Jin Jing lay on the ground, and after eating some purple star poisonous moths, he returned to normal, and then said to everyone:
"You guessed it right, it is true that poison is used to fight poison. Many people know that I like to eat purple star poisonous moths, but they don't know why I eat this kind of insects. It is because I am poisoned, and I must eat purple star poisonous moths to detoxify. It’s helpless to eat it.”

Jin Jing was no longer in such pain as before, and it seemed that there was no problem at all, so Sun Guangmin said to the paper figurine soldiers: "Hold him, let's go on."

Two paper figurine Yin soldiers grabbed Jin Jing and pushed him forward. Jin Jing turned around and said, "Please everyone, pick up my wooden box. There are still some purple star poisonous moths left in it. I will have more to eat in the future." eat."

But everyone paid no attention to Jin Jing. After all, the purple star poisonous moth is poisonous, and after crawling out of the wooden box, it looks very disgusting. No one wants to reach out to grab the wooden box underground.

"Hurry up, you, you have to remember, you are a murderer, you are not here for vacation, who will serve you to eat bugs, if you want to eat, you can bear it."

Gao Laosan called out impatiently, and expressed the thoughts of many people. Everyone didn't want to care about Jin Jing anymore. Finally, everyone left the tomb, and no one picked up the wooden box on the ground.

Fat Kui looked at the signposts on the surrounding stone walls, and then shouted: "This way, there are signposts I carved on the tomb passage here."

Everyone walked over there, and on the way Huang Ying asked Sun Guangmin softly beside her, "What are you going to do with Jin Jing?"

"This kind of scourge should be executed, and let everyone in the city know that he is the chief culprit who caused the tragedy of Li Sandao's family."

Sun Guangmin said something softly, causing Huang Ying to nod slightly to show that she understood.

Everyone continued to walk along the tomb passage, and soon came to another tomb, where the bodies of Yan Xiao's father and grandfather appeared.

When Yan Xiao saw the elder's corpse, she immediately lay down on the corpse and started to cry. After a while, she turned her head and said, "Young commander, can you do me a favor?"

"You want me to help you take their bodies out?"

Sun Guangmin asked back.

"Well, that's exactly what it is."

"Okay, you take these two corpses."

Sun Guangmin issued an order to the soldiers around him. Two Northern Army soldiers lifted up Yan Xiao's father's body one after the other. The other two soldiers followed this method and lifted up Yan Xiao's grandfather's body.

Yan Xiao cried very sadly for a while, then pointed to Jin Jing and asked, "Tell me, why did you kill my father and my grandfather?"

Jin Jing kept drooping his head, not answering Yan Xiao's words, not even making a sound.

Yan Xiao was very emotional, and wanted to rush to fight Jin Jing, but was stopped by Gao Laosan.

"Don't mess around, this man is the murderer that the young marshal wants to catch, can you beat him if you want?"

Gao Laosan yelled at Yan Xiao loudly, making him calm down a little, and he was no longer so impulsive.

Fat Kui was checking the road signs on the four tomb passages, looked around, and then said to everyone: "There are road signs here, let's go this way."

Everyone looked over there, and sure enough, they saw the road sign on the stone wall.

The crowd immediately walked over there, all the way safe and sound, and soon walked out of a tomb door, and returned to the natural cave they had walked through before.

There was also the sound of rushing water nearby, and Yan Xiao felt even more sad when he saw the underground river next to him. His father and grandfather were killed in that river before.

Everyone continued on their way, and soon came to another secret door, passed through this secret door and returned to the cave, which is where everyone came from before.

However, everyone had just walked into the cave, and before they could stand still, Jin Jing fell to the ground again, rolling all over the ground in great pain, and made a sound like begging for mercy:
"Please do me a favor, give me the Violet Star poisonous moth, I'm about to get poisoned, please save me quickly."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, everyone didn't take the wooden box on the ground before, where can I find the purple star poisonous moth at this time?

"Be patient, wait until we go outside and find a way to get you some purple star poisonous moths."

Xiao Di spoke, but Jin Jing didn't buy it, and shouted again: "No, I'm about to die, hurry up and give me the purple star poisonous moth."

"It's just pretending this time. How could it happen so quickly? It's been less than half an hour since he ate the bug just now. It must be pretending."

Fat Kui cried out very angrily.

Everyone basically thought that Jin Jing was faking this time and playing tricks, so they ignored him.

Soon Jin Jing's body twitched, black blood spit out from his mouth, and he was already dying.

Only then did everyone see that Jin Jing was not pretending, but it was too late.

"I didn't expect the gold essence to be so weak, and it died of poison."

Ruhua sighed.

"This kind of poison, we can't save him."

The voice of the yellow warbler sounded.

"He deserved what he deserved, after all, he killed so many people."

Sun Guangmin spoke.

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