walked out of the room energetically, with a capable demeanor in every gesture.

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