Li Chengying was very sincere when he spoke, and his face was full of earnestness, which really touched people's hearts. People around him who were listening to him nodded their heads in agreement with what he said.

However, as the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, and the same is true when there are many people, there are all kinds of people. After hearing Li Chengying's words, some people did not immediately believe it, but still had some doubts.

"You mean to say that Li Sandao's wife, that is, your sister-in-law, committed suicide by that murderer named Jin Jing?"

A middle-aged uncle in the crowd immediately questioned him.

Li Chengying nodded sincerely: "Yes, it was the evil Jin Jing who did it. This evil has the power to confuse the mind. It was he who bewitched my sister-in-law to commit suicide. This matter has been investigated clearly, and you don't need to question it anymore. .”

The middle-aged uncle who questioned before, after listening to it, no longer questioned, but remained silent, and chose to believe that what Li Chengying said was true.

Among the crowd, a young man in his 20s asked loudly again: "Everyone said that your brother Li Sandao disappeared. Why did he die again? Where was the body found?"

After Sun Guangmin, who was standing not far away, heard everyone's questioning, he thought that it was necessary for these people to raise questions. After all, he made everything clear and dispelled their doubts. Things are good.

"My brother was indeed missing in the first place. It was captured by the murderer Jin Jing. Later, the young commander led the soldiers to hunt down the murderer. He entered a cave and found my brother's body. He was killed by the murderer Jin Jing." .”

The sincerity of Li Chengying's words revealed that most people believed his words, but there were exceptions. After listening to the young man who questioned just now, he questioned again:
"How do you know so clearly? Did you follow the young marshal to hunt down the murderer?"

"I didn't go there at the time, but I went later. I took back my brother's body myself, so I know the situation at that time. Now my brother's body is still in the yard of his house. If you don't believe me, you can go to Take a look."

Li Chengying's very sincere words moved everyone present, and the young man no longer questioned it.

A middle-aged aunt in the crowd called out: "Let me ask, I'm not questioning your words, I just want to ask, Li Sandao's son suddenly got a strange disease, what's going on?"

"This incident is actually related to the murderer Jin Jing. As I said before, Jin Jing can bewitch the mind. After he went to my brother's house, he used the power of bewitching to make my nephew Li Qingshan suddenly have a strange disease. , that's how it happened."

After Li Chengying answered very sincerely, the middle-aged aunt who asked the question before said again: "I don't have any doubts. Now that the matter is clear, we don't have to worry anymore. By the way, the murderer was caught, right? "

"The murderer has been shot dead by the young marshal. After all, it is a great disaster, and the young marshal can't leave him behind. The murderer's body has been cremated, and he will never harm everyone again."

Li Chengying explained it again, making the people around feel relaxed after listening to it. They are no longer like before, as long as they hear about Li Sandao's family, they will turn pale when they talk about it.

Sun Guangmin, who was standing by the side, was very satisfied after listening to Li Chengying's speech, and ordered in a low voice: "Commander Zhang, it's almost done, let Li Chengying and the others go to the north gate of the city to give another speech, and then let them go back."

"Yes, young marshal, this subordinate will make arrangements now." The fat Taoist immediately agreed.

Sun Guangmin walked into the city and returned to the Marshal's Mansion. It was already afternoon, and there was a celebration banquet in the evening. He wanted to go back to the mansion to explain.

Back at the Young Marshal's Mansion, Sun Guangmin found the butler, Lao Song, and told him about the celebration banquet, and asked him to arrange the banquet before dinner. Lao Song agreed, and immediately ordered the servants of the Young Marshal's Mansion to do it this matter.

Sun Guangmin looked at his pocket watch. There was still time. He felt a little tired after a busy day, so he went back to his room to take a rest.

As soon as he sat on the wicker chair and closed his eyes, a systematic voice sounded in his head: "Now the reputation of the Northern Army has skyrocketed, and the main mission to restore the reputation of the Northern Army has been completed. The Bodhidharma will be rewarded with a mantra for purifying the heart, and one hundred pieces of silver will be rewarded." Dragon chain chain armor."

Sun Guangmin felt very happy when he heard the system's voice, and finally completed the task. The secret script of the Bodhidharma Mantra and one hundred pieces of silver dragon lock chain armor appeared in Sun Guangmin's room in an instant.

Sun Guangmin quickly flicked his fingers and released some paper figurines, including General Xiang and General Xiao.

"Two generals, you take these chain armors first. We will continue to practice the art of war in two days, and the two generals will have to work hard then."

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