Qin Wuye had quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately picked up the dropped object. After unfolding it, everyone could see clearly that it was a piece of silk.

On the top of the piece of silk and satin, a map was drawn, and it was obvious that there were simple mountains, deserts and rivers on it.

"This is, this seems to be a treasure map." Qin Wuye exclaimed excitedly.

Lao Pan went on to say: "The king of Wei collected so many rare treasures, they must be hidden in a secret place, and then he drew this treasure map."

Sun Guangmin said in a cold tone, "Bring me the map."

Qin Wuye looked at the map very greedily, but didn't return it immediately. The fat Taoist became a little anxious, and immediately snatched the treasure map from him.

Then the fat Taoist handed the treasure map to Sun Guangmin. The latter looked at the treasure map, nodded in satisfaction, and then gave it to the fat Taoist: "Consul Zhang, put it away, and these treasures will be ours from now on."

The fat Taoist happily folded the piece of satin and put it in his pocket.

Old Pan asked Qin Wuye in a low voice: "Is there nothing in the dragon robe?"

Qin Wuye knew that the other party was asking about the eight-treasure Linglong screen, but he didn't say the name directly.

"It's really gone, maybe there are some other places."

Originally, Qin Wuye was very disappointed because he did not find the Eight Treasure Linglong Screen, and felt that he would never have the chance to get this treasure again in this life, but after seeing the treasure map, a glimmer of hope was ignited again.

He got a lost version of You Ming Lu from the ancient tomb last year, and it was recorded in it that the Eight Treasures Linglong Screen was obtained by King Wei.

If it is not found in the tomb of King Wei, it may be in the place marked on the treasure map.

Qin Wuye looked at the treasure map for a while just now, and roughly remembered the terrain, but the place was very strange.

There are snow-capped mountains in that place, and there is a desert near the snow-capped mountains, and there is a majestic river not far from the desert.

Putting snow mountains, deserts, and rivers together is full of contradictions. In reality, it is impossible for the three terrains to be next to each other.

The snow mountain is very cold, but the desert is very hot, and there will be no such large rivers in the desert.

The treasure map records a place that does not exist, which can be said to be extremely mysterious.

Qin Wuye was also wondering in his heart, did he make a mistake when these terrains were put together, or did they have any special meaning?

For a moment, he was also confused and completely confused.

Sun Guangmin did not study the treasure map in depth. For him, entering the tomb of the King of Wei, getting the funeral objects, which can be paid for the army, and he also got the treasure Zhu Guiyin, this is enough, and he can go back home.

"Everyone obey orders, we are going out."

After Sun Guangmin issued an order, the fat Taoist reminded softly: "Young commander, there are no roads, all roads are blocked."

Sun Guangmin pondered for a while and said, "Since this is a dark room, there must be a secret door. Everyone look for it. Let's go out through the secret door and have a try."

Several soldiers held torches and groped on the stone wall, trying to find the mechanism to open the secret door.

After a while, everyone reported to Sun Guangmin.

"Young commander, I don't have a secret door here."

"I don't have it here either."

"There's no door here."

"These walls just won't open."

Sun Guangmin was very puzzled, and said softly: "It shouldn't be, we entered the dark room from the place where the explosives exploded. If there is no secret door here, how did the third prince and King Wei get in? Fifth Master Qin, what do you think? "

Qin Wuye has been in a state of ecstasy, still immersed in the treasure map and has not come out. He didn't even hear Sun Guangmin's words.

"The young commander asked you something."

Lao Pan next to him touched Qin Wuye's back with his elbow, reminding him softly.

"Oh, what did the young master say just now?"

"There should be a secret door here, Qin Wuye, look for it."

"Okay, I'll try."

Qin Wuye held the copper bell and shook it, making a clear and pleasant sound, which echoed in the dark room, creating an echo.

At the same time, he reached out and tapped on the stone wall continuously.

After he checked all the stone walls around the dark room, he said disappointedly: "I can be sure that there is no secret door. If there is a secret door, there must be a hollow space behind it. I can hear it."

"This is impossible. Before we blasted here, this was a secret room. Could it be that the third prince came in through the wall with King Wei's body?"

The fat Taoist raised his own question in a puzzled tone.

No one could answer him yet, and Sun Guangmin was also lost in thought, when suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"Maybe it came in from above. You raise the torches in your hands a little higher and take a look at the space above."

Sun Guangmin's words reminded everyone that several soldiers held up their torches, wanting to see what was on it.

"Young commander, there is a small hole in it."

Everyone walked over and saw that there was indeed a small hole three meters high above the stone wall, but the hole was only the size of a fist and had no meaning at all.

"Look again, is there any other exit?"

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