At least it can be proved that Xu Fu did not die at sea, and that he had the financial resources to build a submarine mausoleum for himself, which shows that he has a lot of status, and maybe he really became the leader of that paradise island.

Or he was favored by the sea god. Xu Fu himself is a warlock, and he has received Guiguzi's true biography, and knows alchemy, immortality, yin and yang secrets, and Qihuang art.

For such a person, his mausoleum must be heavily guarded. Sun Guangmin and others will encounter many dangers when they go this time.

The Northern Army marched on the mountain road for about ten days. When they arrived in Shandong, they found a small town to supply food and water. They did not stay and continued to their destination.

After another three days, they finally arrived at the Liaodong Sea. Everyone stood by the sea, looking at the boundless and endless sea, and immediately felt the vastness of the world.

"Zhang Shijia, how far is that underwater tomb, maybe we need to hire a big boat."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, Zhang Shijia took out the dragon-seeking ruler on his body and said at the same time:
"Young commander, don't worry, we don't need to take a boat. A few days ago, I deliberately browsed through the ancient map to study the changes of the landform. The place where there were snow mountains, deserts and lakes is this coast. However, I am not sure about the exact location yet. .”

After Huang Ying heard it, she immediately asked suspiciously: "But this is sea water, how do you say it's lake water?"

"It was a sea trace lake 2000 years ago. It was a closed inner lake that was blocked by sand and sand, and it was also part of the ocean. The terrain on the treasure map refers to the lake water. Of course, sea water can also be used."

Everyone understood this explanation one after another, and Zhang Shijia continued to hold the dragon-finding ruler to detect the nearby magnetic field. The magnetic field in the mausoleum is different from other places.

This dragon-finding ruler uses the human body as a conductor, uses the human body's sensitive sense of touch, and forms an induction with the nearby magnetic field to find the exact location of the mausoleum.

Zhang Shijia was born in the Daodou family, not only has the precious blood of the real dragon, but he has already developed the ability to search for dragons and visit caves over the years.

At this time, he was holding the dragon-finding ruler, looking for longan, looking for the tomb, which is his basic skill.

Zhang Shijia didn't speak for a long time, which made everyone a little anxious. The fat Taoist asked impatiently, "How is this little brother?"

"The geomantic omen of this place is very good. It is located on the veins of the Northern Qianlong. The Tianyuan belt Bingding, the sun is used to determine the fate, and the Taiyin is used to establish the body. The accumulation of qi forms a body, and the vitality is used to restrain the fierceness of the people, and it has not changed for a hundred years. But, it’s really a blessed place.”

The fat Taoist still said impatiently: "We all know that Feng Shui is good, but what about the specific location of the mausoleum?"

"Don't worry, I will survey again at night so that I can determine the location of the tomb."

Everyone set up camp by the sea. This coast is located in a remote and bitterly cold place with few people. The actions of the Northern Army will not attract the attention of others.

Everyone was resting throughout the afternoon, but Zhang Shijia was still walking around with the Dragon Finding Ruler, trying to survey the location of the mausoleum.

It wasn't until it was dark that Zhang Shijia said to Sun Guangmin: "Young Marshal, I understand that this underwater tomb is actually under our feet, but the entrance is on the bottom of the sea, and we have to swim in."

Sun Guangmin suddenly became very interested, and immediately asked: "Tell me, why do you say that the mausoleum is at our feet?"

"I have been surveying for most of the day with the dragon-finding ruler. Using the principle of magnetic field induction, I know that the place under our feet, 50 meters from the ground, is hollow, and the magnetic field there is abnormal."

Sun Guangmin nodded slightly to show that he understood. Zhang Shijia continued: "The space under our feet has air, so the seawater is not poured into it. We can take advantage of the ebb tide to dive into the seawater and then enter the mausoleum."

"Okay, let's do this, you are an expert in tomb robbery, and you will lead the way."

"I calculated the time, and the tide will be low soon, let everyone prepare."

Sun Guangmin said to the fat Taoist priest beside him: "Commander Zhang, pass on my order, all the soldiers of the Northern Army must gather immediately, and we are going to enter the tomb."

"Yes, young commander."

The fat Taoist passed on the order, and then everyone took out the prepared waterproof bags and put all the things they brought into the waterproof bags.

After more than ten minutes, the seawater ebbed. At this time, swimming into the seawater could reach the entrance of the mausoleum in the shortest time.

"Young Marshal, I'll go explore the way first, please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Shijia jumped into the sea, and it took a few minutes before he emerged from the water.

"No problem, I have found the entrance to the mausoleum, but it is too dark below. After a while, everyone will swim vertically. After reaching the bottom of the sea, they will swim towards the source of the sound. I will make a sound to guide you."

Everyone jumped into the sea one after another, and then continued to swim down. Zhang Shijia, who was at the front, had a very precise grasp of the position, and he led the way.

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