Jin Jing's laughing voice came: "Then since you said that, I can raise the conditions again. That's right, my meaning is very clear, that is, let you let me go."

"Don't dream, you have only one way to survive, and that is to release people immediately, otherwise you don't want to get out of here alive."

Xiao Di made a sound of righteous words.

"If you want to negotiate, I will accompany you to talk. Now that the negotiation is over, I just have this one condition. You retreat to the dark room and don't come out within 10 minutes. Hurry up, or I will kill Lin Xiaobao immediately."

The Jin Jing's very ferocious voice resounded, like the roar of a desperate beast.

Everyone fell silent, not knowing what to do. Many people were waiting for Sun Guangmin to answer, but at this time Sun Guangmin was thinking about the current countermeasures and did not speak.

After a while, Sun Guangmin thought it over clearly, and said, "Okay, Jin Jing, I promise you, we will retreat to the dark room in a while, and you take Lin Xiaobao away, but you have to promise me not to hurt Lin Xiaobao."

"Don't worry about this, hurry up and retreat now."

Jin Jing urged very anxiously.

"Let's go, go down first."

As he spoke, Sun Guangmin turned on the flashlight and took photos for everyone, and then they climbed down the ladder.

Huang Ying reminded with some concern: "Is this possible? You shouldn't have promised Jin Jing."


Sun Guangmin responded softly.

Then Sun Guangmin said softly: "Two generals, go and block the tomb passage, otherwise Jin Jing will escape."

General Xiang and General Xiao immediately walked out of the main tomb and walked into the tomb passage. At this time, Jin Jing didn't poke out his head from the hole to look down, but only heard the voice:

"Hurry up and go, all go into the dark room, don't come out without my order, leave the ladder behind."

After Jin Jing finished speaking, Sun Guangmin waved to everyone, and everyone immediately walked into the dark room opposite the hole, but the ladder built by the paper figurine was still there.

As soon as Sun Guangmin walked to the door of the dark room, he looked back and saw that Jin Jing had poked his head out of the hole, but he was still hiding behind Lin Xiaobao.

Jin Jing looked down and shouted loudly: "Very well, I saw you, you all went in, don't come out when you go into the dark room, and also turn off the lights."

Sun Guangmin did as he did, and immediately turned off the flashlight, making the surroundings completely dark.

"Very good, it's very good for you to do this, I won't hurt Lin Xiaobao anymore, don't come out, let alone think about sneak attack, otherwise I will kill Lin Xiaobao immediately."

When Jin Jing was speaking, he pushed Lin Xiaobao and let him jump onto the ladder below the hole.

Although Lin Xiaobao's upper body was tied with a rope, his two legs could move freely. After being pushed down by Jin Jing, he slowly climbed down.

But Jin Jing watched very closely, afraid that Lin Xiaobao would run away, and when he reached the ground, he grabbed Lin Xiaobao tightly and pushed Lin Xiaobao to the outside of the main tomb.

Surrounded by darkness, Jin Jing could see the situation ahead, but Lin Xiaobao couldn't see anything. He also knew that there was no rescuer around him, and he wanted to run but didn't know where to run, so he had to let Jin Jing run. Push forward.

In the darkroom, Huang Ying asked anxiously, "What shall we do next?"

"After they enter the tomb, let's catch up quickly. There are two generals blocking them, and we can catch up."

Sun Guangmin responded softly, and at the same time poked his head out of the dark room to observe Jin Jing's every move.

At this time, Jin Jing had already pushed Lin Xiaobao out of the main tomb and walked into the tomb passage.

"Jin Jing, I have done everything I need to do, should you let him go?"

Sun Guangmin yelled towards the tomb passage.

"I can't release him yet, just wait, I will be released later when I am safe."

Jin Jing's voice came from inside the tomb passage, which made Fat Kui very angry when he heard it, and shouted: "Jin Jing, don't try to play tricks."

Fat Kui's voice was very loud, and in such a quiet environment, it could definitely reach Jin Jing's ears, but after hearing this, Jin Jing didn't reply, but grabbed Lin Xiaobao and walked forward quickly.

Sun Guangmin kept counting the time, and when he felt that it was almost time, he said to the people around him, "Go, let's chase after him."

Everyone acted one after another, quickly walked out of the dark room, and then walked towards the tomb. Company Commander Zhao walked to the ladder built by the paper figurine ghost soldiers, and reminded: "We are leaving."

Those paper figurine soldiers came down one after another, and walked towards the inside of the tomb.

Soon, everyone left the main tomb and came to the tomb passage. Sun Guangmin did not turn on the flashlight to prevent the Jin Jing in front of him from discovering it.

But even in the dark, everyone walked very fast, and everyone understood that this round of chasing and intercepting Jin Jing should be regarded as an excellent opportunity to save Lin Xiaobao.

If this opportunity is not grasped well, it will be very difficult to save Lin Xiaobao.

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