There were a few people standing in the yard. Hearing the cry, one person walked to the door and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"We belong to the Northern Army. We want to find Li Qingshan and Li Chengying. They should be at home, right?"

The fat Taoist asked immediately.

"They are all here, going through the funeral. I am a distant relative of Li Sandao, and I am here to mourn him this time."

The man responded, making the fat Taoist nod, and then said: "Go and call them out, just say that the young commander of the Northern Army is looking for them."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Fat Taoist and Fat Kui looked in the yard, and they saw a mourning hall in the yard, and there were two coffins, which should be the bodies of Li Sandao and his wife.

Soon, both Li Qingshan and Li Chengying came out of the house. When they reached the door, Li Chengying looked at the fat Taoist priest and asked, "Is the young commander looking for us? Has the murderer been found?"

The fat Taoist nodded: "Exactly, the murderer has been found, so the young commander asked me to come to you, you follow me."

"But, there is a funeral at home."

Li Chengying still hesitated.

"It's okay, you'll be back soon."

The fat Taoist's words dispelled Li Chengying's doubts, and said, "Okay, then we will go with you."

Li Chengying and Li Qingshan followed Fat Taoist and Fat Kui and left the house, walked to the mountain road, and then walked towards the mountain.

At this time, in the woods on the top of the mountain, Huang Ying took out the Langhao brush and talisman paper, and was drawing talismans on the talisman paper. She had drawn a total of fifteen talismans, but she hadn't stopped yet.

Sun Guangmin, Xiao Di and the others were watching all the time, and they didn't ask Huang Ying why she drew so many talismans. Everyone knew that it should be used when burning gold essence later.

Huang Ying didn't stop, and after drawing fifteen talismans, she continued to draw. When she had drawn a full twenty talismans, she put down the Langhao brush and said, "Okay, get ready to light the fire."

Sun Guangmin looked out of the woods and saw Fat Taoist, Fat Kui, Li Qingshan, Li Chengying and others approaching.

"Wait a minute, after letting them see the murderer, it won't be too late to burn it."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, Huang Ying, Xiaodi, Ruhua and others all looked out of the forest.

"Young commander, we are back."

After the fat Taoist yelled, he walked into the woods with the others.

"Young commander, I heard that the murderer has been caught, where is it?"

Li Chengying asked very respectfully.

"It's him, he's the murderer."

After Li Qingshan saw Sun Guangmin, he exclaimed.

"Don't talk nonsense, he is not the murderer, but the young commander of the Northern Army."

Li Chengying immediately reprimanded his nephew.

"His illness should be much better, right?"

After Sun Guangmin finished asking, Li Chengying responded immediately: "Thanks to the young marshal, and thanks to this Taoist nun, my nephew's illness is much better, and he is no longer as stupid as before."

"Well, that's good. The murderer is over there. He is dead. We chased him all the way to the ancient tomb before we caught him. The tragedy of your family is finally over, and it can be regarded as a comfort to the spirits of your brother and sister-in-law. .”

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, Li Chengying and Li Qingshan walked to Jin Jing's body and looked at Jin Jing.

"It's not the murderer, it looks different."

Li Qingshan called out immediately.

"This kind of evil spirit is called Jin Jing, and it can change its shape. Before, it turned into the appearance of the young commander of the Northern Army and went to Li Sandao's house to attack. That's why you misunderstood the young commander of the Northern Army as the murderer."

Huang Ying immediately explained, and after hearing this, Li Chengying and Li Qingshan were a little dubious.

"Lin Xiaobao, come out and confirm."

Sun Guangmin called out, and a soldier from the Northern Army stepped out, it was Lin Xiaobao.

"Have you seen him?"

Sun Guangmin pointed to Lin Xiaobao and said to Li Chengying and Li Qingshan.

At this time, Jin Jing's appearance was exactly that of Lin Xiaobao. Li Chengying and Li Qingshan looked at Jin Jing's face, and then at Lin Xiaobao's face, only to realize that they looked exactly the same.

"Is this your twin brother?"

Li Chengying asked suspiciously.

"I'm not a twin. That's not my twin brother, but my enemy. He killed my brother and killed many soldiers of the Northern Army. He became like me."

After Li Chengying and Li Qingshan listened, they nodded slightly, expressing their belief.

"Since the young commander-in-chief, Taoist aunt and this military master have all said so, then we believe it. Thank you young commander-in-chief, Taoist priest and everyone for destroying this evil spirit and avenging my brother's family."

Li Chengying said a very grateful sentence.

"Okay, the case is finally closed, and it's considered an end to my commander's concern, but it's not enough to just kill the murderer, and the body must be burned. You two, uncle and nephew, should watch here."

After Sun Guangmin finished speaking, Li Chengying responded: "I will follow your orders, and everything will be arranged by the young marshal."

"Okay, light the fire and burn the gold spirit's body."

After Sun Guangmin spoke, a soldier took out a fire pocket.

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