Three days later in the morning, Sun Dianying and Sun Guangshou were talking in the room, and Sun Guangshou spoke first: "Father, I heard that Sun Guangmin has quelled the rumors in the city, and has also won the support of the people of Fengcheng."

"Hey, don't mention it, I've also heard that now the soldiers of the Northern Army are obedient to him. It seems that it will be very difficult for us to regain the military power."

When Sun Dianying spoke, he looked very depressed, and he no longer had the same fighting spirit as before.

"Father, we can't give up. Although Sun Guangmin is very proud now, we still have a chance in the future. Do you remember Fusang Ninjas? I'm looking around for their whereabouts. We can join forces with Fusang Ninjas to deal with Sun Guangmin."

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the young master, the fifth son is back."

Outside the house, a soldier is reporting.

"Let him in."

After Sun Guangshou spoke, the door opened, and a very young man walked in.

"How's the matter? You have a lot of contacts, you should have found out the whereabouts of Fusang Ninja?"

After Sun Guangshou finished asking, the fifth son reported:
"Back to the young master, I found out that those Fusang ninjas have been recalled to Japan since their defeat at Suolongjing. It is said that their superiors were disappointed, and they no longer plan to send them on missions. "

"Hey, I see, you go."

After hearing this, Sun Guangshou was very disappointed and waved his hand to let the other party leave.

The little five left the room, and Sun Dianying said: "It seems that your method doesn't work. Besides, I heard that the Fusang ninjas were defeated by Sun Guangmin when they locked the Dragon Well. Sun Guangmin defeated once."

"Father, what you said makes sense. Let's think of other ways. In short, we can't give up. I will send spies to Fengcheng to find out what is going on. We must first understand what Sun Guangmin is doing now, and then deal with him."

After Sun Guangshou finished speaking, Sun Dianying waved his hand, took a puff of snuff at the same time, and said, "You can do whatever you want."

At noon that day, Sun Guangmin had just returned to the Young Marshal's Mansion when he saw a fat Taoist walk in from outside the Young Marshal's Mansion, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Young Marshal, I have caught a spy."

Sun Guangmin frowned slightly, and asked, "Where is he?"

"Bring people in, quickly."

Two soldiers pushed an old man with white hair into the courtyard of the Young Marshal's Mansion. The whole body of the old man was tied up with ropes, and he kept his head down, not daring to look at anyone.

"Mr. Zhang, what's going on?"

Sun Guangmin wanted to ask the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

"It's such a young commander. At noon, when I went to the restaurant for dinner, I saw this man behaving strangely. He evaded me as soon as he saw me. I knew there was something wrong with him at the first sight. He must have a guilty conscience."

The fat Taoist paused for a moment, then continued: "Later, I inquired with the waiter in the restaurant, and only then did I find out that it was this person who spread the rumor that the young general of the Northern Army had offended Xie Chong and Xie Chong came to Fengcheng to kill people."

"Um, any more?"

Sun Guangmin nodded and asked.

"I also asked other customers in the restaurant, and only then did I know that this person was asking others about the recent situation of the Northern Army, and what the young commander is doing recently. This is obviously a spy, come to me in Fengcheng Inquiring about the military situation."

"Okay, Staff Officer Zhang, you did the right thing and caught you well. Let me ask you, who sent you here. If you tell the truth, you can be exempted from punishment, and I will spare your life and let you leave Fengcheng. If you don't tell the truth, you will be tortured."

When Sun Guangmin spoke, his eyes quickly locked on the pale-haired old man.

At this time, the old man's heart was also torn apart, he thought a lot, and began to hesitate and struggle, not knowing whether he should tell everything.

The old man's forehead began to sweat, all in cold sweat.

"Fine, I say, but will you keep me safe?"

The old man asked suddenly.

"Yes, this handsome always keeps his word."

After Sun Guangmin made a promise, the old man said: "I was recruited by the young master of the Marshal's Mansion, just to come to Fengcheng to inquire about you. If you say I am a spy, then I am."

"It's Sun Guangshou, I also guessed that it's almost inseparable. He told you to spread rumors last time, right?"

"Yes, the young master hired a killer to kill people in Fengcheng, and then asked me to spread rumors. I don't know what his purpose is, but I know he seems to be targeting you."

The old man's words became very frank.

"Okay, I understand, Staff Officer Zhang, tell him to leave Fengcheng, I will keep his word and spare his life."

"Thank you, Young Commander, for not killing me, and thank you, Jun Ye."

The old man said gratefully, and the fat Taoist glared at him: "Go away, let me see you off?"

The old man immediately ran out of the Young Marshal's Mansion, fearing that Sun Guangmin would regret it later.

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