Sun Guangmin was silent for a while, and then said softly: "I have an intuition that Jin Jing has not left, he is near us."

"But where is the Gold Essence? Has he become air, and we cannot see him at all?"

Fat Kui asked anxiously.

At this time, everyone was silent, and everyone was puzzled, but there was no answer for the time being.

"Help me."

A low cry for help came suddenly. Although the sound was very small, because Sun Guangmin and others were in a very quiet environment, many people heard the call for help.

"Listen, someone is calling for help."

Huang Ying quickly reminded everyone.

"Help me."

The cry for help came again, this time louder and more panicked.

"It's Lin Xiaobao's voice, he's nearby."

Company Commander Zhao suddenly said something.

"Over there, I can hear it, the voice is coming from over there."

A soldier pointed to the place on the upper right of the crowd, and Sun Guangmin quickly took a flashlight to shine on it, and only then did he discover the clue.

It turned out that on the stone wall over there, there was a hole about five meters above the ground, which was not discovered by everyone before, and many people heard it. The cry for help just now came from the hole above. of.

"Oh, so there, we finally found the Gold Essence."

Fat Kui laughed happily.

Sun Guangmin had already shined on the hole with a flashlight, but he couldn't see the situation inside. Looking from the ground, he couldn't see the golden essence inside the hole.

"Jin Jing, listen carefully, we have found you, it is useless to hide any longer, come out quickly."

Sun Guangmin yelled loudly towards the hole above.

However, Jin Jing's voice did not come from inside the hole, it was very quiet there, even Lin Xiaobao's cry for help did not come out again.

Sun Guangmin took photos of the stone wall below the hole. There are a few slightly recessed places that can be climbed by stepping on, but it will be very difficult to climb up.

"How did this golden spirit climb up?"

Fat Kui asked very suspiciously.

"Yes, and I have to take Lin Xiaobao to climb to such a high place."

Ruhua raised her head, looked towards the hole, and asked in agreement.

Sun Guangmin had already figured it out, so he said:

"Jin Jing is very familiar with this place. He must have been here before. It is still possible for a person to climb up with bare hands, and then a rope hangs down. Then Jin Jing tied Lin Xiaobao behind him, grabbed the rope with his hands, and stepped on the indentation place, and climbed up."

Everyone nodded, feeling that Sun Guangmin's analysis made sense.

"This golden spirit regards Lin Xiaobao as the last amulet, and won't let go no matter what."

Xiaodi said with some resentment.

"Jin Jing, are you still a coward? Come out quickly."

Fat Kui yelled towards the hole above.

I thought that this time I could make Jin Jing talk, but I didn't expect that it was still very quiet up there, and no sound came out.

"It must be more strenuous for us to climb up one by one. Let's use the old method to build a ladder. We used it when we were in the tomb under the sea."

The Four Ghosts of the Yin Mountain and those soldiers were at a loss as to how to build a human ladder. After all, none of them had ever been to the underwater tomb, and among all the people here, only Sun Guangmin, Huang Ying, and the paper figurine Yin soldiers knew how to build a human ladder. What's up with the ladder.

Sun Guangmin flicked his fingers and released some paper figurines. After General Xiang and General Xiao appeared, they both asked at the same time, "What's your order?"

"Do you still remember how to build a ladder in the underwater tomb?"

When Sun Guangmin asked, General Xiang recalled a bit, and said: "The general remembers that there was a hanging coffin in the sky at that time, and we couldn't open it, so we used paper figurines to build a ladder, and everyone climbed up."

Sun Guangmin nodded slightly: "Well, now we need to build a human ladder, and Jin Jing is on it."

"Okay, the general will arrange for the paper figurine Yin soldiers to build a human ladder."

After General Xiang agreed, he and General Xiao organized those paper figurine soldiers, and quickly built a pyramid-shaped human ladder, the height of which was just enough to reach the hole above.

"Don't come up, or I will be rude to Lin Xiaobao."

That very coquettish voice suddenly came from inside the hole, it was the voice of Jin Jing.

At this time, Sun Guangmin understood that, as everyone had guessed before, Jin Jing had already taken Lin Xiaobao into the hole above.

"Jin Jing, let me advise you, let him go quickly, and be careful that we are not polite to you."

Fat Kui shouted arrogantly.

"Don't act rashly. The hostage is in my hands. If you dare to come up, I will kill him immediately."

Again the voice of the gold-spirit came from the upper hole.

Sun Guangmin and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little embarrassed. Everyone understood that rescuing the hostages was the most important thing.

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